Return to MISCELLANY |
In the century following John Stow's death, the London that Stow knew, and that he had written about in his Survay, had been dramatically altered. Its expansive growth had been impacted by the civil wars of 1642-1660 and by the devastation wrought by the Great Fire of 1666, which necessitated a large-scale rebuilding of the City. These changes made an updating of the Survey highly desirable. In 1720 John Strype published a hugely expanded version of Stow's Survey. |
Written at first in the Year MDXCVIII. By JOHN STOW, Citizen and Native of London. Since Reprinted and Augmented by the AUTHOR; And afterwards by A.M. H.D. and others. NOW LASTLY, Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged: And the SURVEY and HISTORY brought down from the Year 1633, (being near Fourscore Years since it was last printed) to the present Time; By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. a Native also of the said CITY. LONDON: Printed for A.CHURCHILL, J.KNAPTON, R.KNAPLOCK, J.WALTHOE, E.HORNE, B.TOOKE, D.MIDWINTER, B.COWSE, R.ROBINSON, and T.WARD. MDCCXX. |
[p.27] |
And now for the present State of this Ward of the Borough of Southwark. |
The present State of this Ward. |
No Part of London, or the Suburbs (quantity of Ground considered) is more populous than the
Borough of Southwark and Parts adjacent. And from an actual Survey thereof shall now an
Account be given, of the various Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts and Places as now stand built and
Inhabited. And in this shall be included all those Places which lie between London Bridge
Westward, and the Parish of Lambeth: And from London Bridge Eastward unto Rotherhithe,
which (tho' out of the Ward) shall be included. And from London Bridge Southwards, unto
Newington Parish, taking in all the Streets, Lanes, Alleys and Courts on both sides, Westwards
and Eastwards, so far as the Buildings extend, which is in the least three Miles in length, and
above one in breadth. Within which extent are these Places following. |
R. B. |
First, Southwards from London Bridge. The BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK, or Long Southwark, reaching to St. Margarets Hill. St. MARGARETS HILL extending to St. George's Church. BLACKMAN STREET from St. George's Church to Newington. |
Westward from London Bridge. STONY STREET, running from the Thames, unto Deadmans place. COUNTER STREET, reaching Southwards from Deadmans place to St. Margaret's Hill. FOULE LANE, lying between the Borough and St. Saviours Dock. DEADMANS PLACE extending from the East end of Bank end to Counter Lane. |
All these following new Streets made out of Winchester Park, seated betwixt the River of Thames
on the North, St. Georges Fields on the South, and Gravel Lane on the West, viz. RED CROSS
GRAVEL LANE reacheth from the Thames to St. Georges Fields. The UPPER GROUND, between which and the Thames are divers Timber Yards and Wharfs. Between Gravel Lane on the East, Angel Street on the West, the Thames on the North, and St. Georges Fields on the South, are these new built Streets and Passages, viz. BENNETS STREET GREEN WALK, and ANGEL STREET. |
Eastwards from London Bridge are, St. OLAVES or TOOLIES STREET, extending to Horsleydown, betwixt which and the River Thames are these Places, viz. MILL LANE, MORGAN LANE, GREEN BANK, STONY LANE, VINE YARD, and WEAVERS LANE. On the South side of St. Olaves Street are, The MAZE or MAZE POND, PARIS STREET. From the middle of St. Olave Street Southerly, from St. Georges Church Easterly, are two fair Streets, which both meet together at St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey, viz. BARNABY STREET South from St. Olaves Street, and LONG LANE East from St. Georges Church. And Southerly from St. Georges Church is KENT STREET. |
From the East end of St. Olaves Street runneth South East Horsley down unto FAIR STREET;
which extends itself to Five Foot Lane, almost to the Head of St. Saviours Dock, and between
Horsley down, Fair street, and the Thames, are these Places, viz. FREEMANS LANE, HORSLEY
SCHOOL LANE. Then from about the middle of Barnaby street is CRUCIFIX LANE, extending Eastwards unto ROPER LANE, which runs Southerly unto FIVE FOOT LANE, and that leads to the Head of S. SAVIOURS DOCK. |
Again along the River of Thames, betwixt Lambeth and Rotherhithe are several Publick Stairs, or
Landing Places, beginning Westward, viz. Lambeth Bridge, Stand gate or Sun gate, Cupids
Stairs, Old Bargehouse, Bull Stairs, Marigold Stairs, Paris Garden Stairs, Falcon Stairs, Bank end,
