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Daborne, John, citizen and fishmonger, 1589
Dancer, Margaret, 1633
Darvell, Henry, 1645
Davies, Thomas, of Paris Garden, yeoman, 1591   
Day, John, waterman, 1584
Davis, Hugh, waterman, 1608
Dean, Jane, servant, 1603
Denning, John, yeoman, queen's servant, 1589
Derrick alias Gilbertson, Richard, bricklayer, 1652      
Desmaistres, Peter, dyer, 1587
Desmaistres, Peter [Jr], dyer, 1592
Dickenson, Elizabeth, widow, 1621 

Dodson, Richard, 1591
Donne, George, 1616
Dorrell, Robert, 1569
Douse, Margaret, 1575
Dove, Vincent, citizen and leatherseller, 1587
Dove, Vincent, goldsmith, 1606
Dowdswell, Richard, citizen and grocer, 1639
Drew, John, 1594
Drew, Thomas, of Paris Garden, smith, 1579
Dunstall, John, tailor, 1582
Dutton, Francis, gentleman, 1594

Daborne, John, citizen and fishmonger of London.  Nuncupative will.  Asks to be buried in the church of St Mary Overy [St Saviour]. 
Date declared:  1589 September 26. 
Date proved:  1589/90 January 8. 
Family members named:  Margaret his wife.  Richard his son.  Emme Streete his mother.  Robert Daborne, haberdasher, his brother, and Robert's wife.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  Margaret his wife. 
Overseer:  Robert Daborne his brother. 
Witnesses:  Richard Colwell; Lambert Osbolston, scrivener. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/75, f.3v (register copy).] 

Danser, Margaret, of St Saviour, widow.  Testator is weak in body.  Asks to be buried in St Saviour church.  A bequest to the poor of Old Paris Garden. 
Date written:  1633 June 27, with a codicil on August 8. 
Date proved:  1633 September 9. 
Family members named:  Giles Danser her son and Elizabeth his wife (the principal legatees).  Arthur Blackfan of Bath, musician, her kinsman.  Hannah Clarke, Margaret Brewer, and Elizabeth Jones her nieces.  Thomas Handcocke her kinsman and Anne his wife, and John Handcocke, all named in the codicil. 
Others named:  one Patricke, named in the codicil. 
Executor:  Giles Danser her son. 
Overseers:  Edward Crosse; James How. 
Witnesses:  to the will:  Anne Netley (her mark); John Sore; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Dutton, scrivener.  To the codicil:  Anne How; Alice Wakelyn (her mark); Thomas Dutton, scrivener. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/164, ff.158v-159r (register copy, including the codicil).] 

Darvell, Henry, of St Saviour, wheelwright.  Testator is sick and weak in body. 
Date written:  1645 August 21. 
Date proved:  1645 November 6. 
Family members named:  Elizabeth his wife, and the unborn child she is carrying.  Robert Darvell and Millicent Darvell, his children, both underage.  Jane and Cicely Darvell his natural sisters.  Robert Herne his brother in law. 
Others named:  Richard Robson his servant. 
Executor:  Elizabeth his wife. 
Overseers:  Thomas Gadsby; Hugh Knightly. 
Witnesses:  Thomas Nelson, scrivener; John Lane (his mark); Isabelle Berry. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/194, ff.188v-189r (register copy).] 

Davies, Thomas, of Old Paris Garden, yeoman.  Asks to be buried in St Mary Overy church [St Saviour] near his late wife.  Has two tenements on the Bankside, one with a wharf, the other occupied by John Bucked. 
Date written:  1591 April 1. 
Date proved:  1591 April 27. 
Family members named:  Thomas Davies his cousin, son of John Davies.  Alice Noble, Elizabeth Turner, Henry Panton, Thomas Panton, his other cousins. 
Others named:  Margaret Williamson his servant.  Francis Langley, gentleman.  Thomas Palmer. 
Co-Executors:  Thomas Davies and Francis Langley. 
Overseers:  Thomas Palmer and Henry Panton. 
Witnesses:  Isaac Towell; Nicholas Cox (his mark); John Sowth (his mark). 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/77, f.208r-v (register copy).] 

