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The following entries from the minutes of the St Saviour vestry describe the process whereby the 'bargainers' were chosen and authorized to negotiate for the purchase of the ‘rectory’ (that is, of the ownership of the parish). 

26 February 1610/11 (p.433):  Also it is ordered that the churchwardens and Mr Bingham, Mr Paine, Mr Treherne, Mr Henslowe, Mr Carter, Mr Cole, Mr Mayhewe, Mr Yearwood, and Mr Bromfield shall on Thursday next go to the undertakers about the rectory and give answer that they are willing to purchase the fee simple thereof if they may have good assurance and shall deal with them touching the price and payment. 

3 March 1610/11 (p.434):  At this Vestry it is ordered by the consent of the churchwardens and vestrymen, That Mr Bingham, Mr Paine, Mr Salter, Mr Treherne, Mr Marshall, Mr Yearwood, Mr Bover, Mr Cole, Mr Henslowe, Mr Allen, Mr Maye, Mr Stapley, Mr Bromfield, Mr Watts, and Mr Austen shall be feoffees in trust for the taking of the purchase of the fee simple of the rectory and shall enter into several bonds to the corporation of £2000 apiece for the discharging of this trust to be committed to them. And it is ordered by the consent aforesaid that Mr Bingham, Mr Payne, Mr Yearwood, Mr Marshall, Mr Treherne, Mr Cole, Mr Henslowe, Mr Allen, and Mr Stapley shall assist the churchwardens in all suits and in all other businesses necessary to be done for the good of the parish when the corporation do request them.

5 March 1610/11 (p.435):  It is this day ordered that only four of the ancients of the Vestry (as by counsel is advised) shall be purchasers of the fee simple of the rectory and those four (it is agreed) shall be Mr Bingham, Mr Paine, Mr Treherne, and Mr Henslowe, and as soon as they have an estate thereof invested in them, that then they shall with all convenient expedition convey the same to feoffees in trust, to be agreed upon by the churchwardens and vestrymen.

15 August 1614 (p.460):  Item at this Vestry were read, sealed, and delivered indentures of bargain and sale of the rectory with the appurtenances from those which purchased the same of the King to 19 of the Vestry and two others, And also other indentures made from those bargains to the churchwardens expressing the trust reposed in them, and the end wherefore to them conveyed.

11 December 1621 (p.511):  Item on this day Mr Cole acquainted the house that of the feoffees of the rectory eight are deceased and gone out of the parish and 13 remain alive and well in the parish. Whereupon it is ordered that the surviving feoffees shall in due time enfeoff others to be nominated and agreed upon in the Vestry and that by advice of learned counsel if need be.