S. Saviours Stairs, Pepper Alley Stairs.
Stairs or Landing Places. |
Then Eastward from London Bridge are Toolies Stairs, Battaile Bridge Stairs, Pickle Herring
Stairs, Still Stairs, Old Stairs, New Stairs, Savoy Mill Stairs, East Stairs, Mill Stairs, Rotherhithe
Stairs, Cherry Garden Stairs, Elephant Stairs. |
In this long Tract of Ground there are, in the Borough of Southwark, generally so called, these
Parishes, viz. S. Saviours Southwark, S. Georges, S. Thomas, S. Olaves, and S. Mary Magdalen
Bermondsey. Then on the West side, the Parishes of Christ Church and Lambeth: On the South
side the Parish of Newington: and on the East side the Parish of Rotherhithe. To speak of these
in their order.
Parishes. | |||
This Parish, of all the rest of the Borough, is the largest, the best built and Inhabited, being well
resorted unto, especially the two high Streets, viz. the Borough and St. Margarets Hill. As to the
description of this Parish, I shall begin at the Bankside next the Falcon Westwards. |
St. Saviour's Southwark Parish. |
The BANKSIDE is very long, running Eastwards unto Deadmans Place; and is a Row of
Buildings on the South side fronting the River of Thames, which affords a pleasant Prospect and
a Walk by the River side, yet it is a Place not over well built, or Inhabited, except by some few
Dyers there seated for the Conveniency of the Water. In this Place called the Bankside, are divers
Courts, and Alleys, and Places of Name, most of which have a Passage into Maiden Lane, as
PARIS GARDEN, or PALLACE GARDEN LANE, very narrow, and runs to the Water side.
Where there is a pair of Stairs, a place chiefly Inhabited by Watermen. In this Lane is GRAVES
COURT consisting of small Houses. GEORGE YARD very ordinary, but large and open having
Gardens to the Houses. CLERKS ALLEY, being only a passage to the Water side, and without
Inhabitants. STEYREYS BREWHOUSE, a large Yard newly built and Inhabited; adjoyning to
this Brewhouse is CHAPMANS YARD, large and open, but very ordinary both for Buildings and
Inhabitants. MEDHOUSES ALLEY runs to the Water side very narrow, with two or three
ordinary Houses in it. BROWNS YARD graced with one new long Brick House at the upper end.
COCKPITT YARD, with narrow Passages falls into Gravel Lane, having in it only two Glass
Houses. LOVE LANE hath a narrow Passage to the Thames, hath one side taken up by a
Carpenter's Yard, and the other by small Houses. MOULSTRED DOCK hath a Passage to the
River for a Cart. PYE GARDEN ALLEY falls into Maiden Lane, having several
The Bankside.
Paris Garden Lane. Graves Court. Clerks Alley. Steyrey's Brewhouse. Chapman's Yard. Medhouses Alley. Browns Yard. Cockpit Yard. Love Lane. Moulstred Dock. Pye Garden Alley. |
[p.28] |
Branches and turning Passages all sorrily built, and Inhabited. On the West Side of this Alley,
is a large Tract of Ground which goes by the name of PYE GARDEN. MOSES ALLEY, a through Fair into
Maiden Lane. In it are several Turnings, and Courts very meanly Built and Inhabited, all bearing the
same name. KINGS ARMS COURT hath pretty good Timber Houses, with a small Passage into Moses Alley, and
another into Cardinals Cap Alley. CROWN ALLEY very narrow and sorrily Built and Inhabited. CARDINALS CAP
ALLEY, hath a very narrow Entrance, meanly Built and Inhabited. BOARES HEAD ALLEY pretty open, but
very ordinary. CROWN COURT, small containing about three mean Houses, or rather Cottages.
Pye Garden.
