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      A single broadside sheet in three columns [STC (2nd ed.) 22945.5],     
printed in 1613 by John Beale.
Text adapted from the EEBO-TCP transcription.
EEBO document image.

St. Saiuour of Southvvarke.

A rate of duties belonging to the Corporation of the Churchwardens of the parish of St. Sauiour of Southwarke, in the county of Surrye, aswell in the right of the said Corporation, as also in respect of their title to the Rectory of the said Parish, agreed vpon by the generall consent of the whole vestry, and confirmed by the Ordinary of this place, in Anno Domini 1613.  As followeth, Viz.

Mariages with licence.

Imprimis, It is ordered and agreed that the Churchwardens shal haue for euery couple that shal bee married with licence―viij.d
And for the seruice of a Minister―iij.s
And for the seruice of a Clarke―xiiij.d
And for the seruice of a Sexton―vj.d
Summe v.s. iiii.d.

Marriages without licence.

Item that euery couple married without licence in the accustomed time of marriage shall pay to the Churchwardens―iiij.d
Item for the seruice of a Minister―xiiij.d
Item for the seruice of a Clarke―viij.d
Item for the seruice of a Sexton―iiij.d
Summe ij.s vj.d.

Marriages without licence at extraordinary times.

Item euery couple married at extraordinary times shall pay to the Churchwardens―vj.d
For the seruice of a minister―xx.d
And for the seruice of a clarke―x.d
And for the seruice of a sexton―iiij.d
Summe iij.s. iiij.d.

Offerings at weddings.

Item that the Churchwardens shal haue for euery offering―xij.d
And for the Minister―nihil
And for the Clarke―nihil
And for the Sexton―ij.d
And for the conductor―ij.d
Summe xvj.d.

Marriage of women out of the Parish.

For those women that shal be married out of the parish and did dwell in the parish the Churchwardens shall haue―as aboue said.
For the seruice of a minister as aboue said
For the seruice of a clarke―as aboue said
For the seruice of a sexton―as aboue said

Certificat of banes asked.

The Churchwardens shall haue for the seruice of a minister for euery certificat. he shall make of the bands asked―xij.d


For euery Chrisam the Churchwardens shall haue―j.d


Item that the Churchwardens shall haue at euery Churching―v.d
And for the seruice of a Minister―ij.d
And for the seruice of a clarke―ij.d
And for the seruice of a Sexton―nihil

Burials in the Church.

Item that the Churchwardens shall haue for the ground for euery man or woman that shall bee buried in the church, with an afternoones knell, or without it―xx.s
And for the best blacke cloth―xij.d
And for the second blacke cloth―viij.d
And for the third hearsecloth―iiij.d
And for the worst cloth―ij.d
And for the seruice of a Minister if he fetch the corps―xvi.d
But if he fetch not the corps―viij.d
And for the seruice of a Clarke if he fetch the corps―xii.d
If he fetch it not―vi.d
And for the seruice of a Sexton if he fetch the corps―viii.d
If he fetch not the corps―iiii.d
The grauemaker―xvi.d
The conducter―iiii.d
The foure bearers whether they beare the corps or not, so they giue attendance―xvi.d

Burials in the Chauncel.

Item for the ground for euery man or woman buried in the chauncell with a knel, or without, the churchwardens shall haue―xxvi.s. viii.d
And for the seruices of a Minister and rest of the officers as abouesaid.

Burials of strangers.

Item for the burial of strangers the Churchwardens shall haue double duties, and euery other officer double also.

Burials of children in the Church.

Item for euery childe buried in the Church being vnder the age of twelue yeeres, the churchwardens shall haue―vi.s. viii.d
In the chauncell―x.s
For the seruice of a Minister if he fetch the corps―xii.d
If he fetch it not―viii.d
For the seruice of a clarke if he fetch the corps―viii.d
If he fetch it not―vi.d
For the seruice of a sexton if he fetch the corps―vi.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
The grauemaker―xii.d
For such as shall die in this parish and be buried in an other parish, shall be paid such like duties to this parish, as if hee or she had been buried here in like manner.

Burials in any Churchyard next the Church.

Item the Churchwardens shal haue for the ground for euery man or woman that shall bee buried with a coffin in any churchyard next the church―ii.s
Without a coffin―xvi.d
For the seruice of a Minister if he fetch the corps.―xii.d
If he fetch not the corps―viii.d
For the seruice of a clarke if he fetch the corps―viii.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
For the seruice of a Sexton if he fetch the corps.―vi.d
It he fecth it not―iiii.d
The grauemaker if there be a coffin.―viii.d
If no coffin―iiii.d
The foure bearers as afore said.
For the clothes as aforesaid.

Burials of a childe in either of the said Churchyards next the Church.

For the ground buried with a coffin.―viii.d
Without a coffin―iiii.d
For the ministers seruice if he fetch the corps.―viii.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
For the clarkes seruise if he fetch the corps―viii.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
For the Sextons seruice if he fetch the corps―iiii.d
If he fetch it not.―ii.d
The grauemaker if there be a coffin―iiii.d
If no coffin―ii.d

Burials in the Colledge Churchyard of man or woman.

For the ground if there be a coffin.―xii.d
If no coffin―viii.d
For the Ministers seruice if he fetch the corps.―xii.d
If he fetch it not―viii.d
For the Clarkes seruice if he fetch the corps.―viii.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
For the Sextons seruice if he fetch the corps―vi.d
If he fetch it not―iiii.d
The grauemaker if there be a coffin―viii.d
If no coffin―iiii.d
The foure bearers as aforesaid.
For the cloathes as aforesaid.

Burials in the Colledge Churchyard of a childe.

For the ground if there be a coffin―iiii.d
If no coffin―ii.d
For the Ministers seruice and other officers as aforesaid in the other Churchyards.

The Churchwardens duties for the Bels.

For an afternoones knell with the great Bell, if the party bee not buried in the Church.―iiii.s
For an houres knel with the Lady bell―[blank]
For an houres knel with a lesser bell viii.d
To the Sexton for an afternoones knel with the great bell iiii.s
For an houres knell with the Lady bell―[blank]
For an houres knell with a lesser bel iiii.d
For the passing bell if it be with the great Bell―xii.d
With the Lady bell―viii.d
With the lesser Bell―iiii.d
To the Minister for euery child baptized Item the Clarke is to haue for registring the name of the childe baptized―ii.d
Item, it is ordered that the grauemaker shall make euery man and womans graue (if there be a coffin) fiue foot and an halfe deep if the ground will serue, if without a coffin, foure foot & a halfe. Euery childs graue with a coffin foure foot deepe, without a coffin three foot and a halfe.
For burial of the poore of of the Colledge and all other ordinary weekely pensioners of the poore of this parish―nihil Sauing to the grauemaker and bearers two pence a peece.
Item it is ordered that the Clarke shall make a bill of the charges of euery buriall, and shall deliuer the same bill to the party that is to pay the charges if it be demanded.
Also it is ordered that the Clarke shall bring euery such Bill to one of the Churchwardens, to the end the Churchwarden may set his hand thereto, that so the party may know it to be a true bill.