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Hachton, Robert, 1583: witness to the will of Robert Ellis
Hack, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hack, Peter, 1571: St Saviour, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hackett, ---, 1583: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hackett, ---, 1635: widow, tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hackshaw, ---, 1579: tenant, named in the will of his landlord William Brightman
Hackshaw, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Hackworth, Rowland, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hadding, Roger, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Hadver, Robert, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hain, Matthew, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Haines, Alice, 1596-97: Certificates of Residence issued
Haines, Harry, 1569: Boroughside, stranger, gone, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haines, James, 1611-12: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1611: named as collector of subsidies for Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1611: named as overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1614: named in the will of James Kirby
Haines, James, 1616: constable of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1616: has one of the keys to the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1617: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1618: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1620-21: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1623: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1628: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in a lay subsidy
Haines, James, 1628: Assessor for Paris Garden, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Haines, James, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1628: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1628: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Haines, James, 1630: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1632: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1634: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1635: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1635: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1635: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1636: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, James, 1637: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Haines, John, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haines, John, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haines, John, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haines, John, 1617: witness to the will of William Addison
Haines, John, 1650: given money by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden for support of a girl
Haines, Nicholas, 1586: named in the will of Jane Bradborn
Haines, William, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Haines, William, 1596-98: Certificates of Residence issued
Haines, William, 1604-10: Certificates of Residence issued
Haines, William, 1607-10: Sir, Certificates of Residence issued
Hake, ---, 1595: 'Mother', an inmate in Edward Steel's house in Foul Lane
Hake, Henry, 1628: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hale, Barnard, 1642: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hale, Clement, 1595: yeoman, a recusant imprisoned in the Clink
Hale, Lionel, 1642: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hale, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17r
Hale, William, 1594: baker, he & his family inmates in Thomas Smith's at the Rose by Chain Gate
Hales, ---, 1676: named in the will of her brother Thomas Wadsworth (2)
Haley, ---, 1603: widow, deceased, mentioned in the will of her landlord Humphrey Emerson
Haley, Henry, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haley, Henry, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Haley, Henry, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Haley, Henry, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haley, Henry, 1607: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Haley, John, 1628: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Haley, William, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haley, William, 1595: has Patrick Richardson & wife as inmates in his house
Halfhead, Robert, 1595: named in the will of Thomas Bullerdyne
Halfpenny, Andrew, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Hall, Edmund, 1578: surgeon, witness to the will of John Bonner
Hall, Edward, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hall, Elizabeth, 1640: named in the will of her father Thomas Goodhand
Hall, Francis, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Hall, Francis, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hall, Henry, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18v
Hall, Joan, 1590: named in the will of William Morrey
Hall, John, 1590: named in the will of William Morrey
Hall, John, 1590: witness to the will of William Morrey
Hall, John, 1598: draper, named in the will of Thomas Short
Hall, John, 1603: notary public, witness to the will of Ralph Yardley
Hall, John, 1624: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hall, John, 1633: citizen and freemason, his will
Hall, John, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hall, Margaret, 1587: named in the will of Richard Frith, minstrel
Hall, Margaret, 1623: widow, witness to the will of Charles Bryan
Hall, Margery, 1590: named in the will of William Morrey
Hall, Matthew, 1633: named in the will of his brother John Hall
Hall, Matthew, 1633: named in the will of his uncle John Hall
Hall, Richard, 1591: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of John Smith (2)
Hall, Richard, 1598: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Ratcliff
Hall, Richard, 1598: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Smith
Hall, Richard, 1599: appointed clerk of the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hall, Richard, 1601: scrivener, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hall, Richard, 1603: named in, and writer of, the will of Bartholomew Brickwood
Hall, Richard, 1603: of Southwark, named in the will of John Wrench
Hall, Richard, 1603: scrivener, named in the will of John Butler
Hall, Richard, 1605: named in the will of his neighbor John Emson
Hall, Richard, 1606: clerk of the sewers, named in the will of Robert Face
Hall, Richard, 1607: clerk of the sewers, mentioned in the will of John Mulrone
Hall, Richard, 1609: clerk of the sewers, witness to the will of Henry Buckham
Hall, Richard, 1610: scrivener of Southwark, defendant in Garnon v Boyer in Star Chamber
Hall, Richard, 1611: named in the will of Richard Padge
Hall, Richard, 1611: witness to the will of Richard Padge
Hall, Richard, 1612: clerk of the sewers, mentioned in the will of Francis Bosse
Hall, Richard, 1616: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hall, Richard, 1616: witness to the will of Zealdecays Wood
Hall, Richard, 1622: Mr, of Battersea, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hall, Robert, 1591: mentioned in the will of Richard Dodson
Hall, Thomas, 1635: cooper, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hall, Thomas, 1638?: cooper of London, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers
Hall, Thomas, 1640: mentioned in the will of Thomas Goodhand
Hallam, Hester, 1625: named in the will of her mother Bridget Stevens
Hallam, John, 1625: named in the will of his mother Bridget Stevens
Hallam, Nicholas, 1561: named in the will of John Goffe
Hallett, William, 1640: servant to Giles Foster, presented by the churchwardens for drinking and incontinency
Halliwell, George, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Halloway: see Holloway
Halsey, ---, 1584: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Halsey, ---, 1603: widow, mentioned in the will of her landlord Humphrey Emerson
Halsey, ---, 1640: Mr, his servant Richard Chapman presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Halsey, John, 1602: named in the will of his father Richard Halsey
Halsey, John, 1603: citizen and draper, his will
Halsey, Richard, 1580-81: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Halsey, Richard, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Halsey, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Halsey, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Halsey, Richard, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Halsey, Richard, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Halsey, Richard, 1602: armorer, his will
Halsey, Samuel, 1602: named in the will of his father Richard Halsey
Halsey, Samuel, 1603: named in the will of his brother John Halsey
Ham, Gillian, 1605: named in the will of her brother Osmund Bilson
Ham, Thomas, 1594: he & his wife inmates in Elizabeth Cook's house in the New Rents
Hamcotts, Vincent, 1570: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hamden, Nicholas, 1594: an inmate in Giles Rudd's house in the New Rents
Hamden, Nicholas, 1594: an inmate in the newly-divided Three Cups in the New Rents
Hamden, Nicholas, 1595: he and his child inmates in Humphrey Tedder's house in the New Rents
Hamden, Nicholas, 1595: himself an inmate, he has Magdalen Kendrick as inmate where he lodges in the New Rents
Hamden, Owen, 1627: listed in the muster for Southwark
Hamden, Thomas, 1637: gentleman of Kent, named in the will of Jeremy Crew