Davis, Hugh, of St Saviour, waterman.  Testator affirmed his will with a mark not a signature. 
Date written:  1608 April 6. 
Date proved:  1609 November 17. 
Family members named:  Anne Davis his wife, to have his boats, oars, and other belongings. 
Others named:  Philip Hinchlowe his landlord.  James Peningtone his loving friend. 
Executor:  Anne Davis his wife. 
Overseers:  Philip Hinchlowe and Ralph Trote. 
Witnesses:  George Tayllor, writer of the will; Philip Henslow; Ralph Trotte; Rose Trott. 
[Reference:  LMA, DW/PA/17/8, f.56v (register copy); DW/PA/5/1609/39 (original will).] 
[Transcription in Playhouse Wills, pp.76-77.] 

Daye, John, of St Saviour, waterman.  Testator affirmed his will with a mark not a signature. 
Date written:  1584 July 19. 
Date proved:  1584 July 24. 
Family members named:  Robert Strawe his brother in law. 
Others named:  Bridget Willmott.  Thomas Willmott.  Nicholas Strawe.  Robert Daye. 
Executor:  Robert Strawe his brother in law.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  Nicholas Hunt, parish clerk; Edward Johnson, waterman (his mark); Thomas Stodgell, tailor (his mark). 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/67, f.164v (register copy).] 

Deane, Jane, of St Saviour, maiden and servant.  Nuncupative will.  Testator is sick in body. 
Date declared: 1603 August 28. 
Date proved:  1606 June 27. 
Family members named:  Thomas Deane her brother, and her other unnamed brothers and sisters. 
Also mentioned:  Thomas Mallrona her master. 
Executor:  none named; administration granted to Thomas Deane her brother.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  Margaret Malrona, wife of John (her mark); Dorothy Stubberfield, Jane Dean's fellow servant (her mark). 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/107/546, f.338r-v (register copy).] 

Deninge, John, yeoman, ‘servaunte to our … soueraigne Ladye the quenes maiestie’. 
Date written:  1589 July 21. 
Date proved:  1589 July 30. 
Family members named:  none. 
Others named:  William Parsons, citizen and grocer of London, the principal legatee. 
Executor:  William Parsons.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  Henry Christopher, scrivener; Katherine Morris (her mark); Elizabeth White (her mark). 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/74, f.110r-v (register copy).] 

Derrick alias Gilbertson, Richard, bricklayer, 1652. 
The testator's surname is written in the will as Gilbertson alias Derrick; the will can be found under "G"
Desmaistres, Peter, of St Saviour, dyer.  Will translated from Dutch [‘Ex Teuthonica lingua in Anglicam conversus’] by Paul Typoots.  Testator has property by inheritance in ‘the lowe Countries’.  Anthony Blocke of Coventry owes him money.  His dye house is to go to his four unmarried children. 
Date written:  1587 November 28. 
Date proved:  1587 December 2. 
Family members named:  Anna Tshertogen his wife; Peter, Samuel, Jonas, and Hester, his unmarried children [see Peter's will below].  Katherine and Ann, his married children.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  Anna Tshertogen his wife. 
Overseers:  Peter Savage his son in law, and Peter van den Wall, merchant of the Low Countries living in London. 
Witnesses:  Paul Typoots, notary public; Abraham Theeves; Thomas Jermen. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/71, f.299r-v (register copy).] 

Desmaistres, Peter [Jr] of Southwark, dyer. 
Date written:  1592 February 4. 
Date proved:  1592 February 15. 
Family members named:  His ‘welbeloved wyfe’, unnamed.  Peter his son.  Jonas his brother.  Hester his sister.  Ann Desmaistres his mother.  Peter Savage his brother in law, charged (as overseer) with ensuring the rearing of the testator's children.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  his unnamed wife. 
Overseers:  Peter Savage his brother in law, and Thomas Spensley. 
Witnesses:  Thomas Spensley, scrivener; Lawrence Sudell; Charles Hendony. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/82, f.376r-v (register copy).] 

