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Sachwell, Thomas, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Sackden, John, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sackford, Rebecca, 1625-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Sackville, Edward, 1608: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sadler, John, 1557: clerk, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sadler, John, 1557: parish clerk
Sadler, John, 1591: named in the will of his brother in law Richard Dodson
Sadler, Peter, 1627: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sadler, Roger, 1603: named in the will of his brother in law John Butler
Sadler, William, 1591: named in the will of Richard Dodson
Safe, George, 1625: blacksmith's apprentice, named in the will of his master Henry Reynolds
Salisbury, Amy, 1597: named in the will of her brother Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, George, 1597: named in the will of his son Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, Henry, 1597: named in the will of his brother Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, John, 1597: named in the will of his uncle Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, Richard, 1597: named in the will of his uncle Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, Richard, 1597: yeoman, his will
Salisbury, Thomas, 1597: named in the will of his brother Richard Salisbury
Salisbury, William, 1597: named in the will of his uncle Richard Salisbury
Sallome, Thomas, 1608: defendant in Browker v Molyneux in Star Chamber
Sally, Thomas, 1594: has inmates in his house in Pepper Alley
Salter, ---, 1609: Mr, of the White Hart, Southwark, named in the will of Nicholas Savage
Salter, ---, 1616: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Salter, ---, 1625: widow, Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Salter, Ellen, 1625: named in the will of her son in law Anthony Alfrey
Salter, Francis, 1606: complainant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Salter, Richard, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Salter, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Salter, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Salter, Richard, 1597: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Salter, Richard, 1597-1614: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Salter, Richard, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Salter, Richard, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Salter, Richard, 1600-01: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Salter, Richard, 1601-02: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Salter, Richard, 1602: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Salter, Richard, 1603-08: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Salter, Richard, 1608-09: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Salter, Richard, 1610: citizen and sadler, named in the will of William Mee
Salter, Richard, 1610: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Salter, Richard, 1611: one of the "bargainers" for purchasing the rectory
Salter, Richard, 1612: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Salter, Richard, 1613: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Salter, Richard, 1614: Mr, deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Salter, Thomas, 1639: presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Samborn, Peter, 1605: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Samson, James, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24r
Samson, Joseph, 1605: apprentice, named in the will of his master Thomas Bentley
Samson, Richard, 1582: named in the will of William Knight
Samson, Richard, 1583: blacksmith, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Samson, Richard, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Samson, Richard, 1585: named in the muster for Southwark
Sanden, --- junior, 1634: shoemaker, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sanden, John, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sanden, Katherine, 1644: wife of William, named in the will of her sonJames Cuthbert
Sanden, Richard, 1624: scrivener, witness to the will of John Burrett
Sanden, Richard, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of John Bolt
Sanden, William, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sanden, William, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sanden, William, 1606: complainant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Sanden, William, 1644: named in the will of his stepson James Cuthbert
Sanders:  see  Saunders
Sanderson, Elizabeth, 1618: named in the will of her uncle Thomas Bunt
Sanderson, John, 1568: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sanderson, William, 1595: he and his wife inmates in goodman Steel's house in Foul Lane
Sanderson, William, 1627: named in the will of John Kellock
Sandon, Richard, 1622: witness to the will of William Wells
Sandon, Richard, 1623: witness to the will of Jane Mayhew
Sandon, Richard, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of John Coleman
Sandon, Richard, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of John Guy
Sandon, Richard, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of Robert Harvard
Sands, Agnes, 1589: maidservant, named in the will of her master Peter Birchley
Sands, George, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sands, George, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sands, James, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16v
Sands, William, 1605: named in the will of his father in law John Emson
Sanford, Thomas, 1612: witness to the will of Richard Kitchen
Sangeler, Jeanne, 1593: named in the will of Jan Bruier
Sare:  see  Soare
Sargent, George, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15r
Sarnell, William, 1618: of Southwark, defendant in Cawarden v Dalton in Star Chamber
Sasting, Christian, 1560: witness to the will of Henry Leake
Saul, Arnold, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Saul, Arnold, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Saul, Arnold, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Saunders, ---, 1579: Mother, in Saints Alley, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Saunders, ---, 1603: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Saunders, Arnold, 1579: witness to the will of Thomas Drew
Saunders, Arnold, 1582: scrivener, witness to the will of William Knight
Saunders, Arnold, 1584: witness to the will of Nicholas Harrison
Saunders, Arnold, 1585: witness to the will of Jeffrey Ward
Saunders, Charles, 1579: innholder's apprentice, his will
Saunders, David, 1622: named in the will of his father Richard Sanders
Saunders, Edmund, 1640-41: Certificates of Residence issued
Saunders, Edward, 1600: named in the will of Henry Martin
Saunders, Faith, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Saunders, Faith, 1649: witness to the will of John Owen
Saunders, Hester, 1622: named in the will of her father Richard Sanders
Saunders, Hugh, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Saunders, Jane, 1625: widow of Thomas, named in the will of John Bolt
Saunders, John, 1625: son of Thomas, named in the will of his godfather John Bolt
Saunders, Margaret, 1590: Certificates of Residence issued
Saunders, Margaret, 1622: named in the will of her husband Richard Sanders
Saunders, Matthew, 1622: named in the will of his father Richard Sanders
Saunders, Nicholas, 1579: esquire, mentioned in the will of Thomas Etherege
Saunders, Richard, 1622: surgeon, his will
Saunders, Richard, 1625: witness to the will of Edmund Ashton
Saunders, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18v
Saunders, Thomas, 1625: deceased, mentioned in the will of John Bolt
Saunders, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Saunders, William, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Saunders, William, 1600: assessed by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Saunders, William, 1603: apprentice, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Saunders, William, 1622: waterman of St Katherine's, named in the will of Richard Sanders
Saunders, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Savage, ---, 1568: Mrs, witness to the will of Ann Freeman
Savage, ---, 1595: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Savage, ---, 1597: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Savage, ---, 1607: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Savage, Christopher, 1575: named in the will of Leonard Watson
Savage, Edward, 1595-1603: Certificates of Residence issued
Savage, Edward, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Savage, Edward, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Savage, Edward, 1609: named in the will of his brother Nicholas Savage
Savage, James, 1585: collarmaker, equipment deemed defective in the muster for Southwark
Savage, Joan, 1579: "old Joan", named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Savage, Joan, 1594: an inmate with Lionel Robson's wife
Savage, John, 1569-79: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Savage, John, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Savage, John, 1571: a Certificate of Residence issued
Savage, John, 1573: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Savage, John, 1573-75: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Savage, John, 1576-78: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Savage, John, 1578: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Savage, John, 1579: chandler, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Savage, John, 1579: deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Savage, John, 1583: collarmaker, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Savage, John, 1588: servant, named in the will of his master Thomas Cure
Savage, John, 1656: named in the will of his uncle William Stallard
Savage, Mary, 1575: named in the will of Leonard Watson
Savage, Nicholas, 1609: his will
Savage, Peter, 1587: named in the will of his father in law Peter Desmaistres
Savage, Peter, 1592: named in the will of his brother in law Peter Desmaistres Jr
Savage, Thomas, 1595: has unnamed inmates in his house at the Boar's Head
Savage, Thomas, 1637: presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Saverson, Thomas, 1590: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Savery, ---, 1619: mentioned in the minutes of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Savery, Robert, 1641: Doctor, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Savin, Elizabeth, 1625: named in the will of Alice Checkett
Savin, John, 1625: named in the will of Alice Checkett
Savitus, John Baptist, 1583: noted as dead in the muster for Brixton
Sawden:  see  Sowden
Sawnton, William, 1578: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sawter, Richard, 1593: witness to the will of John Tryne
Sawyer, ---, 1621: auditor, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sawyer, ---, 1635: Mr, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Sawyer, Abraham, 1582: named in the will of Thomas Burfam
Sawyer, Hazel, 1639: presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sawyer, John, 1557-62: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Sawyer, John, 1557: vestryman in 1557, as claimed in a lawsuit in 1606
Sawyer, Mary, 1629: named in the will of her brother Clement Bolton
Sawyer, Thomas, 1578: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Saxby, Richard, 1636: witness to the will of Richard Harrison
Saxton, Richard, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Saxton, Richard, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Say, Richard, 1603: manservant, named in the will of Edward Roberts
Sayer, ---, 1586: Master, named in the will of George Gibbs
Sayer, Arthur, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sayer, Edward, [undated, 1558-1579]: defendant in Sayer v Sayer in Chancery
Sayer, Henry, [undated, 1558-1579]: plaintiff in Sayer v Sayer in Chancery
Sayer, Henry, 1592: gentleman, named in the will of Thomas Brasier
Sayon, Vincent, 1622: Paris Garden, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Says, John, 1593: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Says, John, 1594: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scales, ---, 1593: widow, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scales, ---, 1594: widow, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scales, Christopher, 1595: has Robert Robinson & wife as inmates in his house
Scales, John, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Scales, John, 1589: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Scales, John, 1595: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Scales, Prudence, 1585: wife of John, carver, deponent for the Free School
Scales, William, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Scaltick, Ann, 1632: named in the will of her son in law Marcus Stone
Scaltick, Anthony, 1632: citizen and fishmonger, named in the will of his son in law Marcus Stone
Scaltick, Matthew, 1632: named in the will of his brother in law Marcus Stone
Scarf, Thomas, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scarle, Anthony, 1635-37: victualler at the Ship, presented for keeping a bawdy house etc; see file entries 540, 551, 553
Scarlet, Elizabeth, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Scarlet, Richard, 1580: shipwright of St Saviour, named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Scarlet, Richard, 1588: shipwright, named in the will of Richard Badcock
Scarlet, Thomas, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Scarlet, William, 1565-76: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Scarlet, William, 1566-75: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Scarlet, William, 1568-69: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Scarlet, William, 1571-73: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Scarlet, William, 1576: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Scarlet, William, 1589: mentioned by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Schoolmaster, Henry, 1608: witness to the will of Henry Barnes
Scory, Silvanus, 1608-10: Certificates of Residence issued
Scotcher, William, 1618: defendant in Cawarden v Dalton in Star Chamber
Scott, ---, 1608: widow, pawned goods to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Scott, ---, 1610: widow, pawned a gold ring to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Scott, ---, 1614: widow, her gold ring still in pawn to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Scott, ---, 1604: Mrs, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Scott, ---, 1625: named in the will of his nephew George Scott
