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View of New Buildings: In late 1634 or early 1635 Thomas Howard, Earl Marshal of England, and other members of the royal Commission on Buildings directed the churchwardens and constables of St Saviour to report on the construction of new buildings defined as buildings erected on new foundations by 5 February 1634/5. This was one of many, generally unsuccessful, attempts to limit urban overcrowding (see Vestry Minute Book under 17 May 1594). The parish's response, dated 27 February 1634/5 (LMA, shelfmark P92/SAV/1327), is given below, as transcribed by Alan H. Nelson. A draft version of this document, not reproduced here, is P92/SAV/1325. |
For the Parishe of St Sauiours in Southwarke
[Endorsed:] The returne of newe buildinges & warrant for the same
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To the right honorable Thomas Earle of Arrundell & Surrey Earle Marshall of England & the rest of his Mates Commisioners for buildinges.
[In left margin:] 27 February 1634 [1634/5?].
A Certificate made by the Churchwardens & Constables of the parish of St Saviours in Southwark in the County of Surrey of all such newe buildinges as haue been erected wthin the said parish so far as they knowe or cann learne since the 2 yeare of the Raigne of or late souereign Lord King James as followeth.
Boroughside [click for Clink Liberty or Paris Garden]
In the Burroughside of the saide parish.
One house against Cheynegate built wth brick vppon an old foundacion by Felix Hunt Grocer about 5 yeares since wherein Alexander Fittnes Grocer now dwelleth & paieth 30li Rent per Annum, the Inheritance thereof belonging to the said Felix Hunt or to George Hunt his brother.
The three Tunns Tavern, wherein Edward Masters nowe dwelleth and paieth 26li Rent per Annum or thereaboutes built by Mr Richard Wright Grocer about 18 yeares since, part wth timber & parte wth brick vppon an old foundacion & is the land of the Citty of London belonging to St Thomas Hospitall in Southwark for wch the said Richard Wright payeth 5li Rent per Annum to the said hospitall.
One stable & a shedd in Shipyard built by the said Mr Richard Wright vppon an old foundacion aboute 7 yeares since, parte timber & part brick for wch George Kemston & tenant to the said Richard Wright payeth 4li Rent per Annum.
A newe brick house nere the Mealemarket lately built by Captayne Grove vppon an old foundacion wherein he dwelleth & for wch he payeth to St Thomas Hospitall in Southwark 12li Rent per Annum worth 30li per Annum; the Inheritors whereof belonges to the said hospitall.
The 3 Crownes wherein Mr Thomas Overman dwelleth built by him wth brick vppon old foundacions aboute 12 yeares past formerly in diuerse tenemtes & nowe made one worth the Rent of 50li per Annum being the ffee Simple of the said Mr Overman & part thereof formerly vsed by him for a Soaphouse.
Three tenemtes built wth timber vppon old foundacions aboute 24 yeares since by Mr Richard Humble deceased nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Nicholas Barnes William Wattes & Henry Jackson, all worth aboute 24li per Annum Sr Giles Brey Landlord thereof who married the daughter & heire of Mr Humble.
In the Inn called the George 2 seuerall buildinges part timber & part brick worth 6li per Annum built vppon old foundacions about 12 yeares past nowe in the occupacion of Henry Blunden tenant to one Mr Sawyer & Mr Thomas Stone Landlordes thereof.
In the Inn called the Talbutt a newe building of brick built vppon an old foundacon aboute 6 yeares past by Mr William Garford Landlord thereof & William Chafey his nowe tennaunte worth aboute 10li per Annum.
In Nagheades yard 3 small tenemtes and a barne built wth brick by Walter Leech dwelling there vppon old foundacions aboute 9 yeares since for wch he payeth 5li per Annum to Mrs. Bridget Joanes of Westminster Landlady thereof.