Dickenson, Elizabeth, of St Saviour, widow.  Testator is sick in body and aged.  Asks to be buried in St Saviour churchyard. 
Date written:  1621 September 17. 
Date proved:  1621 October 22. 
Family members named:  Ambrose Smith, weaver, of Bridewell, London, her brother.  Henry Smith son of Ambrose.  Sara Smith daughter of Henry.  Thomas Smith.  Christopher and John Smith, underage twin sons of Thomas.  Alice Smith daughter of Christopher.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  Ambrose Smith her brother. 
Overseers:  William Burrowes, weaver, her neighbor; Thomas Ellis, weaver, of Bridewell, London. 
Witnesses:  Anne Northoll (her mark 'A'); George Brome, scrivener. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/138, ff.161v-162r (register copy).] 

Dodson, Richard. 
Date written:  1591 August 25. 
Date proved:  1591 September 2. 
Family members named:  Elizabeth his wife.  John Sadler his brother in law and wife.  The wife of his brother William.  John May his brother in law and wife.  Two unnamed daughters of his sister Alice, one of them married to a Robert Hall. 
Others named:  John Maye and three other children (unnamed) of his brother in law John Maye of Somerford, Wilts.  the younger John Maye is to receive the parsonage of Watford.  William Smyth of Henley upon Thames.  Roger Smyth in Coleman Street, London.  Mark ?Grune of London.  Johan Butler ‘my mystres’.  John Heiford his man.  Susanna his maid.  Mr Phillips the preacher.  Thomas Ratcliffe.  William Sadler and wife.  Cousin Browme of ?Cawne.  Robert Gavell.  Thomas Garland. 
Executor:  Elizabeth his wife. 
Overseers:  Robert Gavell and Thomas Garland. 
Witnesses:  Richard Dodson; Thomas Ratcliffe; John Heiford. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/78, f.77v-78r (register copy).] 

Done, George, of St Saviour, yeoman.  Testator is sick and weak in body.  Affirmed his will with a mark not a signature.  Asks to be buried in St Saviour churchyard.  A bequest to the poor of Axe Yard ‘where I dwell’. 
Date written:  1616 May 6. 
Date proved:  1616 May 16. 
Family members named:  Katherine his wife.  Isabell Done his mother.  Anne Done and Joan Done his sisters.  Anne Porter his cousin.  Richard, Edward, and Dorothy Done, children of his deceased brother Richard Done; bequests to be paid at the end of their apprenticeships.  Margaret Hollowaye his cousin, wife of Robert Hollowaye, and their unnamed children. 
Others named:  Elizabeth Ellton ‘whome I keepe’, underage daughter of his wife's brother Thomas Ellton.  Thomas Ellton's other children, unnamed.  Widow Gille, apparently a tenant in his house.  Richard Drayner and Stephen Osbourne of Biddenden, Kent. 
Executor:  Katherine his wife. 
Overseers:  Mr John Marshall and Mr Drew Stapley, ‘my good frendes’. 
Witnesses:  James Reade, scrivener; John Williamson. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/127, f.336r-v (register copy).] 

Dorrell, Robert, of St Saviour. 
Date written:  1569 May 6. 
Date proved:  1569 May 24. 
Family members named:  Cecily his wife.  John Tolsonne, his wife's son.  John Dorrell his brother.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  Cecily his wife. 
Overseer:  Simon Powter ‘my deare neighbor’. 
Witnesses:  Richard Bourne; Simon Powter; Richard Harman, curate. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/51, f.83r (register copy).] 

Douse, Margaret.  Nuncupative will made ‘by woorde of mouthe’ in the Southwark house of Reginald Tune, goldsmith.  She the ‘Daughter of Baldwin Douse Late one of the Pensioners to the Queen’. 
Date declared:  1575 [sic] June 25. 
Date proved:  1577 June 28. 
Family members named:  none; ‘none of my kinsfolks or other frendes shall haue any thinge of myne because they haue bin vnkynde vnto me’. 
Others named:  Mr Francis Alford of Whitefriars, the sole legatee. 
Executor:  none named; administration granted to Francis Alford.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  Reginald Tune; Ann Tune; Judith Steppey; and others. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/59, f.188r-v (register copy).] 