Scott, Caleb, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Scott, Elizabeth, 1628: Certificates of Residence issued
Scott, George, 1625: servant, his will
Scott, John, 1583: esquire, named in the muster for Brixton
Scott, John, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Scott, John, 1601: Sir, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Scott, Josephus, 1627: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Stockton
Scott, Margaret, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Scott, Nicholas, 1640: servant to Robert Scott, presented by the churchwardens for fornication
Scott, Richard, 1557: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Scott, Richard, 1566-73: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Scott, Richard, 1567: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Scott, Richard, 1568-70: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Scott, Richard, 1569-71: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Scott, Richard, 1570: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Scott, Richard, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Scott, Richard, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Scott, Richard, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Scott, Richard, 1594: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scott, Richard, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scott, Richard, 1599: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scott, Richard, 1600: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Scott, Robert, 1593: witness to the will of John Addis
Scott, Robert, 1636: witness to the will of Reuben Evans
Scott, Robert, 1640: butcher, his servant Nicholas Scott presented by the churchwardens for fornication
Scott, William, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Scrivener, John, 1626: named in the will of John Aspin
Scrocham, Nicholas, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Scroggs, Ellen, 1645: witness to the will of Richard Roberts
Scroggs, William, 1583-84: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Scroggs, William, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Scubbin, Nicholas, 1624: son of William, named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Scubbin, William, 1624: named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Scudamore, Clement, 1603: a Certificate of Residence issued
Scull, Nicholas, 1640: witness to the will of Robert Wright
Scutch, ---, 1643: Serjeant, named in the will of Francis Grove
Seabury, John, 1586: named in the will of Jacob Brand
Seager, Gilbert, 1591: witness to the will of John Smith (2)
Seager, Giles, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Seager, Ralph, 1561: waterman, named in the will of Robert Norton
Seager, William, 1600: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Seager, William, 1602: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Seagood, Richard, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24r
Seaks, Dorothy, 1585: maidservant, named in the will of George Merrick
Seale, Alice, 1576: named in the will of Nicholas Martin
Seale, Joan, 1576: named in the will of Nicholas Martin
Seaman, Francis, 1645: witness to the will of Jeremy Evans
Seaman, Isaac, 1593: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Seaman, Isaac, 1594: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Seaman, Thomas, 1645: witness to the will of Jeremy Evans
Searer, Arthur, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Searle, Edward, 1606: did the Southwark probate inventory for Edward Bensted
Searle, Francis, 1641: witness to the will of Edward Goodman
Searle, Joan, 1605: named in the will of her brother Thomas Bentley
Searle, John, 1632: witness to the will of William Austen (1)
Searles, Thomas, 1579: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sears, Arthur, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sears, Ithamore, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Sedgley, Gabriel, 1594: she [sic] & her two children inmates in widow Songer's house in the Close
Sedgwick, Elizabeth, 1638: of Woburn, named in the will of her son John Sedgwick
Sedgwick, John, 1635: son of William, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Sedgwick, John, 1638: brewer, his will
Sedgwick, Martha, 1638: named in the will of her husband John Sedgwick
Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1676: witness to the will of Thomas Wadsworth (2)
Sedgwick, Robert, 1638: of New England, named in the will of his brother John Sedgwick
Sedgwick, Stephen, 1638: brewer, named in the will of his nephew John Sedgwick
Sedgwick, William, 1635: brewer, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Sedgwick, William, 1638: minister at Farnham, named in the will of his brother John Sedgwick
Seely, William, 1608: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Seely, William, 1615: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Seioton, Daniel, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Selby, Giles, 1589-91: Certificates of Residence issued
Selby, John, 1583: woodmonger, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Selby, John, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Selby, John, 1619: mentioned in the will of William Benfield
Selby, William, 1636: presented by the churchwardens
Sellers, ---, 1603: widow, named in the will of John Wrench
Sellers, William, 1595: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Sellers, William, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sellers, William, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sellers, William, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sellinger, Anthony, 1557: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sellwood, ---, 1621: old, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Alice, 1621: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1587: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1590: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1592: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1594: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1603: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1604: the elder, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1604: the younger, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1608: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1612: the elder, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1614: the elder, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1615: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Richard, 1621: deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sellwood, Ursula, 1619: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Senior, Anne, 1613: defendant in Gresham v Lloyd in Star Chamber
Seniscall, John, 1636: witness to the will of Robert Chambers
Sennet, Joan, 1568: named in the will of John More
Senthill, Margaret, 1641: widow, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Senthill, Peter, 1611: constable (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Senthill, Peter, 1617: constable of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Senthill, Peter, 1617: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Serjeant, Elizabeth, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sermon, Richard, 1621-28: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sermon, William, 1638-39: victualler in Paris Garden, presented for drinking etc; see file entries 558, 560, 564, 569, 590
Serrett, Thomas, 1568: named in the will of John More
Serrett, William, 1568: named in the will of John More
Sersby, Joan, 1636: named in the will of Henry Blundell
Seward, Edward, 1614: of Fenchurch Street, named in the will of Gwin ap Llewellyn
Sewell, ---, 1585: Mr, named in the will of George Merrick
Sewell, ---, 1639: widow in Counter Alley, presented for drinking; see file entries 564, 567
Sewell, Edward, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Sewell, Edward, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Sewell, Rebecca, 1638: widow, victualler, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sewell, Richard, 1634: Counter-keeper, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sexton, ---, 1603-04: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Seymour, John, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Shakespeare (Shackspurre), Joan, 1633: named in the will of George Ford
Shakespeare (Shackspurre), Thomas, 1633: named in the will of George Ford
Shane, John, 1574: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of Henry Gainsford
Shank, John, 1639: named in the will of Richard Benfield
Shank, Winifred, 1639: named in the will of Richard Benfield
Shaper, Robert, 1635: witness to the will of Katherine Yearwood
Shapster, Henry, 1568: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sharbed, John, 1567: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sharesbrook, Margery, 1576: named in the will of Nicholas Lawrence
Sharles, Thomas, 1590: named in the will of William Morrey
Sharles, Thomas, 1601: deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sharp, ---, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Sharp, Henry, 1646: witness to the will of Henry Lamb
Sharp, John, 1588: named in the will of Richard Robinson
Sharp, John, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14v, 42v
Sharp, John, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sharp, Margery, 1604: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sharp, Nicholas, 1625: witness to the will of Beatrice Clark
Sharp, Richard, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Sharp, Richard, 1636: presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sharp, Robert, 1593: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sharp, Robert, 1602-03: Certificates of Residence issued
Sharp, Thomas, 1605: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sharp, Thomas, 1676: named in the will of his stepfather Thomas Wadsworth (2)
Sharpeigh, Robert, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Shave, Thomas, 1645: of Kent, named in the will of Robert Greene
Shaw, ---, 1642: of Crooked Lane, London, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Shaw, Elizabeth, 1582: named in the will of her brother in law Thomas Burfam
Shaw, John, 1594: named in the will of John Brown (2)
Shaw, John, 1624-26: Certificates of Residence issued
Shaw, Robert, 1582: named in the will of his brother in law Thomas Burfam
Shaw, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Shaw, William, 1635: of London, landlord, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Shawarden, Elizabeth, 1624: named in the will of William Ward
Shawarden, William, 1624: named in the will of William Ward
Shear, John, 1605: apprentice, named in the will of his master Thomas Bentley
Sheen, Henry, 1559: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sheen, Henry, 1562: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sheen, Simon, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22v
Sheeres, George, 1628: Certificates of Residence issued
Sheffield, David, 1622: witness to the will of Robert Baker
Sheffield, David, 1624: named in the will of Jacob Mead
Shelbury, Henry, 1636: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Wannup
Shelbury, Henry, 1646: scrivener, witness to the will of Joshua Phineas
Shelbury, Richard, 1645: scrivener, named in the will of William Sledd
Shelly, Edward, 1584: papist, imprisoned in the Clink
Shelly, Henry, 1605: of Mapledurham, gentleman, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Shelly, Jane, 1605: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shelly alias Reeve, Katherine, 1605: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shelly alias Stanford, Mary, 1605: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shelly, Thomas, 1605: gentleman, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shelly, William, 1633: named in the will of Thomas Foster
Shepham, John, 1625: named in the will of Andrew Baxter
Shepherd, ---, 1605: Mrs, named in the will of Osmund Bilson
Shepherd, ---, 1659: Mrs, tenant, named in the will of her landlady Ann Stallard
Shepherd, Alice, 1615: named in the will of her father John Shepherd
Shepherd, Henry, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, Henry, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, Henry, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, Henry, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, Hugh, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14v, 42v
Shepherd, Jeffrey, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Shepherd, Jerome, 1583-85: a minister at St Saviour
Shepherd, Jerome, 1583: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shepherd, Joan, 1593: named in the will of John Fleming
Shepherd, John, 1562: named in the will of Thomas Gilbert
Shepherd, John, 1583: named as Keeper of the Clink prison
Shepherd, John, 1592: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Shepherd, John, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1594: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1598: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1598: named as Bailiff of the bishop of Winchester's liberty
Shepherd, John, 1599: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1600: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, John, 1605: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Shepherd, John, 1615: citizen and grocer, his will
Shepherd, Martha, 1615: named in the will of her husband John Shepherd
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1616: witness to the will of Philip Henslowe
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1617: defendant in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1625: servant, named in the will of his master Roger Cole
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1636: of St Saviour, named in the will of Robert Chambers
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Shepherd, Nicholas, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, Peter, 1614: sideman of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Shepherd, Stephen, 1583: curate, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shepherd, Stephen, 1608: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shepherd, Stephen, 1611: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shepherd, Thomas, 1588: keeper of the Clink, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Shepherd, William, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shepherd, William, 1608: doctor of medicine, witness to the will of George Bachelor