Moses Alley. Kings Arms Court. Crown Alley. Cardinal's Cap Alley. Boars Head Alley. Crown Court. |
THAMES STREET, a pretty clean and open Place, with low Buildings, chiefly Inhabited by
Watermen, hath a Passage into Maiden Lane. Here is a little square Court without a name,
containing three sorry Houses. BEAR ALLEY runs into Maiden Lane. Here is a Glass House, and
about the middle is a new built Court well Inhabited called BEAR GARDEN SQUARE: so called
as Built in the Place where the Bear Garden formerly stood, until removed to the other side of the
Water: Which is more convenient for the Butchers and such like, who are taken with such
rustick Sports as the baiting of Bears and Bulls. BLACK LYON COURT, a little square Place with
about ten Houses indifferently well Built and Inhabited. ROSE ALLEY, hath a narrow Passage at
the entrance, with Houses only on one side, which are indifferent good; and gives a Passage out
of Maiden Lane. |
Thames Street
Bear Alley. Bear Garden Square. Black Lyon Court. Rose Alley. |
MERCERS STREET newly built, with pretty compact Houses, reasonable well Inhabited, the
South End falls into Maiden Lane, and the other End into HORSESHOE ALLEY. ELEPHANT
ALLEY, a narrow dirty Passage into Maiden Lane, having only a Brewhouse in it. |
Mercers Street
Horseshoe Alley Elephant Alley. |
MAIDEN LANE, a long straggling Place with Ditches on each side the Passage to the Houses
being over little Bridges, with little Garden Plotts before them, especially on the North side which
is the best both for Houses and Inhabitants; this Lane begins at Deadmans Place, and runs
Westwards into GravellLane;
which is a good Airy Place, having divers well built Houses, with
pretty Gardens unto them, which occasions the Place to be well Inhabited; especially the West
side: It begins at the Faulcon, and runs Northwards into St. Georges Fields, by reason of which it
is a great through Fare, especially in the Summer Season, by the Citizens for their Diversion in
the Fields and entertaining Houses. In this Maiden Lane is FOUNTAINE ALLEY which falls into
Castlestreet, where it is indifferently well built and Inhabited, being Airy, with Gardens to the
Houses, and Northwards it falls into Maiden Lane. More towards Gravell Lane is BANDY LEG
WALK, a large through Fare into the Parke amongst Gardens, passing through Queenstreet into
Bennets Rents. |
Maiden Lane.
Gravel Lane. Fountain Alley. Bandyleg Walk |
DEADMANS PLACE, a long, dirty stragling Street, of no great Account for Buildings or
Inhabitants; It may be reckoned to begin at NewRents,
and severing Counter street from Stoney
street passeth by College Churchyard, and then turning Northwards by Red Cross street runs to
the Thames where it is broad. In this Place is GLOBE ALLEY; long and narrow, and but meanly
built; hath a Passage into Maiden Lane. Also COCK ALLEY, hath a narrow Entrance, and is but
mean and ordinary. SUN COURT, small and very mean. Near to this Court is a little Alley
without a Name, which hath a turning Passage into Maiden Lane. NAKED BOY ALLEY, pretty
open, and indifferently well Built and Inhabited. St. JOHNS COURT, containing a few old built
Houses. |
Deadmans Place.
Globe Alley. Cock Alley. Sun Court. St. Johns Court. |
CLINK STREET begins at Deadmans Place, and runs to St. Mary Overies Dock, a straggling
Place, indifferently Inhabited. Here is the Prison so called, belonging to the Liberty of the Bishop
of Winchester called the Clink Liberty; where he had his House to reside in, when he came to
London, but at present disused, and very ruinous; and the Prison of little or no concern.
Adjoyning to this Clink was formerly a large House belonging to the Bishop of Rochester, and
before him to the Abbot of Naverly, long since disused.
Clink Street.
Clink Liberty. Bishop of Rochesters House. |
In this Street are these Places, PIKE YARD, very bad, containing two or three old Houses fit for
the Reception of Beggers. CLINK YARD, a pretty open Place, indifferently Inhabited. St. MARY
OVERIES DOCK, very considerable for the landing, and unloading of Goods, and likewise of
Account for the Coal Trade, and being so resorted unto by Carts and Cars, makes the Place dirty,
incumbred, and so not well Inhabited. STONY STREET begins at Counter street end, and runs to
St. Mary Overies Stairs, a pretty long Street, indifferently well Built and Inhabited, with a Glass
House in it. GEORGE ALLEY, narrow and very mean, hath a Passage into Deadman's Place, and
WINCHESTER YARD, a long square Place pretty well built, hath three out lets, one into Stony
street, another into St. Mary Overies Dock, and the third into another Part of Stony street. |
Pike Yard.