Dove, Vincent, of St Saviour, citizen and leatherseller of London.  Asks to be buried in St Saviour church.  He has (and dwells in) a messuage called the Kings Head.  Has property in Walworth, Peckham Rye, Wimbledon, and elsewhere. 
Date written:  1587 September 6. 
Date proved:  1587 September 16. 
Family members named:  Julian his wife.  Vincent, Thomas, Marie, Ann, and Margaret, his underage children [see Vincent's will below].  Dionise Etheridge his sister.  His sister Woolfe.  Sarah Jurden his sister.  His sister Beste of ?Stone.  His sister Powlter and her husband.  His sister Jesoppe and her children.  Margery Jenckins his kinswoman and her children. 
Others named:  Mr Richard Denman and Mr William Dowden, legatees charged with raising his children.  Robert Rutland, tailor.  Mrs Downinge.  Swithin Allin alias Quinbre, a minor. 
Co-Executors:  Richard Denman and William Dowden [but in the probate entry they resign the office to widow Julian].  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  Ralph Pratte; William Gibbons; Harry Daltun; John Wolfe; Robert Rutland; Thomas Briggs. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/71, ff.105v-106v (register copy).] 

Dove, Vincent, of St Saviour, goldsmith.  Testator is sick in body.  Bequests to the poor of St Saviour, and to the poor of Bletchingley and Limpsfield in Surrey.  Testator has holdings in Limehouse; in Kentish Street (purchased of Richard Sayer gent); in Camberwell and Peckham Rye (occupied by William Poole and one Rawlyns); in the parish of St Benet Fink (occupied by John Bell, Miles Corey, and Richard Delle); in Wilmington and Dartford, Kent (purchased of Alexander Welche and Margaret his wife). 
Date written:  1606 October 21. 
Date proved:  1606 November 13. 
Family members named:  Elizabeth his wife.  Lucrece and Elizabeth Dove his underage daughters.  Thomas Dove his underage son.  Margaret Welshe his sister, and [blank] Welshe her husband.  Julian Barefoote, mother of Margaret Welshe.  Anne Aldersey his sister, and her husband John Aldersey.  Robert Racland his cousin. 
Others named:  Francis and Joyce his servants.  Mr Allen the curate. 
Executor:  Elizabeth his wife. 
Overseers:  Nicholas Jurden Esq, his kinsman; Christopher Tharker, gent; Robert Cordell, clerk, his brother; Drew Stapley, grocer. 
Witnesses:  Richard Johnson, scrivener; John Cheesman
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/108, ff.208v-210r (register copy).  Abstracted in SAC vol.12 pp.198-199.] 