Hamerton, Hugh, 1557: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hamerton, Hugh, 1567-74: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hamerton, Hugh, 1568: auditor for the peace (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hamerton, Hugh, 1570-72: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hamey, Joan, 1630: named in the will of her husband John Hamey
Hamey, John, 1630: tanner, his will
Hamey, Luke, 1630: named in the will of his brother John Hamey
Hamey, Richard, 1630: named in the will of his brother John Hamey
Hamey, Thomas, 1630: named in the will of his uncle John Hamey
Hamill, Tybald, 1551: comb maker, Boroughside, stranger, assessed twice in the lay subsidy
Hamlin, ---, 1603: named in the will of her son in law Robert Hitchman
Hamm, Thomas, 1635: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hammer, Dorothy, 1625: witness to the will of Alice Checkett
Hammerford, Andrew, 1632: servant, named in the will of his master Marcus Stone
Hammerford, Andrew, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hammerton, Hugh, 1568: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hammerton, Hugh, 1573-74: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hammerton, Hugh, 1576-78: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hammond, ---, 1584: Mr, named in the will of James Woolton
Hammond, ---, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hammond, Alice, 1583: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hammond, Ann, 1642: named in the will of her father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Benjamin, 1642: named in the will of his father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Edmund, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hammond, Edward, 1642: citizen and skinner, his will
Hammond, Edward, 1642: named in the will of his father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Elizabeth, 1624: named in the will of John Lee
Hammond, Elizabeth, 1632: named in the will of her nephew Matthew Tart
Hammond, John, 1595: has several inmates in his house in the New Rents
Hammond, John, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hammond, John, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hammond, John, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hammond, John, 1624: scrivener, witness to the will of Richard Cam
Hammond, John, 1625: gentleman, Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hammond, John, 1625: scrivener, witness to the will of Alexander Kipping
Hammond, John, 1625: witness to the will of Richard Stevens (2)
Hammond, John, 1642: named in the will of his father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Joseph, 1642: named in the will of his father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Martha, 1642: named in the will of her father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Richard, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Hammond, Richard, 1642: named in the will of his father Edward Hammond
Hammond, Thomas, 1624: named in the will of John Lee
Hamson, ---, 1585: Mr; preacher, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hamson, ---, 1586: preacher at St Saviour, named in the will of William Cox
Hamson, ---, 1587: Mr, preacher, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hamson, John, 1572-73: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hamson, John, 1585-88: a minister at St Saviour
Hamson, R, 1595: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Hamson, Robert, 1639: of Clink Liberty, presented for drinking; see file entries 564, 568
Hamson, Rowland, 1582: witness to the will of Joan Payne
Hamson, Thomas, 1562: mercer, named in the will of Christopher Thomson
Hamson, William, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Hanbury, John, 1603: named in the will of John Fisher
Hanbury, John, 1603: named in the will of John Wrench
Hanby, Henry, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15v
Hanby, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Hance, ---, 1603: Goodwife, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hance, John, 1571: gravemaker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hance, John, 1588: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hance, John, 1594: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hance, John, 1603: gravemaker, deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hancock, ---, 1627: overseer (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hancock, Ann, 1633: wife of Thomas, named in the will of Margaret Dancer
Hancock, Elizabeth, 1659: named in the will of Ann Stallard
Hancock, Hillary, 1634-35: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1635: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1635: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1636: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1636: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1636-37: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Hancock, Hillary, 1637: audited the accounts of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hancock, John, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hancock, John, 1625: witness to the will of Roger Cole
Hancock, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hancock, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hancock, John, 1633: named in the will of Margaret Dancer
Hancock, John, 1635: churchwarden for Clink Liberty, mentioned in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hancock, John, 1652: mentioned in the will of Thomas Wadsworth (1)
Hancock, Thomas, 1633: named in the will of Margaret Dancer
Hancock, William, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hancock, William, 1603: chandler of London, named in the will of John Butler
Hancorn, Abraham, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hands, John, 1636-39: butcher, presented for his slaughterhouse; see file entries 543, 550, 563
Handways, ---, 1583: Goodwife, named in the will of Jane Palmer
Hanford, Nicholas, 1602: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hanford, Nicholas, 1602: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Hanford, Nicholas, 1602: subpoenaed by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Hanford, Nicholas, 1603: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hanmer, Randall, 1620: citizen and scrivener of London, plaintiff in Hanmer v Leader in Star Chamber
Hannis, Richard, 1603: silkweaver, named in the will of John Halsey
Hanse, Master, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hanson: see Hamson
Hant, ---, 1606.html: tenant, named in a complaint against the vestry
Hanwell, Robert, 1645: named in the will of Robert Greene
Hapeny, William, 1638: witness to the will of Thomas Jerman
Harborough, Humphrey, 1603: witness to the will of Robert Bird
Harbure, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Harcott, ---, 1599: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harcott, George, 1641: named in the will of Edward Goodman
Harcott, Joan, 1594: named as Joan Drew in the will of John Drew
Harcott, William, 1596: mentioned by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Harcott, William, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Harcott, William, 1641: named in the will of Edward Goodman
Harde, Elizabeth, 1592: named in the will of her brother Thomas Brasier
Harden, William, 1613: witness to the will of Simon Bird
Hardham, ---, 1595: Mr of Chichester, named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hardham, John, 1625: named in the will of Benjamin Bagsett
Hardham, John, 1626: witness to the will of Rebecca Jones
Hardiman, John, 1609: mentioned in the will of Anthony Smith
Harding, Edward, 1622: son of Thomas, named in the will of his grandfather Gilbert East
Harding, Joan, 1622: widow of Thomas, named in the will of her father Gilbert East
Harding, John, 1571: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Harding, Merrick, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Harding, Merrick, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Harding, Thomas, 1622: waterman, deceased, mentioned in the will of his father in law Gilbert East
Hardison, Edward, 1595: an inmate in Richard Jewett's house
Hardwick, --- 1645: Colonel, named in the will of Michael Nicholson
Hardwick, John, 1624: named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Hardwick, John, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hardwick, John, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hardwick, John, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hardwick, John, 1646: named in the will of Joshua Phineas
Hardwick, Thomas, 1625: witness to the will of Alice Checkett
Hardy, Samuel, 1593: witness to the will of Thomas Chambers
Hare, John, 1558: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Hare, John, 1636: servant, witness to the will of John Clark alias Brand
Hare, John, 1638: deceased, named in a presentment by the churchwardens for fornication
Harford, Richard, 1625: citizen and brewer, named in the will of John Guy
Hargall, Randall, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hargall, Randall, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hargall, Randall, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hargall, Randall, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hargood, Randall, 1594: has many inmates in his house, the Ram's Head in Chain Gate
Hargood, Randall, 1595: has widow Muddle as an inmate in his house, the Ram's Head