St. Mary Overies Dock. Stony Street. George Alley. Winchester Yard. |
COUNTER STREET, both dirty and ordinary, falls into St. Margarets Hill by the Court House,
where the Justices of the Peace have their Meetings; which is a good handsome Building fronting
St. Margarets Hill; and here the Admiralty Court is usually kept, for the Tryal of Seamen; and on
the Place where this House for the Justices stands, as also where the Counter Prison for
Southwark is, was the Church of St. Margarets, and when thus converted to other Uses the
Parish was joyned to that of St. Mary Overies. |
Counter Street.
Court House. Admiralty Court. |
In this Street are these Places, SAINTS ALLEY, hath a narrow Passage, and at the upper End
there is a small Court or two, all ordinary Buildings. MAILINGS BREWHOUSE. COUNTER
ALLEY, hath a small Passage to the Borough. COLLEGE YARD, but mean, its Houses being old
and rotten; it hath several Turnings, and falls into COLLEGE YARD a large Plot of Ground. |
Mailings Brewhouse.
College Yard. Parishes. |
RED LYON STREET, new Built, and well Inhabited, hath a Passage into the Borough.
GREENMANS ALLEY, a small Place, and very meanly Built and Inhabited. |
Red Lyon Street.
Greenmans-Alley. |
NEW RENTS goes from Counter street to St. Mary Overies Dock, a Street of pretty good Account,
indifferent large and square with well Built and Inhabited Houses, having Trees before the
Doors, which renders it pleasant; the Entrances into the Street and into the Borough are but
narrow. FOUL LANE hath a Passage into the Borough, is well built and Inhabited. ROCHESTER
YARD, so called for the Bishop of Rochester's House formerly there standing, it is a sorry Place
with old Houses, having a Passage into Deadmans Place. ANGELL YARD, indifferently well
Inhabited. GLASS HOUSE YARD, a mean Place, goes to the Glass House, and thence with a
turning Passage into Rochester Yard. |
New Rents.
Foul Lane. Rochester Yard Angel Yard. Glass house Yard. |
St. Mary Overies
Church. |
A large Structure, with a lofty towred Steeple, in which is a fine Ring of Bells: This Church is
seated within a spacious Churchyard, in which are good |
[p.29] |
Buildings well Inhabited. Here are two Passages into the Borough through two Gates, the one
called Chaine Gate, and the other Churchyard Gate. MONTAGUE CLOSE, a Place with several
Turnings, one into Pepper Alley, and thence into the Borough, and another into New Rents. And
next the Thames is a Wharfe for the Landing of Corn, and other Goods; the Houses are ancient,
but indifferent good, and well Inhabited. GERMANS YARD, goes out of Montague Close, and so
into Green Yard, both Places are pretty well built, and Inhabited. |
Montague Close.
Germans Yard. Green Yard. |
REDCROSS STREET, begins at Deadmans Place, and runs Southward to Faulcon Court, which
gives a Passage into St. Margarets Hill; It is a handsome, clean, and open Street, pretty well built
and Inhabited. In this Street is ANGEL COURT which is large, well Built, and Inhabited.
Redcross Street. | |||
WHITECROSS STREET runs from Queen street to the Mint, a pretty clean Street, but ordinary
Built and Inhabited.
Whitecross Street. | |||
QUEEN STREET runs Westwards from Redcross street to Pepper street, receives Whtecross
street, and Worcester street, and crost by Bandy Leg Walk; It is a clean, and open Street, with
good built Houses: at the upper end of the Street next to Pepper street is a pretty Bowling Alley.
Queen Street. | |||
WORCESTER STREET lies between Queen street and Castle street; a pretty open and streight
Street, indifferently well Built, and Inhabited.
Worcester Street. | |||
CASTLE STREET, much the same as Worcester Street, with new Buildings pretty well Inhabited;
It comes out of Redcross street, and falls into Fountain Alley.
Castle Street. | |||
BANDY LEG WALK, very long, comes out of Maiden Lane, crosses Queen street and falls into
Bennets Rents.
Bandyleg Walk | |||
PEPPER STREET, separates Queen street from Dukes street. |
Pepper Street. | |||
EWERS STREET, comes out of Gravel Lane, and with a turning Passage falls into Duke street,
and Queen street, a clean handsome Street pretty well Built and Inhabited.