At the entring into the said yard 3 faire houses built wth brick vppon old foundacions aboute 3 yeares since by Mr Owen Jones deceased late husband to the said Mrs Bridget Joanes Landlady thereof nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Thomas Tupp William Hobson & Thomas Story worth aboute 40li Rent per Annum.
In the same yard one barne & a shedd built aboute a yeare past vppon an old foundacion part timber in part brick by Thomas Rance tenant to Mrs Bridget Jones let for the yearly Rent of forty shillinges.
Mrs Grace Richardson landlady of parte of Axeyard holdeth certen tenemtes there are built wth parte of brick & part of timbere aboute 24 yeares past whither vppon old or newe foundacions we cannot be truly informed, the value of all wch is aboute 10li per Annum nowe in the seuerall occupacions of John Powell Jasper Smith Thomas Lucas & some other poore Inmates.
The said Mrs Grace Richardson is Landlady of two other tenemtes in Axe Yard lately built vppon old foundacions wth brick by one Gilbert Coleman who paieth to her 3li yearly Rent for the same & was at charge of building thereof.
The ffeofees of Mr John Marshall hold one messuage in Axe Yard built wth brick vppon an old foundacion aboute 6 yeares past of the value of about 20 mkes per Annum in the occupacion of Mr Nicholas Morton one of or ministers.
The said ffeoffees hold 5 other tenemtes in the same yard built wth brick & timber vppon old foundacions for anything we can learn nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Isaac Joice Thomas Markham Samuell Barly, Thomas Thornton & Edmund Parker [at] at 40s Rent per Annum a peece.
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In Fishmonger Ally Mr Thomas Swingfeild is landlord & builder of 4 tenemtes there one of them aboute 10 yeares since the other three aboute 6 yeares since nowe in the seuerall occupacione of John Richardson who paieth 4li Rent per Annum, Giles Dugdale 6li per Annum Edward Munter 4li per Annum and William Gray 55s per Annum.
In Goateyard diuerse tenemtes built the greatest part wth timber by Mr Henry Campion deceased for wch Mr Nicholas Newton now receaves the Rent for Mr Cary Woldridge nowe head landlord thereof, the seuerall Inhabitantes names of wch tenemtes and their seuerall Rents are as followe (the Inmates only omitted whose names we cannot learne) vizt John Glascock 4li per Annum Isaac Rolfe 8li per Annum Richard Naylor 50s per Annum John Lawrence 50s per Annum John Cannon 5li Richard Rabonet 5li per Annum James Todcastle 5li per Annum Robert Brasenden 5li per Annum John Spencer 5li per Annum Samuel Marchant 5li per Annum, John Rowland Richard Robinson Ann Adcock Thomas Nuton Christopher Goyer Lewis Horne widow Mote Edmond Symons Thomas Tanner, Thomas More John Hall John Clark, Francis Burrowe every one of them 50s a peece per Annum.
In the same yard 8 seuerall stables & hayloftes all built of timber ^let^ by Mr Nicholas Newton Inholder to the seuerall tenantes hereafter named vizt two of them to Rowland Wilson vintner, one other to John Mansfield butcher, one other to John Matthews Carman, one other Abraham Thompson butcher, one other to David Soane butcher, one other to Richard Cattle & John Glascock & the other standes empty; the whole value thereof about 8li per Annum, the said Mr Cary Woldridge being the chiefe Landlord thereof.
Mr John Shurley Landlord of three tenemtes built wth brick vppon old foundacions in the seuerall occupacions of John Heather John Frewer & Thomas Crysp all of them worth 6li per Annum.
Mr Thomas Dabbs of Clemetes Inn an Attorny of the Kinges bench Landlord of one tenemt built wth brick vppon an old foundacion worth about 5li per Annum.
One tenemt wherein John Lee dwelleth built wth brick vppon an old foundacion worth 5li Rent per Annum whereof the sd Mr Dabbs is Landlord.