Dowdswell, Richard, of St Saviour, citizen and grocer of London.  Testator is ‘somewhat infirme of bodie’.  Asks to be buried in the new chapel of St Saviour church, in ‘the daie tyme and not in the night’.  A bequest to the churchwardens of Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire for distribution to poor housekeepers.  A bequest of £5 to the parish of Cheltenham, ‘whrerin I went to schoole for some yeares’, the money to be used to purchase ‘the booke of Martyrs conteyned in three volumes to bee sett vp in some convenient place of the said parrish Church there vpon some litle turning deske in three partes with a Chaine of Iron to fasten either volume, to the end the same may bee free; and in Common for all to read’.  A bequest of £10 to the parish of St Saviour, to be lent out ‘to twoe poore honest religious persons for two yeares togeither’.  A similar bequest to the parish of St Thomas, Southwark.  Testator has a house in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, purchased of Thomas Parry, citizen and grocer of London. 
Date written:  1638/9 February 27. 
Date proved:  1639 March 25. 
Family members named:  Elizabeth his wife.  John Dowdswell his father.  Roger Dowdswell his brother, to have the Winchcombe house.  Eleanor Kinge his sister, wife of William Kinge his brother in law.  Walter Dowdswell his brother.  Edith Collett his sister, wife of Henry Collett.  Jarvis Dowdswell his kinsman, son in law of Daniel Gates.  Thomas Canon his brother in law, and Peter Canon.  Hannah Watson, daughter of Barnaby Watson his brother in law.  John Arnold his brother in law, and his underage children John, Joseph, and Samuel Arnold.  Edward Garner, chandler, his cousin.  Elizabeth Edwards his grandmother, wife of Lawrence Edwards.  Jane Cannon his mother in law.  Rebecca Prise his underage kinswoman, servant to Mr Collins. 
Others named:  William Carryer of Cheltenham and his unnamed wife.  Luce Steward, ‘heretofore my maidservant’, unmarried.  Thomas Fox and his unnamed wife.  Enoch Wyer, porter.  Edmund and Adam Archer, underage sons of Edmund Archer deceased.  Anne Archer, underage, ‘now lyving with mee’.  Mr Moreton and Mr Archer.  Mr Stubbes, a preacher at Hinham [sic; Highnam?], Gloucestershire.  Mr Trebicke, preacher.  Thomas Lowe, waterman.  Daniel Sowton, dyer, and his unnamed wife.  Goodman Andrewes, waterman on the Bankside.  William Hughes, porter, in Coleman Street.  Jonas Colbron, glover.  Mr Butler, minister.  Thomas Collins. 
Executor:  Elizabeth his wife. 
Overseers:  Joseph Collyer, grocer, and John Humfrey, linendraper, his loving friends and neighbors. 
Witnesses:  John Looker; Thomas Brocket; Steven Tillinghast. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/179/554, ff.404v-406r (register copy).] 

Drewe, John, of St Saviour.  A bequest to ‘my Tenaunts on the banckeside to make merry with all’. 
Date written:  1594 December 21. 
Date proved:  1594/5 February 8. 
Family members named:  Joan his wife.  John his underage son.  John Place his cousin.  Robert Goodyeare his brother.  The children of his sister Pinson, all underage. 
Others named:  John Homes.  William Wynckfield.  Robert Richmond. 
Co-Executors:  wife Joan and son John.  But on 13 March 1594 a Memorandum (in Latin) that Joan ‘Drewe alias Harcott’ is herself dead; custody of the boy John passes to his grandmother (avia) Cecily Fletcher. 
Overseers:  William Cownden; Thomas Norton; George Payne. 
Witnesses:  Ann Pinson; Henry Alison, scrivener; Richard Humble. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/85, f.60r-v (register copy).] 

Drewe, Thomas, of Paris Garden, smith.  Asks to be buried in the St Saviour churchyard. 
Date written:  1578/9 January 17. 
Date proved:  1580 October 31. 
Family members named:  Ellen his wife, to whom everything is left.  No other legatees. 
Executor:  Ellen his wife.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  William Welbry; William Mylles; Arnold Saunders. 
[Reference:  TNA, Prob.11/62, ff.315v-316r (register copy).] 

Dunstall (Donnestale) alias Tonstall, John, of St Saviour, tailor. 
Date written:  1582 September 12. 
Date proved:  1582 October 11. 
Family members named:  Ellen his wife.  Thomas Donnestale his brother.  His brother Randall, who is his apprentice. 
Others named:  John Asmore.  Mistress Kellyn dwelling in Paul's churchyard.  Goodwife Portyse.  Goodwife Asmore.  Robert Kendale.  William Emersonne. 
Executor: none noted.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses: Richard Harman, curate; Randall Donnestale; Ellen Donnestale. 
[Reference:  LMA, DW/PA/5/1582/92, original will.] 

Dutton, Francis, of Southwark, gentleman.  Perhaps not of St Saviour.  Nuncupative will. 
Date declared:  1593 April 16. 
Date proved:  1593/4 January 11. 
Family members named:  Martha his wife, to have everything.  No other legatees. 
Executor: none named.  No overseers named. 
Witnesses:  none named. 
[Reference:  LMA, DW/PA/5/1593/181, original will.]