Harlackenden, Joseph, 1623: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harlackenden, Joseph, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harlackenden, Joseph, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Harlackenden, Joseph, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Harlackenden, Joseph, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harley, Ralph, 1631: witness to the will of Giles Stagg
Harman, ---, 1578: widow, amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Harman, ---, 1579: writer of the will of Charles Sanders
Harman, ---, 1580: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Harman, ---, 1594: widow, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harman, ---, 1619: Father, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Alexander, [undated, 1558-1603]: defendant in Almoner v Harman in Star Chamber
Harman, Hugh, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Harman, John, 1583-84: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Harman, John, 1586: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, John, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harman, John, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harman, John, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Harman, Margery, 1585: Mrs, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Margery, 1595: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Margery, 1604: Mother, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Michael, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Harman, Owen, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Harman, Richard, 1565-85: a minister at St Saviour
Harman, Richard, 1565: Mr, minister, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Richard, 1567: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of Humphrey Collett
Harman, Richard, 1567: curate, named in the will of John Mainford
Harman, Richard, 1568: curate, witness to the will of Ann Freeman
Harman, Richard, 1568: Mr, minister, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harman, Richard, 1569: curate at St Saviour, named in the will of Robert Dorrell
Harman, Richard, 1572: curate, witness to the will of Edward Osborn
Harman, Richard, 1573: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of Robert Fielding
Harman, Richard, 1575: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of William Emerson
Harman, Richard, 1576: curate, named in the will of Nicholas Martin
Harman, Richard, 1577: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of Andrew Bowyer
Harman, Richard, 1578: curate at St Saviour, named in the will of Thomas Atkinson (1)
Harman, Richard, 1579: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of Agnes Addinson
Harman, Richard, 1579: Mr, minister, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harman, Richard, 1580: curate, witness to the will of William Smith
Harman, Richard, 1582: curate at St Saviour, witness to the will of John Dunstall
Harman, Thomas, 1606: witness to the will of Thomas Loviband
Harman, William, 1624: servant, Boroughside, in the Close, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harmanson, ---, 1577: wife of Edmund, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harmanson, ---, 1579: wife of Edward, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harmanson, ---, 1593: widow, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harmanson, Comes, 1551: servant, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harmanson, Edmund, 1577: shoemaker, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harmanson, Edward, 1579: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harmanson, John, 1551: servant, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harmson, Edward, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harper, ---, 1622: constable of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harper, ---, 1625: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harper, Henry, 1569: St Saviour, poor, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harper, Thomas, 1583: named in the muster for Brixton
Harper, William, 1553-56: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Harper, William, 1611: witness to the will of Agnes Belly
Harpley, Anthony, 1640: witness to the will of Nicholas Morton
Harrington, ---, 1645: parish clerk, named in the will of Robert Greene
Harrington, Martin, 1617: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harriot, ---, 1595: lessor, mentioned in the will of his lessee Thomas Banister
Harris, ---, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Harris, ---, 1623-24: Mr, preacher, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Harris, ---, 1626: of the Strand, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Harris, ---, 1645: Mrs, named in the will of Emm Clark
Harris, Edward, 1579: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Harris, Edward, 1603: witness to the will of John Fisher
Harris, Edward, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19r
Harris, Edward, 1643: named in the will of Francis Grove
Harris, Elizabeth, 1631: named in the will of Richard Philpot
Harris, Ellen, 1630: widow, her will
Harris, Frances, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Harris, John, 1551: Clink Liberty, in Millet's Rents, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1600: Boroughside in the Close, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, John, 1600: named in the will of William Harris
Harris, John, 1600: witness to the will of Henry Brown
Harris, John, 1605: witness to the will of Ann Bradshaw
Harris, John, 1616: his will
Harris, Margaret, 1576: named in the will of her brother George Syer
Harris, Mary, 1616: named in the will of her father John Harris
Harris, Richard, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Harris, Richard, 1631: clothworker of St Saviour, named in the will of Richard Philpot
Harris, Robert, 1606: named in the will of his godfather Robert Face
Harris, Robert, 1616: named in the will of his father John Harris
Harris, Robert, 1623-24: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Harris, Robert, 1623-25: a minister at St Saviour
Harris, Sarah, 1600: named in the will of her husband William Harris
Harris, Sarah, 1618: named in the will of her father John Treherne
Harris, Sarah, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Harris, Steven, 1630: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Harris, Thomas, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Harris, Thomas, 1584: a papist imprisoned in the Clink
Harris, Thomas, 1616: named in the will of his father John Harris
Harris, Thomas, 1618: deceased, mentioned in the will of his father in law John Treherne
Harris, William, 1588: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Harris, William, 1589: fishmonger, named in the will of Jeffrey Williamson
Harris, William, 1589: scrivener, witness to the will of Peter Birchley
Harris, William, 1593: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Harris, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, William, 1596: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Harris, William, 1598-1600: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Harris, William, 1598: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, William, 1599: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, William, 1599-1600: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harris, William, 1600: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harris, William, 1600: fishmonger, his will
Harris, William, 1600: named in the will of his father William Harris
Harris, William, 1603: notary public, witness to the will of Roger Swain
Harris, William, 1604: cooper, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harris, William, 1606: cooper, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harris, William, 1617: deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harris, William, 1618: named in the will of his grandfather John Treherne
Harrison, ---, 1582: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Harrison, ---, 1598: minister at St Thomas Hospital, named in the will of Thomas Ratcliff
Harrison, ---, 1608: overseer of the poor (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harrison, ---, 1622: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harrison, Agnes, 1584: named in the will of her father Nicholas Harrison
Harrison, Agnes, 1586: named in the will of her stepfather William Cox
Harrison, Ann, 1626: named in the will of Edward Allen (2)
Harrison, Chester, 1636: presented by the churchwardens for drunkenness and blasphemy
Harrison, Christopher, 1584: named in the will of his brother Nicholas Harrison
Harrison, Christopher, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16r
Harrison, Edward, 1551: servant, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, Edward, 1593: witness to the will of Arthur Bulman
Harrison, Edward, 1614: cooper, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harrison, Edward, 1616: cooper, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harrison, Elizabeth, 1603: named in the will of her brother John Butler
Harrison, Elizabeth, 1603: wife of John, named in the will of John Butler
Harrison, Elizabeth, 1636: named in the will of her husband Richard Harrison
Harrison, Garban, 1571: St Saviour, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, George, 1567: witness to the will of Thomas Tedder
Harrison, George, 1637: usher of the free school.