Certen tenemtes built by Charles Dally deceased nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Thomas Fox Nathaniell Williams widowe Fox, Jude Vause and William Musgrove, the particulers whereof we cannot learne but we estimate them all at about 6li per Annum.
In the greene Dragon yard in ffowlelane one small Inn called the greene Dragon built by William Batty late deceased nowe in the occupacion of William Chappell wth some small tenemtes there lately by him built wth brick vppon old foundacions all worth 25li per Annum being the inheritance of Captaine Yarwood at the Rent of 6s 8d yearly paid into Sir John Osbornes office.
Mr John Board gentleman Landlord of 3 tenemtes built wth timber aboute 24 yeares since by his father Sir Stephen Board knight part on old & part on newe foundacions in the seuerall occupacions of William Okey Michael Hemsley & Mr John Rice worth 8li per Annum a pece.
Mr Thomas Browker holdeth theis seuerall tenemtes in fee Simple wch he or his tenants built wth brick vppon old foundacions some about 14 yeares since & some lately, the seuerall tenants & Rents whereof are as followe Lambert Daggett 4li per Annum Homer Williams 5li per Annum, Mr [blank] Carr 4li per Annum John Mathewes 10li 10s per Annum John Both 20s per Annum & Robert Buckland 26s 8d per Annum.
Wthin Pepper Ally two small tenemtes lately built wth brick vppon old foundacions by Mr John Crowder & the seuerall occupacions of George White & William Chapman worth about 3li per Annum [...], the inheritance whereof is one Sir John Portmans a West Country knight.
A tenemt in the newe Rents built by one Mr Winchcombe Landlord thereof (where he dwells we cannot learne) vppon an old foundacion wth brick worth 3li per Annum And in the occupacion of John Freeman.
John Browne a bricklayer deceased tooke a lease from the President & Governors of the hospital of the poore of St Saviours in Southwark & built wth brick vppon old foundacions theis 7 tenemtes aboute 18 yeares past belonging to the pore of the said hospital nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Owen Harman Edward Empton John Banning Robert Greene Richard Wyat Georg Gilby & Thomas Mony, the nowe Landlord thereof is Mr Layton of London mrchant, worth 3li a pece per Annum.
Also Mr Latoome holdeth the lease of one other tenemt in the occupacion of Edward Stevenson heretofore built wth brick worth 4li per Annum & one other tenement of timber worth 4s per Annum part vppon an old & part vppon a newe foundacion & 3 other tenemtes built wth brick part on old & part on newe foundacions nowe in the occupacion of John Pore Marmaduke Flinton & one empty worth 20s per Annum a pece the Inheritance belonging to the poore of the said Hospitall.
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These tenemtes & buildings following are situate in Montague Close heretofore the Priory Close of St Mary Overy & nowe the Inheritance of Robert Bromfyld Esquire built by him wthin 9 or 10 yeares past & are fewer in the number of houses by his newe building then before, they having been formrly meane Cottages & habitacions for the poorer sort of people that crowded themselues there togeather & were very chargeable to this parish whereas nowe they are fit for men of the better ability & doe yeld releife to the poore & are noe way chargeable by reason of poore people as in former tyme they were.
One messuage built in brick vppon old foundacions that had ben formerly seuerall tenemtes & nowe in lease to one Mr Randall Manwaring & is worth per Annum 10li or thereaboutes.
Two dyehouses built in brick vppon the old foundacions of two dyehouses before, one in lease to the said Mr Manwaringe and the other in lease to Thomas Wright a dyer worth per Annum 20li a pece.
Two tenemtes in brick vppon old foundacions thone empty & thother in the occupacion of Richard Slater worth 5li apiece per Annum.
Three tenemtes in Jermans yard built in brick vppon old foundacions in the seuerall occupacions of Samuel Gore, Moriah Mermay & William Barrowes worth each each of them to be letten 20 nobles per Annum.