Shepherd, William, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15r
Shepherd, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sheppy, Margery, 1621: witness to the will of Joan Benson
Sheppy, William, 1621: witness to the will of Joan Benson
Shercraft, Hester, 1609: daughter of Robert, named in the will of Henry Buckham
Shercraft, Joan, 1609: wife of Robert, named in the will of Henry Buckham
Shercraft, Robert, 1609: named in the will of Henry Buckham
Sherfield, Nicholas, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Sherland, Christopher, 1627: counselor at law, named in the will of John Marshall
Sherle, Thomas, 1601: former sexton, now deceased
Sherlock, Francis, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherlock, William junior, 1637: presented by the churchwardens for misbehaving in church
Sherlock, William, 1616: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sherlock, William, 1623-24: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1624: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherlock, William, 1625-26: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1628: Paris Garden, assessed in a lay subsidy
Sherlock, William, 1628: Paris Garden, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Sherlock, William, 1633: presented by the churchwardens for servants working on Sunday
Sherlock, William, 1635: mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Sherlock, William, 1641: junior, Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherlock, William, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherlock, William, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Sherlock, William, 1647: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1656: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1671: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherlock, William, 1671: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sherm, John, 1574: witness to the will of George Hickock
Sherman, Ann, 1647: widow, her will
Sherman, Clemence, 1647: named in the will of her mother Ann Sherman
Sherman, Frederick, 1647: named in the will of his mother Ann Sherman
Sherman, Luke, 1647: named in the will of his mother Ann Sherman
Sherman, Susanna, 1647: named in the will of her mother Ann Sherman
Sherrett, John, 1591: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sherrett, William, 1601: a Certificate of Residence issued
’sHertogen, Anna, 1587: named in the will of her husband Peter Desmaistres
Sherve, Jasper, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherve, Jasper, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sherwood, John, 1662: remanded to the constable for refusing to pay highway rates
Shevall, Simon, 1551: coppersmith, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sheward, John, 1595-1600: Certificates of Residence issued
Shewell, John, 1603: scrivener, witness to the will of William Anderson
Shewert, William, 1567: named in the will of Humphrey Collett
Shewton, William, 1584: see Shotten
Shilbury, Richard, 1638: scrivener, witness to the will of John Cole
Shildren, William, 1567: witness to the will of Humphrey Collett
Shine, Henry, 1561: named in the will of John Goffe
Shine, William, 1594: named in the will of Peter Buckland
Shipman, Philip, 1580: witness to the will of William Smith
Shipman, Philip, 1582: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shipman, Philip, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Shipman, William, 1599: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shipman, William, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shipman, William, 1600: witness to the will of John Adshed
Shipman, William, 1601: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shipman, William, 1606: named in the will of John Bromley
Shipman, William, 1606: complainant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Shippy, William, 1603: baker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shipton, Alice, 1632: named in the will of Matthew Tart
Shipton, Ann, 1632: deceased, mentioned in the will of her nephew Matthew Tart
Shipton, Margaret, 1632: named in the will of Matthew Tart
Shirley, George, 1627: Sir, lord chief justice of Ireland, named in the will of John Marshall
Shirley, John, 1635: landlord, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Shirley, Peter, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shirley, Thomas, 1604-05: Sir, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Shirton, William, 1629: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Shonke, Richard, 1594: a Certificate of Residence issued
Shorditch, Michael, 1590-91: Certificates of Residence issued
Shore, Edward, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15v
Shore, John, 1637: named in the will of George Fessenden
Short, Ann, 1598: named in the will of her husband Thomas Short
Short, Mary, 1625: a Certificate of Residence issued
Short, Thomas, 1598: notary, his will
Short, William, 1559: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Short, William, 1598: named in the will of his father Thomas Short
Shorter, Ann, 1659: named in the will of Ann Stallard
Shorter, Irene, 1659: named in the will of Ann Stallard
Shorter, John, 1658: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Shorter, John, 1659: named in the will of Ann Stallard
Shorter, John, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Shorter, John, 1662: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Shotbolt, William, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shotbolt, William, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shotten, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15r
Shotten, William, 1584: stranger, leatherdresser, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Shotten, William, 1586: stranger, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in September
Shotten, William, 1593: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shotten, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Showdale, Lawrence, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shreve, ---, 1592: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Shrowton, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Shrub, Robert, 1607: tenant, named in the will of his landlord Hugh Browker
Shute, Josiah, 1635: named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Shute, Nathaniel, 1635: named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Shutter, John, 1659: tenant, named in the will of his landlady Ann Stallard
Sibell, ---, 1623: Scotsman; chaplain, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sibley, John, 1633: presented by the churchwardens for partying
Siddall, Thomas, 1586: named in the will of Jane Bradborn
Sill, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17r
Sillito, ---, 1619: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Silver, Thomas, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Silver, Thomas, 1646: carpenter, named in the will of his neighbor William George
Silvester, Richard, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14v, 42v
Silvester, Thomas, 1590-91: Certificates of Residence issued
Simmons:  see  Simonds
Simms, ---, 1646: Mrs, named in the will of John Hayman
Simms, Alice, 1619: named in the will of her father Simon Simms
Simms, Alice, 1625: a child, named in the will of Tobias Brewer
Simms, Ann, 1597: wife of Robert, named in the will of her father John Emerson
Simms, Elizabeth, 1619: named in the will of her husband Simon Simms
Simms, Isabel, 1586: witness to the will of Henry Gray
Simms, Richard, 1619: baker's apprentice, named in the will of his master Simon Simms
Simms, Robert, 1597: named in the will of his father in law John Emerson
Simms, Simon, 1619: baker, his will
Simms, Susan, 1619: named in the will of Simon Simms
Simonds, ---, 1578-79: beadle, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Simonds, ---, 1583: beadle, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, ---, 1605-06: Mr, lecturer, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Simonds, ---, 1608: Mr, minister, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, ---, 1608: preacher, named in the will of John Payne (3)
Simonds, ---, 1609-11: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Simonds, ---, 1609: preacher, named in the will of Anthony Smith
Simonds, ---, 1610: preacher at St Saviour, named in the will of William Cownden
Simonds, ---, 1611: Mr, mentioned in the will of Richard Padge
Simonds, ---, 1611: preacher, named in the will of Elizabeth Flooks alias Gwinn
Simonds, ---, 1613: Mr Doctor, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Simonds, ---, 1624: Doctor, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, ---, 1628: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, Dinah, 1640: widow, witness to the will of Roger Swetnam
Simonds, Edmund, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Simonds, Humphrey, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Simonds, Humphrey, 1582: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Simonds, Humphrey, 1635: at the Dolphin behind the Counter, presented by the churchwardens for not being at church
Simonds, John, 1626: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Simonds, John, 1635: mentioned in the will of his father Samuel Simons
Simonds, Katherine, 1625: widow, named in the will of her landlord Roger Cole
Simonds, Martin, 1635: named in the will of his uncle Samuel Simons
Simonds, Peter, 1635: named in the will of his uncle Samuel Simons
Simonds alias Fortune, Richard, 1578: named in the will of Thomas Atkinson (1)
Simonds, Richard, 1579: witness to the will of Agnes Addinson
Simonds, Richard, 1640-41: a Certificate of Residence issued
Simonds, Richard, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Simonds, Richard, 1646: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1646: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1647: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1655: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1656: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1656: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1656: bought coal for the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1656: has one of the keys to the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1658: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1658: bought coal for the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1660: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1660: coal he bought for the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden was sold
Simonds, Richard, 1660: sold coal on behalf of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1661: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Richard, 1662: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Simonds, Samuel, 1622: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Simonds, Samuel, 1625-26: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Simonds, Samuel, 1625-28: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Simonds, Samuel, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Simonds, Samuel, 1626-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Simonds, Samuel, 1627: mentioned in the will of John Marshall
Simonds, Samuel, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Simonds, Samuel, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Simonds, Samuel, 1628: his will mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, Samuel, 1628-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Simonds, Samuel, 1635: of Stamford, named in the will of his uncle Samuel Simons
Simonds, Samuel, 1635: whitebaker, his will
Simonds, Sarah, 1635: named in the will of her husband Samuel Simons
Simonds, Thomas, 1576: of Ashford, named in the will of George Syer
Simonds, Thomas, 1606: gentleman, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simonds, William, 1605: mentioned in the will of Thomas Bentley
Simonds, William, 1605-16: a minister at St Saviour
Simonds, William, 1607-14: minister (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Simonds, William, 1608: named in the will of George Bachelor
Simonds, William, 1612: preacher at St Saviour, named in the will of Thomas Towne
Simpkin, Sarah, 1668: named in the will of her brother Samuel Bolton, 1668: clergyman, his will
Simpson, ---, 1607: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Anthony, 1608: baker, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Simpson, Francis, 1608: named in the will of John Payne (1)
Simpson, Hannah, 1624: daughter of John, named in the will of John Burrett
Simpson, Henry, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Simpson, John, 1611: his widow, deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, John, 1624: deceased, mentioned in the will of John Burrett
Simpson, John, 1624: son of John, named in the will of John Burrett
Simpson, Judith, 1608: named in the will of John Payne (1)
Simpson, Katherine, 1609: witness to the will of Margaret Bloom
Simpson, Margery, 1608: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Nathaniel, 1624: son of John, named in the will of John Burrett
Simpson, Oliver, 1613-14: gravemaker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Oliver, 1617: gravemaker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Oliver, 1619: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Simon, 1640: victualler at the Bottle by Axe Yard, presented for drinking; see file entries 573, 579
Simpson, Simon, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Simpson, Thomas, 1593: witness to the will of William Gately
Simpson, Thomas, 1594: baker, has several inmates in his divided house, the Windmill
Simpson, Thomas, 1594: named in the will of John Brown (2)
Simpson, Thomas, 1595: baker, has several inmates in his divided house, the Windmill
Simpson, Thomas, 1606: old poor man, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Thomas, 1607: baker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, Thomas, 1608: deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Simpson, William, 1582: witness to the will of Thomas Adlin
Simpson, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.21v, 23r
Sinfell, Hannah, 1649: named in the will of her father in law William Mayhew
Singer, ---, 1594: widow, has Gabriel Sedgley (a woman) as inmate in her house in the Close
Singer, Edward, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singer, Edward, 1598-99: Certificates of Residence issued