Ewers Street. | |||
DUKE STREET, falls into Gravell Lane, also a handsome open Street, well Built, and pretty well
Inhabited; out of this Street is PAVIERS ALLEY, only a Throughfare to Lowmans Pond, so called
as dug at his Charges, out of a large Peece of Ground: All these Streets, to wit, Ewers street, Duke
street, Pepper street, Bandy Leg Walk, Queen street, Whitecross street, Worcester street, Castle
street, and Recross street, with some others in the Parish of St. George's, are built in the Tract of
Ground called Winchester Park, as anciently belonging to the Bishops of Winchester, who had
their London Seat there. |
Duke Street.
Paviers Alley. Lowmans Pond |
Thus having mentioned the out Parts of this large Parish, I shall now come to the Borough being
of the most Account, and what was the Ward of Bridge without. |
The Borough of Southwark is of a very considerable Trade, and the rather as being so great a
Throughfare out of Kent, and Sussex, into London; which makes it to be very well Inhabited by
Tradesmen of repute, with Buildings answerable. It takes its beginning from London Bridge, and
falls into St. Margarets Hill, which is a spacious Street, and likewise well Inhabited and traded
unto, especially the East side; the West side of the Borough being generally taken up by
Butchers, there being a good Shambles. And in this Part the Market is kept in the Street. The
Courts and Alleys are many; I shall begin with those on the West side, and first towards the
Bridge is PEPPER ALLEY, a narrow, ordinary Place both as to Buildings and Inhabitants; it hath
a turning Passage into Montague Close, and another to the Water side, where there is a Pair of
Stairs so called, much frequented by Watermen. GREEN DRAGON COURT, hath a Passage into
Foul Lane, pretty well Built, and Inhabited. CHAINE GATE, a fine open Place, well Built and
Inhabited. FRYING PAN ALLEY a Throughfare into Green Dragon Court, a small Place, but
indifferent good. THREE CROWN COURT spoken of in New Rents. AXE and BOTTLE YARD
leads into Long Lane; in the middle is a pretty Square with Trees before the Houses, which are
well Built and Inhabited. NAGS HEAD ALLEY, hath old sorry Buildings, with Inhabitants
answerable. The SPUR INN pretty well resorted unto by Waggons. CHRISTOPHERS YARD,
pretty open, but sorrily Built and Inhabited. WINDMILL ALLEY, hath a datk Entrance and
narrow within, but poorly Inhabited, and very ordinary Buildings. THREE TUN ALLEY, small
and narrow containing three or four ordinary Houses. QUEENSHEAD INN, large and well
resorted unto. TALBOT INN, pretty compact and resorted unto by Coaches and Waggons.
GEORGE INN very large, and of a considerable Trade. THREE CRANE YARD, small, but pretty
well Built, and Inhabited. WHITE HART INN, very large, and of a considerable Trade, being
esteemed one of the best Inns in Southwark. KINGSHEAD INN, well built and handsome, and
enjoys a good Trade. St. THOMAS HOSPITAL, much improved of late Years since the
Rebuilding. Of this Hospital see more in the first Book. BLACK SWAN ALLEY, small but
indifferent Built, and Inhabited. SHIP INN, but small, and chiefly resorted unto by Higlers.
BOARS HEAD INN also but small. The DARK ENTRY, now shut up I suppose to be new Built,
HESTERS YARD, containing but one House which is a Sugarbakers. CHECKER ALLEY, small,
but pretty well Built and Inhabited. St. MARGARETS HILL, a spacious Street as aforesaid, runs
up to St Georges Church, on the West side are these Places BELL YARD, a pretty long Place, with
Houses on both sides, and at the upper End Livery Stables. FISHMONGERS ALLEY hath a
Turning into Redcross street, with several Branches and Passages into the Park; It is long and
narrow, and but indifferently Built and Inhabited. GOAT YARD, hath several little Courts within
it all old Buildings, and meanly Inhabited. The West of this Street unto St. Georges Church is in
St. Georges Parish. |
Borough of Southwark.
Pepper Alley. Green Dragon Court. Chain Gate. Fryingpan Alley Three Crown Court. Axe and Bottle Yard. Nags head Alley. Spur Inn. Christophers Yard. Windmil Alley. Three Tun Alley. Queens Head Inn. Talbot Inn. George Inn. Three Crane Yard. White Hart Inn. Kings Head Inn. St. Thomas Hospital. Black Swan Alley. Ship Inn. Boars Head Inn. The Dark Entry. Hesters Yard. Checker Alley. St. Margarets Hill. Bell Yard. FishmongersAlley. Goat Yard. |