Harrison, Joan, 1636: presented by the churchwardens for drunkenness and blasphemy
Harrison, John, 1551: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, John, 1559: Paris Garden, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, John, 1574: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Harrison, John, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Harrison, John, 1603: named in the will of his brother in law John Butler
Harrison, John, 1604: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Harrison, John, 1626: named in the will of Edward Allen (2)
Harrison, Katherine, 1611: witness to the will of Ann Best
Harrison, Magdalen, 1611: witness to the will of Ann Best
Harrison, Mark, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, Mary, 1584: named in the will of her husband Nicholas Harrison
Harrison, Mary, 1633: named in the will of Richard Lee
Harrison, Nicholas, [undated, 1558-1579]: plaintiff in Harrison v Withers in Chancery
Harrison, Nicholas, 1557: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harrison, Nicholas, 1567-68: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harrison, Nicholas, 1580: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Harrison, Nicholas, 1584: shipwright, his will
Harrison, Nicholas, 1603: named in the will of John Butler
Harrison, Phyllis, 1584: named in the will of her father Nicholas Harrison
Harrison, Phyllis, 1586: named in the will of her stepfather William Cox
Harrison, Richard, 1570: witness to the will of Thomas Norton alias Brian
Harrison, Richard, 1583: named in the muster for Brixton
Harrison, Richard, 1586: inventoried the goods of Henry Gray
Harrison, Richard, 1611: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harrison, Richard, 1620: of Southwark, defendant in Coventry v Wall in Star Chamber
Harrison, Richard, 1624: witness to the will of Gregory Franklin
Harrison, Richard, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, Richard, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Harrison, Richard, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Harrison, Richard, 1636: sadler, his will
Harrison, Richard, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harrison, Robert, 1618: cordwainer, named in the will of Thomas Bunt
Harrison, Robert, 1625: witness to the will of Ann Norris
Harrison, Robert, 1633 or 1639: at the Kings Arms, presented by the churchwardens for not being at church
Harrison, Thomas, 1597: named in the muster for Southwark
Harrison, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Harrison, Walter, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
harrison, William, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Harrison, William, 1590: scrivener, witness to the will of William Morrey
Harrocks, ---, 1624: Mr, of Dean Church, named in the will of John Lee
Harroway, Richard, 1636: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of Thomas Wannup
Harry, Robert, 1595: of Brickhill, named in the will of Edward Wood
Harsell, Hugh, 1635: innkeeper of Southwark, deceased, mentioned in the will of Katherine Yearwood
Hart, Alice, 1612: named in the will of her brother John Austen
Hart, Ambrose, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18v
Hart alias Hurt, Charles, 1632: named in the will of his brother John Hurt alias Hart
Hart alias Hurt, Hannah, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Hart, John, 1607: notary public, witness to the will of John Preston
Hart, John, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hart, John, 1628: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hart, John, 1628: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hart alias Hurt, John, 1632: yeoman, his will
Hart, Katherine, 1586: named in the will of her godfather William Cox
Hart alias Hurt, Martha, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Hart, Mary, 1612: named in the will of her brother John Austen
Hart, Mary, 1612: named in the will of her son John Austen
Hart alias Hurt, Rebecca, 1632: named in the will of her husband John Hurt alias Hart
Hart alias Hurt, Sarah, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Hart, Thomas, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Hart, William, 1586: named in the will of William Cox
Hart, William, 1612: named in the will of Mary Brinton
Hartall, Ambrose, 1551: tailor, Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harter, Robert, 1567: goldsmith of London, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hartford, Robert, 1625: named in the will of Peter Mercer
Hartley, Michael, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21v
Hartley, Michael, 1636: waterman of Paris Garden, presented by the churchwardens for working on Sundays
Harton, Thomas, 1607: tenant, named in the will of his landlord Hugh Browker
Hartridge, John, 1637: named in the will of George Fessenden
Hartridge, Margaret: 1637: named in the will of George Fessenden
Harvard, ---, 1600: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1604: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1607: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1614: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1612: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1617: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1619-21: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Harvard, ---, 1623: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harvard, ---, 1628: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Dionis, 1616: servant, named in the will of John Goffe
Harvard, Edward, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Edward, 1599: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Edward, 1600: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Edward, 1637: grocer, presented by the churchwardens for a private baptism
Harvard, James, 1571: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Harvard, John, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Harvard, John, 1594: named in the will of John Brown (2)
Harvard, John, 1625: named in the will of his father Robert Harvard
Harvard, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16r
Harvard, John, 1635: clerk, named in the will of his mother Katherine Yearwood
Harvard, Katherine, 1625: named in the will of her husband Robert Harvard
Harvard, Martin, 1641-42: Certificates of Residence issued
Harvard, Peter, 1625: named in the will of his father Robert Harvard
Harvard, Robert, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Robert, 1598-1612: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Robert, 1601: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1604-05: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1610: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Robert, 1611: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Robert, 1612: named in the will of William Atkinson
Harvard, Robert, 1612-13: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1613: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1620: overseer of the poor (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1620-21: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Robert, 1624: named in the will of his brother William Ward
Harvard, Robert, 1625: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Robert, 1625: butcher, his will
Harvard, Robert, 1625: named in the will of Robert Harvard
Harvard, Robert, 1625: St Saviour, collector for St Saviour, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Robert, 1645: named in the will of Robert Greene
Harvard, Sarah, 1630: witness to the will of Ann Camden
Harvard, Thomas, 1591: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Thomas, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Harvard, Thomas, 1598: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1599: fined by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Harvard, Thomas, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1600: assessed by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Harvard, Thomas, 1602: butcher, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in November
Harvard, Thomas, 1605: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harvard, Thomas, 1610: a Certificate of Residence issued
Harvard, Thomas, 1610: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Harvard, Thomas, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1625: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Harvard, Thomas, 1625: named in the will of his father Robert Harvard
Harvard, Thomas, 1625: named in the will of his kinsman Robert Harvard
Harvard, Thomas, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1628: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Harvard, Thomas, 1635: butcher of St Saviour, named in the will of Katherine Yearwood
Harvard, Thomas, 1635: named in the will of his mother Katherine Yearwood
Harvard, Thomas, 1641: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Harvard, Thomas, 1645: butcher, named in the will of Robert Greene