Singer, Edward, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singer, Edward, 1600: witness to the will of Henry Brown
Singer, Edward, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singer, John, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singer, John, 1599: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singer, John, 1600: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Singleton, John, 1615: witness to the will of Randall Carter
Singleton, Nicholas, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Sion, Vincent, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sivier, Eleanor, 1622: named in the will of her husband Thomas Sivier
Sivier, Margaret, 1622: named in the will of her father Thomas Sivier
Sivier, Robert, 1622: named in the will of his brother Thomas Sivier
Sivier, Thomas, 1620-21: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Sivier, Thomas, 1622: waterman, his will
Sivier, William, 1622: named in the will of his brother Thomas Sivier
Sizemore, ---, 1595: has inmates in his house in Miles's Rents
Sizemore, John, 1594: has Patrick Richardson as inmate in his house
Skelton, John, 1604: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Skelton, John, 1604: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Skett, John, 1597: a Certificate of Residence issued
Skevington, ---, 1581: Lady, deceased, mentioned in the will of her grandson George Skevington
Skevington, Elizabeth, 1581: named in the will of her uncle George Skevington
Skevington, George, 1581: merchant of the Staple, his will
Skevington, James, 1581: named in the will of his brother George Skevington
Skevington, John, 1581: named in the will of his brother George Skevington
Skevington, Richard, 1581: named in the will of his brother George Skevington
Skevington, Thomas, 1581: of Leicestershire, named in the will of George Skevington
Skevington, Thomas, 1581: of Nottingham, named in the will of his brother George Skevington
Skevington, William, 1581: named in the will of his uncle George Skevington
Skevington, William, 1581: Sir, named in the will of his brother George Skevington
Skidmore, ---, 1603: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Skidmore, ---, 1603: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Skidmore, Joan, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Skidmore, John, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Skingle, John, 1603: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Skingle, John, 1606: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Skingle, John, 1613-14: sideman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Skinner alias Holt, William, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Skinner, ---, 1597: named in the will of his father in law John Emerson
Skinner, ---, 1607: named in the will of Hugh Browker
Skinner, Ann, 1593: widow, witness to the will of George Goldwell
Skinner, Thomas, 1557-62: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Skinner, Thomas, 1565: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Skinner, Thomas, 1571: a Certificate of Residence issued
Skinner, Thomas, 1580: bargeman, his will
Skinner, Thomas, 1580: witness to the will of Thomas Skinner
Skinner, Thomas, 1587: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Slade, Alice, 1603: named in the will of John Wrench
Slade, Alice, 1635: mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Slade, Anthony, 1603: of Oxford, named in the will of John Wrench
Slade, John, 1603: named in the will of John Wrench
Slade, Margaret, 1603: of Oxford, named in the will of John Wrench
Slade, Richard, 1603: named in the will of John Wrench
Slade, Richard, 1624: lessor, mentioned in the will of his tenant Nicholas Bartlem
Slade, Richard, 1625: waterman, named in the will of Mary Kemble
Slade, Robert, 1603: mentioned in the will of John Wrench
Slaney, Stephen, 1583: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Slarke, Anthony, 1600: a Certificate of Residence issued
Slater, Martin, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Slater, Martin, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Slater, Martin, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Slater, Nicholas, 1594: witness to the will of William Johnson
Slater, Richard, 1599: fined by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Slater, Richard, 1633-40: vintner at the Salutation in the Close, presented for drinking etc; see file entries 525, 530, 536, 561, 564, 565, 572, 573
Slater, Richard, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Slater, William, 1637: vintner in the Close, presented by the churchwardens for obstinacy
Slayton, Henry, 1595: tailor in Christopher Alley, has inmates in his house
Sledd, Ann, 1645: named in the will of her father William Sledd
Sledd, Ann, 1645: named in the will of her husband William Sledd
Sledd, Daniel, 1645: named in the will of his father William Sledd
Sledd, Elizabeth, 1645: named in the will of her father William Sledd
Sledd, Henry, 1574: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in July
Sledd, Jane, 1645: named in the will of her father William Sledd
Sledd, Joan, 1602: widow, named in the will of Marie Hobson
Sledd, John, 1645: named in the will of his brother William Sledd
Sledd, Mary, 1645: named in the will of her father William Sledd
Sledd, Robert, 1645: named in the will of his brother William Sledd
Sledd, William, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sledd, William, 1625: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Sledd, William, 1625-27: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Sledd, William, 1627: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sledd, William, 1627-28: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Sledd, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Sledd, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Sledd, William, 1629: Certificates of Residence issued
Sledd, William, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sledd, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sledd, William, 1641: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Sledd, William, 1645: citizen and ironmonger, his will
Sledd, William, 1645: named in the will of his father William Sledd
Slee, John, 1556-59: Certificates of Residence issued
Sleigh, Edmund, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sleigh, Edmund, 1645: citizen and mercer, named in the will of Mary Brown
Sleigh, Edward, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Slight, John, 1562: citizen and ironmonger, witness to the will of Thomas Gilbert
Slingsby, William, 1580: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Slitman, Henry, 1613: tailor, defendant in Gresham v Lloyd in Star Chamber
Sloan, ---, 1623: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Slott, Francis, 1625: witness to the will of Anthony Alfrey
Sly, Edward, 1626: named in the will of Dorothy Ball
Sly, Joan, 1559: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Slyman, ---, 1640: named in the will of her brother Nicholas Morton
Slyman, Agnes, 1640: named in the will of her uncle Nicholas Morton
Slynehead, Ellen, 1593: named in the will of her husband Peter Slynehead
Slynehead, Peter, 1593: tanner, his will
Smallpeere, Thomas, 1626: a Certificate of Residence issued
Smallwood, Richard, 1601: named in the will of Leonard Smith
Smallworth, John, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smapes, Thomas, 1603: manservant, named in the will of Edward Roberts
Smart, John, 1629: two watermen, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21v
Smart, Richard, 1646: of London, named in the will of William George
Smart, William, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smart, William, 1601: a Certificate of Residence issued
Smethee, Ann, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Edward, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Elizabeth, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Lewis, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Quinborow, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Quinborow, 1626: of Chiswick, named in the will of her son in law Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Ralph, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Richard, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Thomas, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, Valentine, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Smethee, William, 1626: of Chiswick, named in the will of his son in law Ralph Hendry
Smiter, William, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Smiter, William, 1636: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Smiter, William, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, ---, 1574: widow, mentioned in the minutes of the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Smith, ---, 1583: preacher, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1586: Goodwife of Paris Garden Lane, named in the will of William Cox
Smith, ---, 1587: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1594-95: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1595: an inmate in a divided house in the Close
Smith, ---, 1598: Mrs, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1600: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1601-08: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, ---, 1608: minister at St Olave, mentioned in the will of John Payne (3)
Smith, ---, 1609: Mr, deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1610: Mrs, named in the will of William Cownden
Smith, ---, 1616-18: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, ---, 1618: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, ---, 1638: named in the will of Elizabeth Grubb
Smith, Abraham, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23r
Smith, Abraham, 1658: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, Abraham, 1658: settled an account with the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, Agnes, 1580: in Derbyshire, named in the will of her son William Smith
Smith, Agnes, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her uncle Anthony Smith
Smith, Alice, 1562: servant, named in the will of Thomas Gilbert
Smith, Alice, 1583: named in the will of Jane Palmer
Smith, Alice, 1599: witness to the will of Joan Bromley
Smith, Alice, 1609: mentioned in the will of her father Anthony Smith
Smith, Alice, 1609: mentioned in the will of her husband Anthony Smith
Smith, Alice, 1621: daughter of Christopher, named in the will of Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, Ambrose, 1583: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Smith, Ambrose, 1621: weaver of London, named in the will of his sister Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, Ann, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Anthony, 1592-95: Certificates of Residence issued
Smith, Anthony, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Anthony, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Smith, Anthony, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Smith, Anthony, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Anthony, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Anthony, 1600: grocer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Anthony, 1600-09: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Anthony, 1602: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Anthony, 1603: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Anthony, 1606: grocer, named in the will of John Bromley
Smith, Anthony, 1606: defendant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Smith, Anthony, 1606-08: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Anthony, 1609: citizen and grocer, his will
Smith, Anthony, 1609: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Anthony, 1627: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Audrey, 1591: named in the will of her father John Smith (2)
Smith, Bartholomew, 1646: named in the will of his brother in law Joshua Phineas
Smith, Benjamin, 1645: named in the will of his brother Robert Smith
Smith, Charles, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Christian, 1580: named in the will of her husband William Smith
Smith, Christopher, 1607: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Christopher, 1612: named in the will of John Austen
Smith, Christopher, 1621: son of Thomas, named in the will of Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, David, 1591: named in the will of his father John Smith (2)
Smith, Deborah, 1624: named in the will of her uncle John Bingham
Smith, Edmund, 1598: named in the will of his son Thomas Smith
Smith, Edward, 1616: witness to the will of Agnes Henslowe
Smith, Edward, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Edward, 1626: shipwright, his will
Smith, Edward, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Elizabeth, 1592: witness to the will of John Brown (1)
Smith, Elizabeth, 1622: named in the will of her father William Wells
Smith, Elizabeth, 1624: named in the will of her uncle John Bingham
Smith, Elizabeth, 1629: named in the will of her brother John Abel
Smith, Elizabeth, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Ellen, 1580: witness to the will of Thomas Skinner
Smith, Frances, 1574: witness to the will of Alice Bassett
Smith, Francis, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Francis, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Smith, Francis, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Smith, Francis, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Francis, 1603: witness to the will of William Parrot
Smith, Garrett, 1586: witness to the will of George Gibbs
Smith, Garrett, 1592: bailiff, testified at the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Smith, Garrett, 1593: named in the will of John Fleming
Smith, Garrett, 1595: bailiff for the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Smith, Garrett, 1595: named in the will of Thomas Emerson
Smith, Garrett, 1596: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Garrett, 1601: chosen sexton of the church
Smith, Garrett, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Garrett, 1604: his widow appeared at the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Smith, George, 1611: a Certificate of Residence issued
Smith, George, 1637: named in the will of his godfather George Buggins
Smith, Gertrude, 1591: named in the will of her father John Smith (2)
Smith, Grace, 1611: widow, named in the will of Thomas Audley alias Luke
Smith, Harry, 1580: named in the will of his brother William Smith
Smith, Henry, 1561: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Henry, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Smith, Henry, 1594: has William Hale as inmate in his house