One messuage in the occupacion of Mathew Buens built in brick vppon old foundacions worth to be let 20 Mkes per Annum or thereaboutes.
One Pothouse or workhouse built all in brick vppon old foundacions heretofore seuerall tenemtes & nowe in lease to one John Humphrey worth per Annum 20 Mkes or thereabouts.
Three tenemtes thereto adioyning in the seuerall occupacions of William Host Abraham Host & Richard Woodcock built all in brick vppon old foundacions & worth per Annum 5li apiece.
One other tenemt in the occupacion of one Mr Hedghodge built all in brick vppon an old foundacion worth per Annum 8li or thereabouts.
One messuage in the occupacion of the abovenamed Mr Robert Bromfyld & an other in the occupacion of John Neale built both in brick vppon old foundacions being 3 tenemtes before the building thereof worth both togeather aboute 15li per Annum.
Five tenemtes built in brick, two of them empty and the other 3 in the seuerall occupacions of Daniel Bespich [blank] Sharp & [blank] Hacket widowe Worth to be lett 20 nobles a pece per Annum.
One other tenemt in the occupacion of Caleb Scott built in brick vppon old foundacions worth per Annum 20 nobles or thereaboutes.
One other tenemt in the possession of John Webb Carpenter built in brick vppon an old foundacion wth per Annum 40s or thereaboutes.
Two faire houses lately built in brick vppon old foundacions wch were before 3 tenemtes worth both together about 20li per Annum.
One woodyard let by the abouenamed Mr Robert Bromfyld to John Dodd deceased, who built therein 2 small tenemtes wth a stable &woodyardwarehouse part wth brick & part wth timber aboute 6 yeares past worth aboute 6li per Annum.
Thomas Irons who maried the widowe Dodd dwelleth in thone of them and William Bellamy in the other.
In the same yard one shedd for a dying place built wth boardscontrary to the Proclamacionof the value of 30s per Annum.
One small workhouse built aboute 4 yeares past wth brick vppon an old foundacion adioyning to the backside of Mr Nicholsons brewhouse, worth 4li per Annum nowe in the occupacion of the said Mr Nicholson & by him built being formerly a tenemt & fallen downe Mrs Austyn being Landlady thereof during her life & after decease the Revercion of the Inheritance belonges to Mr Thomas Overman wch workhouse hath noe Chymny in it.
Churchwardens of the Burrowside
William Madox
Michael Nicholson
Thomas Waller
Constables of the Burrowside
George Turney
Christopher Bennett
The marke of Giles Foster
The marke of Thomas Markham
The marke of Robert Fyns
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Clink Liberty [click for Boroughside or Paris Garden]
Tenemtes scituate in the libty of the Clink wthin the said parish of St Saviors as followe.
One tenemt wherein one John Elton liveth belonging to Rochester House built wth timber vppon a newe foundacion (as we conceive)10 or^about^ 12 yeares since, by whome we cannot learne, but the prsent Landlord thereof is one Mr John Younge who hath to lease of all the tenemtes called Rochester ^House^, the yearly Rent whereof is 3li 10s per Annum or thereaboutes.
One other tenemt in the occupacion of Richard Phipps one other of the said Mr Younges tenemtes built wth brick vppon the same land vppon a new foundacion of aboute the same yearly Rent but later built.
One other tenemt built wthbrickTimber vppon the same land wherein one Robert Jackson liveth built as we heare by one Katterns a Carpenter aboute26 or30 yeares since & some part thereof vppon a newe foundacion (as we conceive) the yearly Rent is aboute 5li per Annum.
One other tenemt lately built wth brick vppon the same land vppon the newe foundacion in the occupacion of William Alexander of the Rent of about 5li per Annum.
One other tenemt in lease to John Mathewe lately built by him wth brick vppon the same land vppon a newe foundacion Holden by lease from the said Mr Younge of the yearly Rent of aboute 4li 10s.