Harvard, William, 1629: witness to the will of Richard Cannon
Harvard, William, 1635: in Waverley House, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Harvey: see Harvard
Harwood, George, 1627: citizen of London, named in the will of John Marshall
Harwood, Richard, 1612: grocer, named in the will of William Atkinson
Hasler, Ralph, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hasler, Ralph, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hasler, Robert, 1637: of Paris Garden, named in the will of Jeremy Crew
Haslett, Ann, 1626: named in the will of her husband John Haslett
Haslett, John, 1626: waterman, his will
Haslett, Luke, 1646: silkweaver of Bermondsey, named in the will of John Hayman
Haslett, Prudence, 1646: named in the will of John Hayman
Haslett, Robert, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hassall, Hugh or John, 1614: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hassington, Margaret, 1636: presented by the churchwardens for blasphemy
Hassington, Simon, 1636: his wife Margaret presented by the churchwardens
Haste, ---, 1584: named in the will of his son in law James Woolton
Hastings, John, 1612: witness to the will of Mary Brinton
Hasty, John, 1607: witness to the will of John Preston
Hatfield, Roger, 1614: deposed before the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Hathaway, Edward, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.14v, 42v
Hathaway, William, 1640: victualler in Waverley Place, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
Hathwell, John, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hathwell, Robert, 1587: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hatred, Francis, 1634-36: victualler, presented for drinking; see file entries 534, 544
Hatred, Gilbert, 1633 or 1639: presented by the churchwardens for not being at church
Hatter, Edward, 1583: witness to the will of Ursula Chitsley alias Packenham
Hatter, George, 1638: waterman of Paris Garden, presented by the churchwardens for working on Sundays
Hatterell, Gilbert, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.42r
Hatterell, Gilbert, 1639-40: victualler in Clink Liberty, presented for drinking; see file entries 564, 578
Hatterell, Richard, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.42r
Hatton, ---, 1616: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Hatton, Ann, 1621: named in the will of her husband Edward Hatton
Hatton, Edward, 1620-1: vintner of St Saviour, a debtor
Hatton, Edward, 1621: named in the will of his father Edward Hatton
Hatton, Edward, 1621: vintner, his will
Hatton, Elizabeth, 1621: named in the will of her father Edward Hatton
Hatton, Richard, 1598: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hatton, Richard, 1598: St Saviour, Commissioner for Southwark, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hatton, Richard, 1599: St Saviour, Commissioner for Southwark, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hatton, Richard, 1607: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hatton, Sarah, 1621: named in the will of her father Edward Hatton
Hatton, William, 1635: of Westminster, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Haughton: try also Houghton
Haughton, William, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Haward, Henry, 1602: a Certificate of Residence issued
Haward, John, 1605: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hawes, Thomas, 1557-66: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hawes, Thomas, 1560: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hawes, Thomas, 1564: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hawes, Thomas, 1615: of St Saviour, named in the will of his godfather George Belcher
Hawes, William, 1593: feltmaker in Christopher Alley, has John Cory & family as inmates in his house
Hawking, Richard, 1572: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hawkins, George, 1625: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hawkins, John, 1626: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Hawkins, Judith, 1587: named in the will of Richard Frith, minstrel
Hawkins, Richard, 1624: witness to the will of Gregory Franklin
Hawkins, Richard, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hawkins, Thomas, 1587: haberdasher, named in the will of Richard Frith, minstrel
Hawks, Agnes, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Hawks, Henry, 1614: named in the will of his apprentice Edward Gosling
Hawks, Henry, 1615: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord Randall Carter
Hawks, Henry, 1624-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hawks, Henry, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hawks, Henry, 1625: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hawks, Henry, 1625: named in the will of his neighbor John Bolt
Hawks, Henry, 1625: witness to the will of Benjamin Bagsett
Hawks, Henry, 1626: chandler, named in the will of Rebecca Jones
Hawks, Henry, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hawks, Henry, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hawks, Henry, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hawks, Henry, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hawks, Jane, 1626: named in the will of Rebecca Jones
Hawks, Robert, 1617: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1617: bonded for £10 to be paid to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden in 1618:,,
Hawks, Robert, 1617-18: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1618: his bond for £10.10s still in the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1618: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1620: settled with the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden for his bond of £3:,,
Hawks, Robert, 1621-22: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1623: constable of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1623: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1623: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1623: signed a bond to save the liberty of Paris Garden from supporting a bastard child
Hawks, Robert, 1624: constable of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1624: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1624: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hawks, Robert, 1626: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1627: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1628: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawks, Robert, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Hawks, Roger, 1619: repaid part of his bond to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hawley, William, 1584: listed as a pikeman in the muster for Southwark
Hawtrey, Ralph, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hay, Joan, 1645: named in the will of Michael Nicholson
Haybeetle, William, 1621: defendant in Browker v Blackwell in Star Chamber
Hayden, John, 1581: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Hayden, John, 1629: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayden, John, 1639: gentleman, named in the will of Richard Benfield
Hayden, Michael, 1587: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayden, Michael, 1597: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayden, Susan, 1625: witness to the will of William Pointer
Hayes, Godfrey, 1576-80: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayes, Godfrey, 1578-81: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayes, Godfrey, 1606: defendant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Hayes, Thomas, 1603: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayford, John, 1591: servant, named in the will of his master Richard Dodson
Hayford, John, 1611: servant, named in the will of his master Thomas Audley alias Luke
Hayford, Richard, 1621: witness to in the will of William Grubb
Hayman, ---, 1619-28: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hayman, ---, 1625: Mr, named in the will of John Gloster
Hayman, Eleanor, 1646: of Dorset, named in the will of John Hayman
Hayman, Frances, 1646: named in the will of her husband John Hayman
Hayman, James, 1614: sideman of Upper Ground (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayman, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hayman, John, 1599: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hayman, John, 1603: named in the will of Bartholomew Brickwood
Hayman, John, 1608-19: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hayman, John, 1608-28: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayman, John, 1610-11: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayman, John, 1617-18: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayman, John, 1619: named in the will of Ann Russell
Hayman, John, 1619: named in the will of William Russell