Smith, Henry, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of his brother Anthony Smith
Smith, Henry, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of his uncle Anthony Smith
Smith, Henry, 1621: son of Ambrose, named in the will of his aunt Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, Henry, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Smith, Hugh, 1581: minister at St Stephen Coleman Street, witness to the will of George Skevington
Smith, Hugh, 1582-87: a minister at St Saviour
Smith, Isaac, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Smith, Jacob, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Smith, James, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, James, 1559: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, James, 1567: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, James, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, James, 1569-71: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, James, 1591: named in the will of his father John Smith (2)
Smith, James, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, James, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, James, 1594: brewer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, James, 1597: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, James, 1598: Mr, brewer; deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, James, 1625: painter, mentioned in the will of Beatrice Clark
Smith, James, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Jane, 1645: named in the will of Michael Nicholson
Smith, Jasper, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Smith, Joan, 1573: named in the will of her husband John Smith (1)
Smith, Joan, 1609: mentioned in the will of her father Anthony Smith
Smith, Joan, 1609: mentioned in the will of her son Anthony Smith
Smith, Joan, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her brother in law Anthony Smith
Smith, Joan, 1625: witness to the will of Beatrice Clark
Smith, Joan, 1640: deceased, mentioned in the will of her brother Nicholas Morton
Smith, John, 1557: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, John, 1557: churchwarden in 1557, as claimed in a lawsuit in 1606
Smith, John, 1557-72: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, John, 1561-62: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1564-65: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1567-69: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1569: named in the muster for Clink Liberty
Smith, John, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Smith, John, 1571-72: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1573: brewer, his will
Smith, John, 1573: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, John, 1578-79: brewer, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1578-79: glazier, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Smith, John, 1583: brewer, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Smith, John, 1585: brewer, equipment deemed defective in the muster for Southwark
Smith, John, 1588?: brewer, named in the muster for Southwark
Smith, John, 1591: beerbrewer, his will
Smith, John, 1591: named in the will of his father John Smith (2)
Smith, John, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1601: servant, named in the will of Leonard Smith
Smith, John, 1603: brother of Skidmore's wife, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, John, 1609: mentioned in the will of his father Anthony Smith
Smith, John, 1617: witness to the will of Richard Rutter
Smith, John, 1619: named in the will of William Russell
Smith, John, 1621: Certificates of Residence issued
Smith, John, 1621: son of Thomas, named in the will of Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, John, 1625: named in the will of John Bradley
Smith, John, 1626: named in the will of his brother Edward Smith
Smith, John, 1627: his son Anthony mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.20v, 23r
Smith, John, 1635: presented by the churchwardens for working on Sunday
Smith, John, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, John, 1646: esquire, named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, John, 1646: of Gloucestersihre, named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Joseph, 1624: named in the will of his uncle John Bingham
Smith, Leonard, 1601: fishmonger of London, his will
Smith, Margaret, 1608: named in the will of John Payne (1)
Smith, Margaret, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Mary, 1573: named in the will of Agnes Partridge
Smith, Mary, 1606: witness to the will of Edward Bowtell
Smith, Mary, 1614: witness to the will of Robert Ayers
Smith, Mary, 1637: presented by the churchwardens for fornication
Smith, Mary, 1646: named in the will of her brother Joshua Phineas
Smith, Matthew, 1562: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Smith, Matthew, 1569: St Saviour, poor, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Matthew, 1573: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Smith, Matthew, 1584: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Maurice, 1624: named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Smith, Mildred, 1619: named in the will of Ann Russell
Smith, Mildred, 1619: named in, and witness to, the will of William Russell
Smith, Morris, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Smith, Morris, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Smith, Nathaniel, 1645: named in the will of his brother Robert Smith
Smith, Nicholas, 1580: shoemaker, named in the will of his brother William Smith
Smith alias Phipps, Nicholas, 1586: priest, imprisoned in the Clink
Smith, Nicholas, 1609: named in the will of his brother Anthony Smith
Smith, Oliver, 1606: butcher of Southwark, named in the will of Edward Bowtell
Smith, Philip, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Philippa, 1598: named in the will of her husband Thomas Smith
Smith, Priscilla, 1580: named in the will of her uncle William Smith
Smith, Richard, 1565-66: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Richard, 1594: of Kent, named in the will of his godfather Richard Bowmer
Smith, Richard, 1603: pewterer of London, deceased, mentioned in the will of Roger Swain
Smith, Richard, 1609: chaplain to lord Dunbar, named in the will of Anthony Smith
Smith, Richard, 1614: overseer of Clink Liberty (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Richard, 1620: of Enfield, laborer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Smith, Richard, 1633: Horsehead Alley, presented for drinking; see file entries 525, 530
Smith, Richard, 1645: named in the will of his brother Robert Smith
Smith, Richard, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, Richard: 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Smith, Richard: 1606: subpoenaed by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Smith, Robert, 1557-68: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Robert, 1562: named in the will of Thomas Gilbert
Smith, Robert, 1564: stirrupmaker in Chequer Alley, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Robert, 1573: sailor, deceased, mentioned in the will of Agnes Partridge
Smith, Robert, 1576: yeoman, witness to the will of Nicholas Lawrence
Smith, Robert, 1595: his son in law Peter Bolton & wife live with him and his wife; see inmates
Smith, Robert, 1621: esquire, justice of peace, defendant in Burnell v Smith in Star Chamber
Smith, Robert, 1621: merchant tailor of London, defendant in Burnell v Smith in Star Chamber
Smith, Robert, 1629: named in the will of his brother in law John Abel
Smith, Robert, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Smith, Robert, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Smith, Robert, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Smith, Robert, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Robert, 1645: seaman, his will
Smith, Roger, 1591: named in the will of his father John Smith (2)
Smith, Roger, 1591: of Coleman Street, London, named in the will of Richard Dodson
Smith, Samuel, 1591: named in the will of his father John Smith (2)
Smith, Sarah, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her uncle Anthony Smith
Smith, Sarah, 1621: daughter of Henry, named in the will of her great aunt Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, Thomas, 1560: gentleman, named in the will of Henry Leake
Smith, Thomas, 1567-69: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Thomas, 1572: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Smith, Thomas, 1576: named in the will of his uncle George Syer
Smith, Thomas, 1579: Customer of London, named in the will of William Brightman
Smith, Thomas, 1580: servant, named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Smith, Thomas, 1580: tenant, mentioned in the will of Thomas Skinner
Smith, Thomas, 1585: witness to the will of John Minter
Smith, Thomas, 1590: a Certificate of Residence issued
Smith, Thomas, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1594: cheesemonger, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1594: has divided his house, the Rose by Chain Gate, into tenements for inmates
Smith, Thomas, 1594: has William Hale & family as inmates in his house, the Rose by Chain Gate
Smith, Thomas, 1598: baker, his will
Smith, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Smith, Thomas, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Thomas, 1605: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Smith, Thomas, 1607: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Thomas, 1609: mentioned in the will of his son Anthony Smith
Smith, Thomas, 1616: cheesemonger, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Thomas, 1618: cheesemonger, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Smith, Thomas, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Smith, Thomas, 1621: named in the will of Elizabeth Dickenson
Smith, Thomas, 1629: witness to the will of Richard Cannon
Smith, Thomas, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Smith, William, 1580: his will
Smith, William, 1580: named in the will of his uncle William Smith
Smith, William, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Smith, William, 1591: of Henley upon Thames, named in the will of Richard Dodson
Smith, William, 1592: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Smith, William, 1608: named in the will of John Payne (1)
Smith, William, 1613: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1613-14: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1621-26: Certificates of Residence issued
Smith, William, 1622: deceased, mentioned in the will of his father in law William Wells
Smith, William, 1624: named in the will of his uncle John Bingham
Smith, William, 1627-28: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1628: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Smith, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Smith, William, 1639: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1645: servant, named in the will of Robert Greene
Smith, William, 1646: named in the will of his godmother Ann Austen
Smith, William, 1646: servant, named in the will of his mistress Ann Austen
Smith, William, 1652: a gift given him by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Smith, William, 1662: remanded to the constable for having a divided house
Smith, Winifred, 1622: named in the will of her son Thomas Whitehouse
Smithen, ---, 1620: Goodwife, overseers for the poor of Paris Garden paid for her burial and for her children
Smithen, James, 1619: tenant, named in the will of his landlord William Benfield
Smithson, Edmund, 1605: named in the will of Henry Snell
Smithy, Lawrence, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15r
Snacks, ---, 1576: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Snape, Edmund, 1603-08: a minister at St Saviour
Snape, Edmund, 1605: witness to the will of Charles Kellaway
Snape, Edmund, 1607: named in the will of Hugh Browker
Snape, Edmund, 1608: preacher, his will
Snape, Edward, 1623: deceased, clerk of St Saviour, named in Snape v Bovy in Chancery
Snape, Elizabeth, 1608: named in the will of her father Edmund Snape
Snape, Hannah, 1608: named in the will of her father Edmund Snape
Snape, John, 1608: named in the will of his brother Edmund Snape
Snape, John, 1608: named in the will of his father Edmund Snape
Snape, Nathaniel, 1608: named in the will of his father Edmund Snape
Snape, Ruth, 1608: named in the will of her father Edmund Snape
Snape, Samuel, 1608: named in the will of his father Edmund Snape
Snape, Samuel, 1623: plaintiff in Snape v Bovy in Chancery
Snape, Sarah, 1608: named in the will of her father Edmund Snape
Snape, Thomas, 1603-07: lecturer, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Snape, Thomas, 1608: named in the will of his brother Edmund Snape
Snape, Thomas, 1608: named in the will of his son Edmund Snape
Snape, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18v
Snape, Thomas, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14r, 42r
Snape, Timothy, 1608: named in the will of his father Edmund Snape
Snary, Roger, 1610: a Certificate of Residence issued
Snell, Abraham, 1605: named in the will of his father Henry Snell
Snell, Cecily, 1605: named in the will of her husband Henry Snell
Snell, Henry, 1597: witness to the will of Richard Salisbury
Snell, Henry, 1605: yeoman, his will
Snell, Isaac, 1605: named in the will of his father Henry Snell
Snell, Jacob, 1605: named in the will of his father Henry Snell
Snell, Nicholas, 1605: named in the will of Henry Snell
Snelling, ---, 1622: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Snelling, ---, 1624-25: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Snelling, Alan, 1625: named in the will of Richard Snelling
Snelling, David, 1625: named in the will of his uncle Richard Snelling
Snelling, Frances, 1619: named in the will of her father Francis Snelling
Snelling, Frances, 1619: named in the will of her husband Francis Snelling
Snelling, Francis, 1602: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Snelling, Francis, 1603: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Snelling, Francis, 1619: citizen and haberdasher, his will
Snelling, George, 1625: witness to the will of John Bolt
Snelling, Isabel, 1625: named in the will of her husband Richard Snelling
Snelling, James, 1619: tenant, named in the will of his landlord William Benfield
Snelling, James, 1625: named in the will of his uncle Richard Snelling
Snelling, John, 1600-04: Certificates of Residence issued