One other tenemt in the occupacion of Symon Hill lately built wth tymber vppon the same land vppon a newe foundacion of the yearly Rent of about 40s.
One little house in the occupacion of John Batterton built wth brick vppon an old foundacion aboute 5or 6yeares since belonginge to the Bushop of Winchester worth 6s 8d per Annum.
A brewhouse & dwelling house in the tenure of Mr James Monger built wth timber vppon old foundacions (as we conceive) aboute 18 yeares since, the yearly Rent we estimate to be 20li.
A part of the dwelling house of Thomas Wadsworth lately built wth brick vppon his owne land vppon an old foundacion worth aboute 40s per Annum.
One tenemt in the tenure of Elizabeth Phillips lately built wth brick vppon an old foundacion in lease to one Thomas Pocock of the yearly Rent of 3li built by one Thomas Hall a Cowper the Inheritance thereof is in one Mr Thomas Lownes of London Haberdasher.
One other tenemt in lease to the said Thomas Pococke lately built wth brick vppon a foundacion wch was formerly a shedd, worth 5li per Annumofand is the Inheritance of the said Thomas Lownes & affirmed to be built by allowance from ye Commissioners and the ground to be laid out by Sir Thomas Crymes Kt.
One other tenemt wherein William Watkyns dwelleth lately built wth brick vppon an old foundacion belonging to the Corporacion of St Saviours in Southwarke and demised by them long before the building thereof to William Iremonger gentleman wch lease is now come to WilliamDodsDodson, of the yearely rent of 40s.
Two tenemts wherein one William Smiter liveth belonging to one John Mathewes built wth brick aboute 12 yeares since scituate & Maidelane of aboute 8li per Annum.
One tenemt of Arthur Munbye in Mosses Ally built wth brick aboute 6 yeares since vppon an old foundacion so farr as we cann learne worth 4li per Annum.
One tenemt of Thomas Butler gentleman wherein he liveth built wth brick aboute 18 yeares since vppon an old foundacion in Moulstrand of the yearly Rent of 4li per Annum, the ffee Simple thereof belonging to the Bushop of Winchester.
One tenement in the tenure of Andrewe Lucas of the Inheritance of one William Terry of London built wth brick aboute 16 yeares since vppon an old foundacion & the Pikegarden of aboute the Rent of 5li per Annum.
One tenemt wherein one Ann Archer widowe liveth built wth brick vppon an old foundacion aboute 10 yeares since of the yearly Rent of 40s the Inheritance whereof belongs to one Mr Richard Leake of Broadstreete London.
One tenemt in Mosses Ally in the occupacion of Thomas Prissell built wth brick worth per Annum 3li whereof one William Terry of London hath the Inheritance.
Fower tenemtes in Mosses Ally lately newe built wth brick by William Archer not yet inhabited, the prsent Inheritance whereof belonges to one Mr Thomas Terry living in Noblesteete London ^worth per Annum^.
Tenn tenemtes on the banckside of one William Hatton of Westminster built wth brick aboute 17 yeares since vppon old foundacions, The Inheritance whereof is one Mr Thomas Stones of the said parish of St Saviours in Southwark, worth 13li per Annum.
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One small tenemt in Rose Ally in the tenure of William Wheatley lately built wth brick vppon a newe foundacion of the rent of 40s per Annum, the Inheritance thereof belonging to the Churchwardens of St. Mildredes in London.
One tenemt in Horseshowe Ally in the tenure of Richard Port lately built wth brick vppon an old foundacion by the Company of Cordwayners of London, having the prsent Inheritance thereof of the Rent of 3li 10s per Annum.
One other tenemt of the same tenure lately built wth brick held by John Jones of the rent of 3li 10s per Annum.
The Dutch Congregacion holdeth one ^great house^ of the same tenure wherein they maintayne their poore being built aboute 12 yeares since wth brick vppon an old foundacion worth 6li per Annum.