Hayman, John, 1623-24: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hayman, John, 1624: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayman, John, 1626: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hayman, John, 1628: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hayman, John, 1628: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hayman, John, 1641: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hayman, John, 1646: a barber in Dorchester, named in the will of John Hayman
Hayman, John, 1646: citizen and merchant tailor, his will
Haynes: see Haines
Hays, ---, 1579: Mr, at Bridge Foot, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hays, ---, 1586-91: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, ---, 1593-94: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, ---, 1597-1601: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, ---, 1603-04: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, ---, 1606.html: vestryman, named in a complaint against the vestry
Hays, ---, 1619: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, ---, 1622: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Barbara, 1576: daughter of Joan Plummer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Elizabeth, 1576: daughter of Joan Plummer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Godfrey, 1573: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Godfrey, 1576-83: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, Godfrey, 1581-82: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hays, Godfrey, 1582-1607: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hays, Godfrey, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Hays, Godfrey, 1585-87: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, Godfrey, 1586-88: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hays, Godfrey, 1590: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Godfrey, 1592-93: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hays, Godfrey, 1592: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Godfrey, 1593: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hays, Godfrey, 1594: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hays, Godfrey, 1594: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hays, Godfrey, 1594-95: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hays, Godfrey, 1596: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hays, Godfrey, 1598: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hays, Godfrey, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hays, Katherine, 1576: daughter of Joan Plummer, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Peter, 1616: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, Richard, 1607: tenant, named in the will of his landlord Hugh Browker
Hays, Robert, 1576: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, William, 1576: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hays, William, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hays, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Haysbeck, Henrik, 1569: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hayward, Clement, 1627: listed in the muster for Southwark
Hayward, Edward, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hayward, Joan, 1563: named in the will of her father William Hayward
Hayward, John, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hayward, Mary, 1636: widow, presented by the churchwardens
Hayward, Philip, 1625: named in the will of Tobias Brewer
Hayward, Thomas, 1557-58: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hayward, Thomas, 1600: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hayward, Walter, 1625: of St Olave, named in the will of Anthony Alfrey
Hayward, William, 1563-64: shipwright, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hayward, William, 1563: shipwright, his will
Haywood, Matthew, 1626: named in the will of his brother John Aspin
Head, Thomas, 1570-81: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1571-74: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Head, Thomas, 1572-75: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1576-91: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Head, Thomas, 1579-80: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1580: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Head, Thomas, 1581-94: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1582-84: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1590-92: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Head, Thomas, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Head, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Head, Thomas, 1594: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Healy, Joan, 1590: named in the will of her godfather William Morrey
Healy, John, 1636: scrivener, witness to the will of Henry Blundell
Healy, John, 1636: scrivener, witness to the will of Nicholas Newton
Healy, John, 1640: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Goodhand
Healy, John, 1644: scrivener, witness to the will of William Webb
Healy, Rowland, 1619: defendant in Cressy v Healy in Chancery
Heard, ---, 1613: constable of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Heard, ---, 1614: constable (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Heard, John, 1625: named in the will of Agnes Fareman
Heard, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18r
Hearn: see Herne
Heath, John, 1590: witness to the will of William Morrey
Heath, John, 1611: witness to the will of Elizabeth Flooks alias Gwinn
Heath, Richard, 1581: servant, named in the will of George Skevington
Heath, Robert, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Heath, Roger, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Heath, Robert, 1623: knight, named in the will of Ralph Pace
Heath, William, 1596: witness to the will of William Hinton
Heath, William, 1610: a Certificate of Residence issued
Heather, Christopher, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Heather, John, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Heather, John, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heather, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Heather, John, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Heather, John, 1640: named in the will of Thomas Matthews
Heather, Lydia, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Heather, Richard, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Heather, Richard, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Heather, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heather, Thomas, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heather, Thomas, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heather, Ursula, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Heaver, Benjamin, 1625: named in the will of his brother John Heaver
Heaver, Jeremy, 1625: named in the will of his brother John Heaver
Heaver, John, 1625: linendraper, his will
Heaver, John, 1625: named in the will of his father John Heaver
Heaver, John, 1625: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Heaver, Katherine, 1563: named in the will of William Hayward
Heaver, Richard, 1625: named in the will of his brother John Heaver
Heaver, Susan, 1625: named in the will of her husbandJohn Heaver
Heaver, William, 1625: named in the will of his brother John Heaver
Heaver, William, 1625: named in the will of his father John Heaver
Hebberd, John, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Heck, Peter, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hedge, Robert, 1595: has Elizabeth Thornbury as inmate in his house in Churchyard Alley
Hedges, Robert, 1605: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Hedges, Robert, 1605: presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Hedges, Robert, 1610: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Hedghodge, ---, 1635: Mr, tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Heffs, Richard, 1594: has an unnamed glazier as inmate in his house in Pepper Alley
Helliar, William, 1609: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hellin, ---, 1594: a sailor's wife, an inmate in George Archer's house in Foul Lane
Helmes (Elmes), Thomas, 1622: defendant in Burnaby v Bull in Star Chamber
Help, Joseph, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heminges, ---, 1614: ‘my master’, named in the will of Alexander Cook
Heminges, John, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Heminges, John, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Heminges, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Heminges, John, 1628: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Heminges, John, 1630: by the Globe, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Heminges, Peter, 1570: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Heminges, Peter, 1571: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hemsley, Michael, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hemsley, Michael, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hemsley, Michael, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hendony, Charles, 1592: witness to the will of Peter Desmaistres Jr