Snelling, John, 1625: named in the will of his brother Richard Snelling
Snelling, Marie, 1625: named in the will of her uncle Richard Snelling
Snelling, Mark, 1625: Certificates of Residence issued
Snelling, Nicholas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Snelling, Richard, 1607-08: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1608: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1608: submitted his account as overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1609: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1609: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1610: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1610: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1611: named as collector of subsidies for Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1611: named as overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1611-12: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1612: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1613: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1614: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1614: named in the will of James Kirby
Snelling, Richard, 1618: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1622: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1622-23: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1623: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1623: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1623: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1623: of Upper Ground, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Snelling, Richard, 1623-25: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Snelling, Richard, 1624: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1624: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Snelling, Richard, 1625: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Snelling, Richard, 1625: named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Snelling, Richard, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Snelling, Thomas, 1619: named in the will of his brother Francis Snelling
Snelling, Thomas, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Snelling, Thomas, 1625: named in the will of his uncle Richard Snelling
Snelling, William, 1619: named in the will of his brother Francis Snelling
Snelling, William, 1625: named in the will of his brother Richard Snelling
Snodham, John, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Snow, John, 1646: citizen and draper, named in the will of Thomas Parker
Snowden, Elizabeth, 1603: servant, named in the will of John Wrench
Soame, Thomas, 1635: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Soames, John, 1581: witness to the will of George Skevington
Soane, David, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Soane, David, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Soane, David, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Soane, David, 1633: witness to the will of Richard Lee
Soane, David, 1635: butcher, tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Soare, ---, 1625: Goodwife, named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Soare, ---, 1640: widow, Upper Ground, presented by the churchwardens for being a recusant
Soare, Addy, 1623: esquire, his will
Soare, Dorothy, 1623: named in the will of her husband Addy Sare
Soare, Edward, 1593: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1594: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in a lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1594: Paris Garden, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1598: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1599: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1600: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Soare, Edward, 1600: of Paris Garden, named by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Soare, Edward, 1601: shipwright, mentioned in the will of Thomas Iremonger
Soare, Edward, 1608: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, Edward, 1609: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, Edward, 1609: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, Edward, 1609: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, Edward, 1609: one of the ancientest men in Paris Garden liberty
Soare, Edward, 1609: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, Edward, 1610: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Soare, John, 1624: named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Soare, John, 1633: witness to the will of Margaret Dancer
Soare, Margaret, 1624: named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Soare, Richard, 1624: named in the will of Nicholas Bartlem
Soare, Thomas, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23r
Soare, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Soase, Mary, 1587: named in the will of her godmother Mary Bird
Soillot, Jan, 1593: minister of the Dutch Church, named in the will of Lieven van den Put
Sole, George, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Somerwell, John, 1625: named in the will of Tobias Brewer
Songer:  see  Singer
Songhurst, Thomas, 1589-1600: Certificates of Residence issued
Sording, George, 1565: witness to the will of Agnes Pilfold
South, John, 1591: witness to the will of Thomas Davies
Southby, Bartholomew, 1608: witness to the will of Richard Mellersh
Southcote, ---, 1562: Serjeant of the law, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Southland, William, 1603: a Certificate of Residence issued
Southworth, Prudence, 1636: spinster, her will
Sowden, Daniel, 1639: dyer, named in the will of Richard Dowdswell
Sowden, Elizabeth, 1608: named in the will of Edmund Snape
Sowden, James, 1638: wrote the will of William Austen (2)
Sowden, James, 1647: scrivener, witness to the will of John Betterton
Sowden, James, 1648: scrivener, witness to the will of Nicholas Forman
Sowden, Morgan, 1608: mentioned in the will of Edmund Snape
Sowse, James, 1620: witness to the will of James Barlow
Spackman, John, 1591: defendant in Carter v Spackman in Chancery
Sparkling, ---, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Sparkling, ---, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Sparks, Alice, 1608: named in the will of John Payne (1)
Sparks, George, 1627-28: scavenger for Paris Garden, fined for poor performance of his duties
Sparks, George, 1628: Paris Garden, assessed in a lay subsidy
Sparks, George, 1628: Paris Garden, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Sparks, Henry, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sparks, Henry, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sparks, Henry, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sparks, James, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sparks, James, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Sparks, James, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Sparks, Oliver, 1636: presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sparrow, John, 1582: named in the will of William Bird
Sparrow, Stephen, 1615: named in the will of his neighbor George Belcher
Sparshot, William, 1637: victualler at the Dog and Bear in Maid Lane, presented for drinking etc; see file entries 551, 553
Speed, William, 1643: named in the will of Dorothy Aile
Speller, John, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Spence, Paul, 1585: a priest, imprisoned in the Clink
Spencer, ---, 1576: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Spencer, ---, 1643: minister, named in the will of Francis Grove
Spencer, ---, 1646: minister at St Thomas, Southwark, named in the will of Ann Austen
Spencer, Brockett, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Spencer, Edward, 1637: victualler behind the Counter, presented by the churchwardens not being at church
Spencer, John, [undated]: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Spencer, John, 1583-87: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Spencer, John, 1585: named in, and witness to, the will of Jeffrey Ward
Spencer, John, 1586: witness to the will of Henry Gray
Spencer, John, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Spencer, Katherine, 1585: named in the will of her father Jeffrey Ward
Spencer, Margaret, 1638-40: presented for keeping a bawdy house; see file entries 559, 578
Spencer, Richard, 1603: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord John Wrench
Spencer, Robert, 1576: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Spencer, Thomas, [undated]: a Certificate of Residence issued
Spencer, William, 1612: named in the will of his brother in law John Bacon
Spencer, William, 1638: witness to the will of John Cole
Spendlow, Walter, 1587: witness to the will of Henry Kelly
Spendlow, Walter, 1595-98: Certificates of Residence issued
Spendlow, Walter, 1610: named in the will of his godfather William Cownden
Spensly, Thomas, 1592: scrivener, named in the will of Peter Desmaistres Jr
Sperrin, Edward, 1580: his will
Sperrin, Eleanor, 1580: named in the will of her brother Edward Sperrin
Sperrin, Elizabeth, 1580: named in the will of her son Edward Sperrin
Sperrin, Ellen, 1580: named in the will of her brother Edward Sperrin
Sperrin, John, 1580: named in the will of his brother Edward Sperrin
Sperrin, Morgan, William, 1580: named in the will of Edward Sperrin
Sperrin, Ralph, 1580: named in the will of his brother Edward Sperrin
Spicer, Humphrey, 1625: named in the will of Tobias Brewer
Spier, John, 1646: of Dorset, named in the will of John Hayman
Spier, Margaret, 1646: of Dorset, named in the will of John Hayman
Spires, ---, 1646: silk throwster of Pudding Lane, named in the will of John Hayman
Spooner, ---, 1622: widow, a Certificate of Residence issued
Sprat, ---, 1624: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Spratling, Esay, 1608: named in the will of his brother Peter Spratling
Spratling, Peter, 1608: gentleman, his will
Spredame, Harry, 1592: witness to the will of Agnes Early
Springback, Gilbert, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20v
Springbat, Sarah, 1642: named in the will of John Oliver
Sprinklet, John, 1603: witness to the will of Thomas King
Sprinklet, John, 1608: took Sarah Newman as apprentice
Sprock, Albert, 1606: gentleman, defendant in Brickwood v Brickwood in Star Chamber
Sprock, Jane, 1606: wife of Albert, defendant in Brickwood v Brickwood in Star Chamber
Sprordam, John, 1592: named in the will of Agnes Early
Sprote, George, 1638: in Castle Alley, mentioned in a presentment by the churchwardens
Sprouse, Agnes, 1576: named in the will of George Syer
Squire, ---, 1624: Mrs, named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Squire, John, 1624: minister at Shoreditch, named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Squire, John, 1646: vicar of Shoreditch, named in the will of Ann Austen
Squire, Rowland, 1628: named in the will of Ralph Babington
St John, ---, 1571: Lord, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
St John, Mary [Arundel], 1626: wife of William Arundel, plaintiff in Arundel v Ashby in Chancery
Stable, Katherine, 1625: named in the will of her brother John Bradley
Stackpole, James, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Stackpole, James, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stackpole, James, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stackpole, James, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stackpole, James, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stackpole, James, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Staffany, John, 1593: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Staffany, John, 1594: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stafford, Margery, 1573: named in the will of her mother Agnes Partridge
Stafford, William, 1573: named in the will of his mother in law Agnes Partridge
Stafford, William, 1575: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Stagg, Ann, 1631: named in the will of her husband Giles Stagg
Stagg, George, 1662: remanded to the constable for refusing to stand watch
Stagg, Giles, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stagg, Giles, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stagg, Giles, 1631: brewer, his will
Stagg, Richard, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Staigle, John, 1600: witness to the will of John Adshed
Stailes, Barnard, 1609: a Certificate of Residence issued
Staines, John, 1589: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Staines, John, 1593: shoemaker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Staines, John, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Staines, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Staines, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Staines, John, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Staines, John, 1626: age 70 years, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stallard, Ann, 1656: named in the will of her husband William Stallard
Stallard, Ann, 1659: widow, her will
Stallard, Richard, 1656: of Gloucester, deceased, mentioned in the will of William Stallard
Stallard, William, 1634-35: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1635: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1636-37: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1636: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stallard, William, 1645: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1648: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1650: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stallard, William, 1652: paid by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden for rent for his coal yard
Stallard, William, 1656: waterman, his will
Stallworth, Mary, 1646: named in the will of her mother in law Ann Austen
Stallworth, William, 1646: named in the will of his mother in lawAnn Austen
Stamford, George, 1605: named in the will of John Emson
Stan---, Thomas, 1595: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stanbridge, Ann, 1625: named in the will of her brother Alexander Kipping
Stanbridge, William, 1625: named in the will of Alexander Kipping
Standen, Edmund, 1586-88: Certificates of Residence issued
Stanford alias Shelly, Mary, 1605: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stanford, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Stanford, Seth, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Stanford, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25v
Stanger, ---, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stanhope, John, 1599: Sir, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stanley, James, 1594: scrivener, named in the will of John Pigeon