One tenemt in the occupacion of Andrew Hemerford tenant to Mr Thomas Waller being built some 10 yeares since vppon an old foundacion wth brick of the yearly Rent of 8li, the Inheritance thereof belongeth to the Company of Tallow Chaundlers of London.
One tenemt nere the banckend in the occupacion of William Gray part thereof newly built wth brick vppon an old foundacion & thother part being built wth brick vppon an old foundacion about 18 yeares since the Inheritance thereof belonging to one Mr Robert Royden in Thames Streete London nere the Bridge.
The Globe Playhouse nere Maidelane built by the Company of Players wth timber aboute 20 yeares past vppon an old foundacion worth 20li per Annum being the Inheritance of Sir Matthew Brand Kt.
One house thereto adioyninge built aboute the same tyme wth tymber in the possession of William Millet gentleman also of the Inheritance of Sir Matthew Brand Kt worth 4li per Annum.William^James^ Fletcher tenant to Mr William Shawe in Crooked lane London holdeth one tenemt built wth brick vppon an old foundacion ten or 12 yeares since worth 4li per Annum.
Two tenemtes wherein Robert Linger Roberte Powell & Edward Wright dwell built since the same tyme vppon an old foundacion wth brick worth 40s a pece per Annum The Inheritance whereof belonges to the Kinges Matie.
Churchwardensof the Clinck libty
John Hancock
Constablesof the Clinck libty
George Archer
Paris Garden [click for Boroughside or Clink Liberty]
The libty of old Paris garden wthin the said Parish of St Saviours as followeth.
One house builded wth brick by Richard Wedge in the yeare 1620 vppon an old foundacion nowe in the occupacion of Robert Heath tenant to Thomas Latone Landlord thereof worth 4li per Annum.
One other house built wth brick by John Boles 1630 vppon an old foundacion nowe in the possession of Richard Younge tenant thereto being the late Inheritance of William Austen Esquire deceased & nowe belonging to his heire worth 4li per Annum.
Two other houses built wth brick by James Ashley 1630 vppon old foundacions nowe in the said Ashleyes possession worth per Annum 3li & late the Inheritance of the said Mr Austen & now his heires.
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One other house built wth brick by William George 1620 vppon an old foundacion & nowe in his possession, the Inheritance thereof belonging to the heire of the said Mr Austen deceased worth 3li 10s per Annum.
Three tenemtes built wth brick by the said Mr William Austen in the yeare 1628 vppon old foundacions vppon his owne Inheritance nowe in the seuerall occupacions of William Payne Thomas Boman & Rice Lewis tenants thereof worth 6li per Annum.
Two other tenemtes built wth brick 1628 by Robert Greenway worth per Annum 4li nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Robert Smith & Elizabeth Evans tenants to one William Pine, Mr Thomas Browker being owner of the Inheritance thereof.
Three Shedds built by Anthony Ashfeild all togeather vnder one Roffe in the yeare 1632 vppon a newe foundacioncontrary to his Mates proclamacionworth 30s per Annum.
One tenemt builded by Richard Boddy in the yeare 1631 vppon a newe foundacion worth 30s per Annum built vppon the land of Mr Thomas Browker part wth brick & part wth tymber in the occupacion of John North the present tenant thereof.
One house built wth brick vppon an old foundacion by John Wrench in the yeare 1622 worth per Annum 3li nowe in the possession of Edmond Keneday, the Inheritance thereof belonging to Mr Thomas Browker.
One shedd lately built this presente yeare 1634 by Jacob Francklyn in a Garden being the land of the heire of Mr William Austen deceased worth per Annum 10s.
One shedd built by Peter Florintyne 1632 worth per Annum 10s on the said Mr Austens land.One^2^ houses builded by Jeremy Crewe ^thone of timber & thother^ of brick vpponanold foundacion^s^ in the yeare 1630 worth per Annum 30s nowe in his occupacion the old house^s^ that stoode there being burnt wth fire the same yeare.