Hendrick, Nicholas, 1634-35: presented for incontinency; see file entries 534, 538
Hendry, Henry, 1626: named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Hendry, John, 1608: schoolmaster, witness to the will of Henry Barnes
Hendry, John, 1608: scrivener, witness to the will of James Corden
Hendry, John, 1626: servant to the bishop, named in the will of Ralph Hendry
Hendry, Ralph, 1626: gentleman, his will
Hendry, Ralph, 1626: named in the will of his uncle Ralph Hendry
Hendry, Thomas, 1626: named in the will of his brotherRalph Hendry
Henley, John, 1625: a Certificate of Residence issued
Henley, Richard, 1591: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hennage, Grace, 1626: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hennage, Thomas, 1560: esquire, named in the will of Henry Leake
Hennage, Thomas, 1626: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hennew, John, 1600: junior, Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hennew, John, 1600: senior, Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henneys, Henry, 1551: servant, Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henning, Robert, 1594: chapman of Arundel, named in the will of William Johnson
Henshaw, Bridget, 1635: presented by the churchwardens for incontinency
Henshaw, John, 1562: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Henshaw, John, 1593: tailor, named in the will of William Gately
Henslowe, ---, 1616: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Henslowe, Agnes, 1616: named in the will of her husband Philip Henslowe
Henslowe, Agnes, 1616: widow, her will
Henslowe, Ann, 1616: named in the will of Philip Henslowe
Henslowe, Ann, 1628: her will mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Henslowe, Edmund, 1590: named in the will of his brother in law William Morrey
Henslowe, Edmund, 1617: father of John, brother of Philip, named in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Henslowe, Francis, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Francis, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Francis, 1600: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Henslowe, Francis, 1604: gentleman, presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Henslowe, John, 1616: waterman, named in the will of Philip Henslowe
Henslowe, John, 1617: of London, king's servant, plaintiff in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Henslowe, Philip, 1588: (as Finchley) presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Henslowe, Philip, 1589: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Henslowe, Philip, 1590: (as Finchley) presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Henslowe, Philip, 1593: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1594: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1594: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1596: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Henslowe, Philip, 1597: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Henslowe, Philip, 1597: presented twice at two Courts by the Commissioners of Sewers in July
Henslowe, Philip, 1597: presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Henslowe, Philip, 1598: Assessor for Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1598: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Henslowe, Philip, 1598-1611: Certificates of Residence issued
Henslowe, Philip, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Henslowe, Philip, 1603: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Henslowe, Philip, 1604: appeared twice before the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Henslowe, Philip, 1604: presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Henslowe, Philip, 1605: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Henslowe, Philip, 1605: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Henslowe, Philip, 1605: presented multiple times by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Henslowe, Philip, 1606: gentleman, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Henslowe, Philip, 1606: present at the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Henslowe, Philip, 1607-08: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Henslowe, Philip, 1607-13: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Henslowe, Philip, 1608: esquire, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Henslowe, Philip, 1608: named in, and witness to, the will of Hugh Davis
Henslowe, Philip, 1608-09: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Henslowe, Philip, 1610-11: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Henslowe, Philip, 1611, 1614: one of the "bargainers" for purchasing the rectory
Henslowe, Philip, 1613-15: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Henslowe, Philip, 1613-15: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Henslowe, Philip, 1614: gentleman, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Henslowe, Philip, 1615: mentioned in the will of William Hovell
Henslowe, Philip, 1616: deceased, mentioned in the will of his widow Agnes Henslowe
Henslowe, Philip, 1616: esquire, his will
Henslowe, Philip, 1617: king's servant, deceased, named in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Henslowe, William, 1616: named in the will of his brother Philip Henslowe
Henslowe, William, 1617: of Sussex, plaintiff in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Heppey, Thomas, 1569: named in the muster for Clink Liberty
Herbert, Penelope, 1646: of Covent Garden, named in the will of John Hayman
Herd, Richard, 1618: defendant in Andrews v Wollaston in Star Chamber
Herdson, Edward, 1593: he & his family inmates in Stephen Grantham's house
Herdson, Edward, 1593: servant, named in the will of his master John Addis
Herdson, Edward, 1595: he & his family inmates in Henry Green's house
Herling, Godfrey, 1589: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Herne, Alice, 1636: named in the will of her brother Stephen Emmons
Herne, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16r
Herne, Robert, 1645: named in the will of his brother Henry Darvell
Heron, Poynings, 1583: esquire, named in the muster for Brixton
Herring, Ann, 1593: witness to the will of George Goldwell
Herring alias Little, John, 1614: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord William Badger
Hertogen (’sHertogen), Anna, 1587: named in the will of her husband Peter Desmaistres
Hesant, ---, 1632: widow, deceased, her child put out to care by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hesant, ---, 1632: widow, deceased, her goods sold by the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hesant, John, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.15r, 42v
Hester, Thomas, 1624: named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Hewetson, Christopher, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hewetson, John, 1638: witness to the will of John Watts
Hewett, ---, 1622-24: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hewett, Edward, 1626: gentleman, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hewett, John, 1588: named in the will of Richard Robinson
Hewett, John, 1593: witness to the will of Henry Williams (1)
Hewett, Luke, 1646: servant, named in the will of Joshua Phineas
Hewett, William, 1646: witness to the will of Richard Bonney
Hewitt, John, 1590: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hewlett, Augustine, 1593: notary public, named in the will of Elizabeth Atkinson
Hewlett, Augustine, 1593: notary public, named in the will of William Bennett
Hewson, John, 1573: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hewson, Matthew, 1575: witness to the will of Leonard Watson
Heydon: see Hayden
Heyett, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Heylin, Rowland, 1627: alderman of London, named in the will of John Marshall
Heywood, Hans, 1559: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Heywood, Jasper, 1583: a Jesuit imprisoned in the Clink
Heywood, John, 1551: servant, Paris Garden, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hibberd, ---, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hibbersty, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hickles, Thomas, 1595: he and his family inmates in Thomas Richardson's house in Christopher Alley
Hickman, Margaret, 1590: named in the will of her brother William Morrey
Hickman, Richard, 1648: witness to the will of Robert Forman
Hickman, Robert, 1598: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hickman, Walter, 1601-08: Certificates of Residence issued
Hickman, Walter, 1607: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hickock, George, 1574: tailor, his will
Hickock, John, 1574: named in the will of his father George Hickock
Hickock, Mary, 1574: named in the will of her husband George Hickock
Hickock, Thomas, 1574: named in the will of his father George Hickock
Hickock, William, 1629: brewer of St Olave, named in the will of Nicholas Newman