Stanley, Katherine, 1588: named in the will of Richard Robinson
Stanmore, ---, 1571-72: sexton, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Stanmore, ---, 1571: granted reversion of the sextonship of the church
Stanmore, ---, 1572: sexton of the church
Stannard, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22v
Stannup, John, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stannup, John, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stannup, John, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stansby, William, 1612: painter in Thames Street, named in the will of William Atkinson
Stansell, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stansell, Richard, 1595: he & his family inmates in Mr Baswell's divided house the Red Bull
Stanton, Henry, 1634-36: carman in Fishmonger Alley, presented for drinking; see file entries 534, 544
Stanton, John, 1650: gentleman, named in the will of his nephew Samuel Perkins
Stanton, William, 1579: named in the will of John Hills
Stapleford, Richard, 1606: presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Staples, Alexander, 1568: named in the will of John More
Staples, William, 1568: named in the will of John More
Stapley Drew, 1625: made a forced loan to the king
Stapley, ---, 1619-28: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Stapley, Drew, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stapley, Drew, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stapley, Drew, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stapley, Drew, 1603: collector (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stapley, Drew, 1606: grocer, named in the will of Vincent Dove Jr
Stapley, Drew, 1606: named in a lawsuit against the vestry
Stapley, Drew, 1608-10: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stapley, Drew, 1608-11: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Stapley, Drew, 1608-28: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stapley, Drew, 1611: one of the "bargainers" for purchasing the rectory
Stapley, Drew, 1613-18: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Stapley, Drew, 1615-16: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stapley, Drew, 1616: named in the will of George Donne
Stapley, Drew, 1622-23: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stapley, Drew, 1625: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stapley, Drew, 1626: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stapley, Drew, 1628: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stapley, Drew, 1628: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stapley, Drew, 1628: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Stapley, Drew, 1629: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stapley, Joseph, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stapley, Joseph, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stares, Barnard, 1607-11: Certificates of Residence issued
Stares, Bennett, 1621-22: Certificates of Residence issued
Stark, ---, 1639: at the Cock and Hart, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Starky, Edward, 1644: named in the will of Thomas Pate
Starky, Thomas, 1576-81: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Starman, Henry, 1598: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Starr, Baptist, 1591: a Certificate of Residence issued
Start, Alice, 1592: named in the will of John Bone
Staton, Elizabeth, 1575: deceased, mentioned in the will of her former husband John Payne
Staton, Roger, 1575: servant, named in the will of John Payne
Stedman, Edmund, 1610: named in the will of John Peacock
Stedman, Roger, 1603: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord John Wrench
Steed, Henry, 1570: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Steed, Henry, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Steed, Henry, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Steed, Thomas, 1660: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Steed, Thomas, 1661: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Steed, William, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Steed, William, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Steed, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20v
Steed, William, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Steel, ---, 1595: goodman, has William Sanderson & wife as inmates in his house in Foul Lane
Steel, Edward, 1595: has Mother Hake as inmate in his house in Foul Lane
Steel, James, 1644: named in the will of Alice Finch
Steepens, Griffin, 1593: scrivener, witness to the will of George Betts
Steer, John, 1589-92: Certificates of Residence issued
Steer, John, 1600: a Certificate of Residence issued
Steer, John, 1628: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Steer, John, 1628-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Steer, John, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Stening, ---, 1602: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stening, Joan, 1603: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stenne, Thomas, 1626: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stephens, Stephenson: see  Stevens, Stevenson
Steppy, Judith, 1575: witness to the will of Margaret Dowse
Stern, Felix, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stern, Thomas, 1606: of London, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Stern, Thomas, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Stern, Thomas, 1619-20: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Stern, Thomas, 1623: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Stern, Thomas, 1626: paid for caring for sick John Dally and his child in Paris Garden
Stern, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sterry, George, 1660: given money by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Sterry, John, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sterry, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sterry, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sterry, John, 1641: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stevens, ---, 1587: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stevens, ---, 1593: witness to the will of Peter Slynehead
Stevens, ---, 1604: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stevens, ---, 1625: widow, named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Stevens, ---, 1630: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Stevens, Alice, 1624: named in the will of her mother Grace Bromfield
Stevens, Ann, 1624: daughter of Alice, named in the will of her grandmother Grace Bromfield
Stevens, Bridget, 1625: named in the will of her husband Richard Stevens (2)
Stevens, Bridget, 1625: widow, her will
Stevens, Elizabeth, 1624: named in the will of her grandmother Grace Bromfield
Stevens, Esther, 1624: daughter of Alice, named in the will of her grandmother Grace Bromfield
Stevens, George, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14r, 42r
Stevens, Henry, 1605: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Stevens, Jane, 1624: widow, Clink Liberty, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stevens, John, 1624: son of Alice, named in the will of his grandmother Grace Bromfield
Stevens, John, 1646: witness to the will of Thomas Parker
Stevens, Margaret, 1592: named in the will of her husband Richard Stevens (1)
Stevens, Melis, 1592: named in the will of his brother Richard Stevens (1)
Stevens, Richard, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Stevens, Richard, 1592: stonecutter, his will
Stevens, Richard, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stevens, Richard, 1625: shipwright, his will
Stevens, Sibyl, 1637: presented by the churchwardens for incontinency
Stevens, Thomas, 1580: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Stevens, Thomas, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stevens, Thomas, 1642: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stevens, Walter, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25v
Stevens, William, 1614: deposed before the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Stevens, William, 1624-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Stevens, William, 1625: of St Saviour, deceased, mentioned in the will of Richard Stevens (2)
Stevenson, Edward, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Stevenson, Elizabeth, 1647: witness to the will of John Betterton
Stevenson, Isaac, 1622: master of the Dolphin, named in the will of Richard Sanders
Stevenson, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Stevenson, Thomas, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Stevenson, Thomas, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stevenson, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stevenson, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stevenson, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stevenson, Thomas, 1606: named in the will of his neighbor Robert Face
Stevenson, Thomas, 1609: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stevenson, Thomas, 1611: pensioner, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stevenson, Thomas, 1647: citizen and leatherseller, named in the will of John Betterton
Stevenson, William, 1635: witness to the will of George England
Stevenson, William, 1646: of the Strand, named in the will of William George
Steventon, John, 1630: son of Richard, named in the will of his godfather John Cook (2)
Steventon, Richard, 1630: of Shropshire, named in the will of John Cook (2)
Steward, Ellen, 1598: witness to the will of Thomas Atkinson (2)
Steward, Katherine, 1624: named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Steward, Luce, 1639: servant, named in the will of her master Richard Dowdswell
Steward, Nicholas, 1590: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stidolph, Francis, 1626: knight, named in the will of Dame Joyce Clark
Stidolph, Francis, 1632: knight, named in the will of William Austen (1)
Stiles, ---, 1582: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stiles, ---, 1606: wife of William, named in the will of her father Sir Robert Clark
Stiles, Elizabeth, 1603: named in the will of Edward Roberts
Stiles, Henry, 1639: victualler in Ship Yard, presented for drinking; see file entries 564, 567
Stiles, James, 1578: preacher, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stiles, James, 1578-82: a minister at St Saviour
Stiles, James, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stiles, John, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Stiles, John, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Stiles, Mary, 1626: named in the will of her godmother Dame Joyce Clark
Stiles, Thomas, 1603: named in the will of Edward Roberts
Stiles, Thomas, 1614: deposed before the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Stiles, William, 1597: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stiles, William, 1606: named in the will of his father in law Sir Robert Clark
Stiles, William, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17r
Stitch, Francis, 1564: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stitch, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Stock, Elizabeth, 1608: wife of James, named in the will of Edmund Snape
Stock, Francis, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Stock, James, 1608: haberdasher, named in the will of Edmund Snape
Stock, John, 1610: witness to the will of William Mee
Stock, John, 1619: witness to the will of John Pearl
Stock, John, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14v, 42v
Stock, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stock, Thomas, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stockbridge, Nicholas, 1557: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stockbridge, Nicholas, 1557: vestryman in 1557, as claimed in a lawsuit in 1606
Stockden, ---, 1628: Mrs, Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stockden, ---, 1628: widow, Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stockden, Ann, 1594: an inmate in Elizabeth Cook's house
Stockden, Francis, 1603: mentioned in the will of John Wrench
Stockden, Joan, 1627: named in the will of her husband Thomas Stockton
Stockden, Joan, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stockden, Joan, 1641: widow, her will
Stockden, John, 1583: esquire, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Stockden, John, 1627: named in the will of his brother Thomas Stockton
Stockden, John, 1627: of Iremonger Lane, London, named in the will of Thomas Stockton
Stockden, Martha, 1603: named in the will of John Wrench
Stockden, Thomas, 1624: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stockden, Thomas, 1627: his will
Stockden, Thomas, 1627: named in the will of his father Thomas Stockton
Stockden, Thomas, 1641: named in the will of his mother Joan Stockton
Stockden, Walter, 1575: pewterer, mentioned in the will of his landlord William Emerson
Stockwith, Benjamin, 1585: late of Southwark, gentleman, imprisoned in the Clink for recusancy
Stockwith, Benjamin, 1591: late of Southwark, gentleman, imprisoned in the Clink for recusancy
Stockwood, John, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stockwood, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stockwood, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stoddard, Thomas, 1636: victualler, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Stodgell, Thomas, 1584: tailor, witness to the will of John Day
Stokes, ---, 1630: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Stokes, ---, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stokes, Alice, 1624: wife of John, named in the will of her mother Grace Bromfield
Stokes, Edward, 1621: former sexton's man, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stokes, Edward, 1621: sexton's assistant
Stokes, Edward, 1624: keeper of meal market house, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stokes, Edward, 1625: witness to the will of George Scott
Stokes, Elizabeth, 1595: an inmate in William Merrick's house
Stokes, Joan, 1575: maidservant, named in the will of John Payne
Stokes, John, 1624: named in the will of his mother in law Grace Bromfield
Stokes, John, 1645: named in the will of Michael Nicholson
Stokes, Sarah, 1609: named in the will of her grandmother Magdalen Master
Stokes, Thomas, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stokes, Thomas, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Stokes, Thomas, 1608: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Stokes, Thomas, 1609: witness to the will of Magdalen Master