One other house builded wth brick this presente yeare 1634 by Giles Danser on an old foundacion vppon his own land worth 40s per Annum.
One other house builded wth brick by Thomas Allen 1628 on an old foundacion worth per Annum 26s 8d nowe in the occupacion of James Bolladyne a tenant, the inheritance being in Alice Slade window.
One other house builded by Richard Arthure wth brick on an old foundacion vppon his owne land in the yeare 1630 worth per Annum 40s.
Seaven tenemtes built wth brick by Edward Crosse in yeare 1628 on old foundacions worth per Annum 14li whereof the tenantes names are James Howe Morris Smith Thomas Crosse Richard Deane Edward Reading Frances Joy & Mathewe Jones, being the said Edward Crosses own Inheritance.
Fower tenemtes builded by William Legat wth brick in the year 1627 on old foundacions worth per Annum 4li vppon his owne land, the present tenants thereof are Joshua Church Alice Slade John Amis and John Wayman.
One house builded wth brick by Mr William Sedgweeke Brewer deceased in the year 1630 on an old foundacion worth per Annum 40s nowe in the occupacion of John Sedgweeke his sonne, the Inheritance being one William Cutlers.
A workhouse built by Christopher Joice in the yeare 1626 on an old foundacion vppon his owne land wth brick worth 30s per Annum.
Three tenemtes built by William George wth brick in the yeare 1630 vppon his owne land vppon old foundacions all worth 6li per Annum nowe in the seuerall occupacions of Robert Smith and Thomas Adams.
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A Shedd built by Robert Rogers on a newe foundacion aboute 4 yeares since worth 10s per Annum, the Inheritance being one Mrs [blank] Broadfordes & Anthony Ashfield tenant to it.
One house built wth brick by Thomas Weston wherein he dwelleth [...] on ^an^ old foundacionsabout 20 yeares since worth 6li per Annum being the Inheritance of Mr Thomas Browker.
One house built by William Sherlock aboute 16 yeares past parte wth brick & parte wth timber vppon a newe foundacion worth 6li per Annum being the said Mr Thomas Browkers Inheritance.
Richard Forbench of Ripley in the County of Surry yeoman holdeth by lease 2 tenemtes built wth brick vppon a newe foundacion by his nowe wife when she was a widowe in the yeare 1620 worth per Annum 3li nowe in the occupacions of Christopher Hutchinson & Robert Aylwyn tenants, Mr John Thorpe being head landlord thereof.
Richard Gaunt builded a shopp wth brick vpponan old^oldnewe^ foundacion in the year 1630 worth per Annum ^3li being the Earle of Arundles ground.^
One stable built wth timber vppon a newe foundacion by William Hind worth 10s per Annum, Overington Blunden being nowe the tenant thereof.
One part of the Inn called The Cattes nowe in the possession of Thomas Allen built ^vppon an old foundacion^ part wth timber & part wth brick by Christopher Goodluck about 24 yeares past worth per Annum 10li[?] the Inheritance thereof being in the Earle of Arundell.
One Washhouse wth a Chymney in it built part wth brick & part wth timber about 16 yeares since nowe in the occupacion of Arthur Lee & ioyning to his dwelling house worth 20s per Annum, Inheritance thereof belonges to one Mr Morris of Battersea.
Over the barghouse held by lease by Richard Forbenchwas^were^ built wthin theis 7 yeares [...] two staircases & 2 chimnyes wth dormers vppon a newe foundacion by Mr Nowell Warner who sold the lease of the sd Barghouse to the said Forbench wherein two tenantes dwell, worth 20s [...] er Annum, the Inheritance thereof belonges to Mr Tharp in theStrandStrand.
Churchwarden of Paris Garden libty
Thomas Weston his marke
Constables of ^old^ Paris Garden libty
Isake Gapper
Anthony Ashfield