Stokes, Thomas, 1615: constable of Bankside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stokes, Thomas, 1616: overseer of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stokes, Thomas, 1619-28: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stokes, Thomas, 1619: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stokes, Thomas, 1619: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord William Benfield
Stokes, Thomas, 1625-26: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stokes, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.15r, 16v
Stoland, Ann, 1625: witness to the will of Mary Kemble
Stollard:  see  Stallard
Stone, ---, 1620: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stone, ---, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, ---, 1625: vintner, named in the will of Edmund Ashton
Stone, Alice, 1653: plaintiff in Stone v Reeves in Chancery
Stone, Anthony, 1632: named in the will of his father Marcus Stone
Stone, Benjamin, 1632: named in the will of his father Marcus Stone
Stone, Elizabeth, 1645: of Deptford, named in the will of Emm Clark
Stone, Elizabeth, 1653: plaintiff in Stone v Reeves in Chancery
Stone, Jane, 1632: named in the will of her husband Marcus Stone
Stone, John, 1590: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stone, John, 1610: named in the will of Jackamyn Buckberry
Stone, John, 1619: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stone, John, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, John, 1631: witness to the will of Giles Stagg
Stone, John, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Stone, Marcus, 1622: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, Marcus, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, Marcus, 1632: dyer, his will
Stone, Mark, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, Mary, 1653: plaintiff in Stone v Reeves in Chancery
Stone, Richard, 1603: named in the will of William Ash
Stone, Thomas, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Stone, Thomas, 1605: named in the will of Thomas Bentley
Stone, Thomas, 1610: named in the will of Jackamyn Buckberry
Stone, Thomas, 1621-28: Certificates of Residence issued
Stone, Thomas, 1622: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, Thomas, 1625: St Saviour, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, Thomas, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stone, Thomas, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stone, Thomas, 1628: witness to the will of Christopher Blundell
Stone, Thomas, 1630: gentleman of St Saviour, named in the will of Samuel Bridges
Stone, Thomas, 1633: gentleman, named in the will of Thomas Foster
Stone, Thomas, 1635: landlord, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Stone, Thomas, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Stone, Thomas, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stone, William, 1625: executor of the will of George Scott
Stone, William, 1637: sailor, named in the will of George Fessenden
Stoner, ---, 1563: Goodman, named in the will of Arthur Keene
Stonestreet, Robert, 1557-58: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stonestreet, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Store, John, 1602: a Certificate of Residence issued
Storle, Andrew, 1569: Clink Liberty, stranger, gone, assessed in the lay subsidy
Story, ---, 1601: mentioned in the will of Thomas Iremonger
Story, Thomas, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Story, Thomas, 1636: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Wentworth
Story, Thomas, 1638: tenant, mentioned in the will of John Watts
Story, Thomas, 1640: scrivener, witness to the will of Robert Wright
Story, William, 1605: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Story, William, 1605: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Story, William, 1606: subpoenaed by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Stoughton, Anthony, [undated]: a Certificate of Residence issued
Strace, Martin, 1585: a Certificate of Residence issued
Strachy, William, 1602: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stracy, John, 1644: apprentice, named in the will of his master Thomas Pate
Strakes, Thomas, 1625: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Strange, Elizabeth, 1624: named in the will of Jacob Mead
Strangway, Ann, 1645: named in the will of Michael Nicholson
Stratford, Mary, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Stratford, Robert, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Stratford, Roger, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Stratton:  see  Stretton
Straw, Nicholas, 1584: named in the will of John Day
Straw, Robert, 1584: named in the will of his brother in law John Day
Street, Alice, 1609: mentioned in the will of Anthony Smith
Street, Ann, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her uncle Anthony Smith
Street, Anthony, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of his uncle Anthony Smith
Street, Emm, 1589: named in the will of her son John Daborne
Street, Joan, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her uncle Anthony Smith
Street, John, 1626: fishmonger, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Street, Lawrence, 1617: witness to the will of Thomas Brown
Street, Margaret, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her brother Anthony Smith
Street, Margaret, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of her uncle Anthony Smith
Street, Richard, 1609: apprentice in London, mentioned in the will of Anthony Smith
Street, Richard, 1609: of Guildford, mentioned in the will of his brother in law Anthony Smith
Street, Stephen, 1625: grocer of London, named in the will of Richard Hind
Street. Sir John, 1644: mentioned in the will of Thomas Pate
Streeter, William, 1608: witness to the will of Peter Spratling
Stremer, Miles, 1593: a Certificate of Residence issued
Stretch, Stephen, 1607: witness to the will of John Mulrone
Strethay, John, 1581: named in the will of George Skevington
Stretton, Sarah, 1648: named in the will of Ann Bracewell
Strickland, Robert, 1583: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stringer, ---, 1585: Mr, named in the will of George Merrick
Stringer, Edward the elder, 1637: named in the will of George Fessenden
Stringfellow, Ralph, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Strong, Elizabeth, 1603: named in the will of her sister Joan Benbrick
Strong, Thomas, 1603: named in the will of his sister Joan Benbrick
Strong, Thomas, 1603: named in the will of his son in law John Benbrick
Stroughton, William, 1602: a Certificate of Residence issued
Strugnall, Henry, 1637: named in the will of George Buggins
Stuart:  see  Steward
Stubberfield, Dorothy, 1603: witness to the will of Jane Dean
Stubbs, ---, 1624: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Stubbs, ---, 1639: preacher in Gloucestershire, named in the will of Richard Dowdswell
Stubbs, Nicholas, 1572: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Stubbs, Richard, 1594: botcher, an inmate in widow Mills's house in the New Rents
Stubbs, William, 1617: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stubbs, William, 1622: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stubbs, William, 1625-27: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Stubbs, William, 1625-27: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stubbs, William, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stubbs, William, 1627-28: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Stubbs, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Stubbs, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Stubbs, William, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Stuck:  see  Stock
Stuckey, Ambrose, 1588: named in the will of Richard Robinson
Studly, ---, 1608: named in the will of her son George Bachelor
Sturby, Christian, 1595: widow, has a pregnant woman as inmate in her house in Swan Alley
Sturk, Leonard, 1639: victualler at the Cock and Hart, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Sturman, Henrick, 1600: Clink Liberty, stranger, and his wife, assessed in the lay subsidy
Sturt, ---, 1616: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sturt?, Ann, 1639: named in the will of her uncle Richard Benfield
Sturt, Edward, 1639: named in the will of his uncle Richard Benfield
Sturton, Richard, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Stutville, John, 1606: mercer, witness to the will of Thomas Edmunds
Styles:  see  Stiles
Styver, John, 1637: named in the will of George Fessenden
Suckler, Peter, 1592: witness to the will of John Bone
Suckly, Peter, 1592: named in the will of Agnes Early
Sudell, Lawrence, 1592: witness to the will of Peter Desmaistres Jr
Summers, ---, 1603: widow, named in the will of John Wrench
Summers, Elizabeth, 1627: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Summers, Howell, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Summers, James, 1625: Boroughside, in Angel Court, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Summers, Jane, 1624: Boroughside, in Angel Yard, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Summers, Robert, 1622: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Summers, Robert, 1623: dog-whipper, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sumner, Richard, 1614: he & his wife mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Suppy, Gudyck, 1551: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Surman, John, 1671: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Surman, John, 1671: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Surtees, Mary, 1587: named in the will of her godmother Mary Bird
Surying, Edward, 1576: witness to the will of George Syer
Sutton, ---, 1615: preacher, named in the will of William Hovell
Sutton, ---, 1616: his wife mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sutton, ---, 1619: minister at St Saviour, named in the will of Ann Russell
Sutton, ---, 1620: preacher at St Saviour, named in the will of Joan Hovell
Sutton, ---, 1620-23: Doctor of Divinitymentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Sutton, ---, 1623: Dr, lecturer, named in the will of Jane Mayhew
Sutton, ---, 1623: Mrs, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Sutton, Jeremy, 1586: witness to the will of William Cox
Sutton, John, 1580: witness to the will of William Smith
Sutton, Ralph, 1588: of St Saviour, imprisoned in the Clink for recusancy
Sutton, Sarah, 1646: maidservant, named in the will of her master Richard Bonney
Sutton, Thomas, 1614-17: preacher, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Sutton, Thomas, 1615-22: minister (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Sutton, Thomas, 1615-23: a minister at St Saviour
Sutton, Thomas, 1618: witness to the will of John Treherne
Sutton, Thomas, 1619: preacher at St Saviour, named in the will of William Benfield
Swaddon, Robert, 1610: of London, defendant in George v Swaddon in Star Chamber
Swaddon, Robert, 1611: defendant in Craddock v George in Star Chamber
Swaffer, William, 1622: witness to the will of Richard Sanders
Swain, Agnes, 1621: deceased widow of Berkshire, mentioned in the will of Samuel Leech
Swain, George?, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Swain, Godfrey, 1574-75: usher of the free school.
Swain, Robert, 1607: citizen and fruiterer, named in the will of John Mulrone
Swain, Roger, 1603: waterman, his will
Swain, William, 1603: named in the will of his brother Roger Swain
Swale, Richard, 1606: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Swallow, Joan, 1594: an inmate in Alice Rider's house in Pepper Alley
Swan, John, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of Tobias Brewer
Swan, Robert, 1603: named in the will of Roger Swain
Swan, Thomas, 1595: yeoman of London, named in the will of William Toodup
Swanston, Eyllaerdt, 1639: named in the will of Richard Benfield
Sweet, Matthew, 1604: a Certificate of Residence issued
Sweet, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Sweeting, William, 1626: named in the will of his nephew Thomas Jenkins
Swetnam, ---, 1592: named in the will of Agnes Early
Swetnam, ---, 1611: constable (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Swetnam, ---, 1612: overseer of the poor (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Swetnam, ---, 1615: sideman of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Swetnam, Erasmus, 1617: witness to the will of Hugh More
Swetnam, Roger, 1603: witness to the will of Thomas King
Swetnam, Roger, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Swetnam, Roger, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Swetnam, Roger, 1640: merchant tailor, his will
Swetnam, Thomas, 1640: named in the will of his father Roger Swetnam
Swetnam, Thomas, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Swetnam, Thomas, 1644: merchant tailor, named in the will of Henry Pickmore
Swift, James, 1601: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Swinburn, ---, 1599: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Swinburn, Margery, 1597: named in the will of Gilbert Rocket
Swinburn, Thomas, 1597: named in the will of Gilbert Rocket
Swinburn, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Swingfield, ---, 1600: landlord, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Swingfield, ---, 1602: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Swingfield, Thomas, 1601: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Swingfield, Thomas, 1601: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Swingfield, Thomas, 1602: acquitted by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Swingfield, Thomas, 1602: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Swingfield, Thomas, 1602: subpoenaed by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Swingfield, Thomas, 1635: landlord, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Swingfield, Thomas, 1641-42: Certificates of Residence issued
Swingfield, Thomas, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Swinnerton, John, 1620: stage player, named in the will of Joan Hovell
Swinston, ---, 1659: tenant, named in the will of his landlady Ann Stallard
Swithin, Joan, 1565: named in the will of her husband John Swithin
Swithin, John, 1565: citizen and waxchandler, his will
Sy--:  try also  Si--
Sydenham, Edward, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Syer, George, 1576: of Rye, his will
Syer, Joan, 1576: named in the will of her husband George Syer
Syer, Rebecca, 1576: named in the will of her father George Syer
Syfarts, Fardus, 1592: translator of the will of Richard Stevens (1)
Sylvester, Philip, 1639: presented by the churchwardens for his slaughterhouse