Hicks, Edward, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21v
Hicks, Elizabeth, 1604: named in the will of her husband Nicholas Hicks
Hicks, George, 1604: named in the will of his brother Nicholas Hicks
Hicks, Nicholas, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hicks, Nicholas, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hicks, Nicholas, 1604: yeoman, his will
Hicks, Richard, 1563-64: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hicks, Thomas, 1624-26: Certificates of Residence issued
Hickson, William, 1601: named in the will of Leonard Smith
Hide: see Hyde
Higgins, ---, 1594: he and his wife inmates in Richard Blower's house in Pepper Alley
Higgins, Barnard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15v
Higgins, John, 1588: named in the will of Richard Badcock
Higgins, John, 1588: witness to the will of Richard Badcock
Higgins, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Higgins, Thomas, 1595: has Peter Franklin & family as inmates in his house at the Cock
Higginson, Thomas, 1595: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Higgs, Robert, 1586: gentleman of St Saviour, a recusant imprisoned in the Clink
Highland, ---, 1636: presented by the churchwardens
Highland, Samuel, 1640: in Collier and Sack Alley, Boroughside, presented for not taking communion; see file entries 573, 574
Highland, Samuel, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hildrop, Barnaby, 1595: named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hildrop, Edward, 1595: mentioned in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hildrop, John, 1595: named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hildrop, Richard, 1595: named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hildrop, William, 1595: named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hill, ---, 1624: widow, named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Hill, ---, 1630: named in the will of her niece Ann Camden
Hill, Alice, 1628: widow, named in the will of Christopher Blundell
Hill, Andrew, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16v
Hill, Ann, 1641: named in the will of John Longman
Hill, Charles, 1622: of London, defendant in Burnaby v Bull in Star Chamber
Hill, Christopher, 1614: tenant, mentioned in the will of his landlord William Badger
Hill, Daniel, 1624-28: Certificates of Residence issued
Hill, Daniel, 1631: witness to the will of William Knott
Hill, Edward, 1641: named in the will of John Longman
Hill, Elizabeth, 1641: named in the will of her father John Longman
Hill, Emerick, 1642: witness to the will of Edward Hammond
Hill, George, 1589: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hill, George, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hill, George, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hill, Isabel, 1638: widow of Andrew, presented by the churchwardens for fornication
Hill, John, 1562: citizen and ironmonger, witness to the will of Thomas Gilbert
Hill, John, 1603: witness to the will of Robert Bird
Hill, John, 1641: named in the will of John Longman
Hill, Margery, 1608: named in the will of John Launde
Hill, Matthew, 1625: named in the will of Tobias Brewer
Hill, Matthew, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Hill, Nehemiah, 1592: named in the will of Agnes Early
Hill, Nicholas, 1614: named in the will of Edward Ellis
Hill, Peter, 1584: presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Hill, Richard, 1590: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hill, Richard, 1628: named in the will of Christopher Blundell
Hill, Robert, 1598-1606: Certificates of Residence issued
Hill, Simon, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hill, Thomas, 1602: witness to the will of Richard Halsey
Hill, Thomas, 1641: parson, named in the will of John Longman
Hill, Wanton, 1621: scrivener, witness to the will of Samuel Leech
Hill, Wawton, 1615: writer of the will of John Ellis
Hill, William, 1628: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hiller, Hannah, 1616: named in the will of William Brown
Hiller, James, 1571: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hiller, Nicholas, 1626-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hilliard, ---, 1601: steward of the Inns of Court, named in the will of Leonard Smith
Hilliard, Ellen, 1616: named in the will of her brother Richard Brown
Hilliard, Henry, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hilliard, Robert, 1623: signed a bond to save the liberty of Paris Garden from supporting a bastard child
Hilliard, Robert, 1625: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hilliard, Samuel, 1637: presented by the churchwardens for being a Brownist
Hilliard, Thomas, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Hilliard, Thomas, 1650: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hilliard, Thomas, 1650: reeceived money from the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hilliard, Thomas, 1660: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hills, Annis, 1579: named in the will of her husband John Hills
Hills, Barbara, 1600: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hills, Ellen, 1624: of St Saviour, named in the will of her brother Richard Cam
Hills, John, 1568: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hills, John, 1579: citizen and skinner, his will
Hills, John, 1593: named in the will of William Gately
Hills, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.25r
Hills, Peter, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hills, Peter, 1585: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hills, Peter, 1585-86: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hills, Peter, 1585-86: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hills, Robert, 1601-05: Certificates of Residence issued
Hills, Robert, 1624: mariner of St Saviour, named in the will of his brother in law Richard Cam
Hills, Thomas, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hills, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hills, Thomas, 1621: linendraper of Newgate, named in the will of Joan Benson
Hills, Thomas, 1624: named in the will of his uncle Richard Cam
Hills, William, 1579: of Suffolk, named in the will of his uncle John Hills
Hills. Peter, 1579: of Suffolk, named in the will of his brother John Hills
Hilt, Rachel, 1624: named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Hilton, ---, 1641: Dame, Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hilton, Henry, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hilton, William, 1587: witness to the will of Martin Bateman
Hind, Ann, 1625: named in the will of her husband Richard Hind
Hind, Edward, 1583: gentleman, named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Hind, Edward, 1601-02: Certificates of Residence issued
Hind, Joan, 1574: named in the will of George Hickock
Hind, John, 1585: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hind, John, 1621: witness to the will of Samuel Leech
Hind, John, 1625: named in the will of his father Richard Hind
Hind, Mary, 1593: servant, named in the will of her master Henry Williams (1)
Hind, Richard, 1622: overseer of the poor of Boroughside (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hind, Richard, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hind, Richard, 1625: named in the will of his father Richard Hind
Hind, Richard, 1625: citizen and salter, his will
Hind, William, 1625: Boroughside, east side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hind, William, 1625: named in the will of his father Richard Hind
Hind, William, 1635: mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hinkson, William, 1603: waterman, named in the will of Roger Swain
Hinsley, Edmund, 1590: named in the will of his brother in law William Morrey
Hinstonberry, Roger, 1567: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hinton, Ellen, 1596: named in the will of her husband William Hinton
Hinton, Griffin, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hinton, Griffith, 1624: named in the will of Jacob Mead
Hinton, Griffith, 1625: witness to the will of Roger Cole
Hinton, Griffith, 1626: witness to the will of John Haslett
Hinton, Griffith, 1627: named in the will of John Kellock
Hinton, Richard, 1596: named in the will of his brother William Hinton
Hinton, Thomas, 1596: named in the will of his son William Hinton
Hinton, William, 1594: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hinton, William, 1596: his will
Hinxtonbury, Ann, 1568: minor, named in the will of her mother Ann Freeman
Hippern, Richard, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Hitchman, Ann, 1603: named in the will of her father in law John Butler
Hitchman, Ann, 1603: named in the will of her husband Robert Hitchman
Hitchman, Frances, 1603: named in the will of her father Robert Hitchman
Hitchman, James, 1603: named in the will of his father Robert Hitchman
Hitchman, James, 1620: witness to the will of Joan Atkinson
Hitchman, Robert, 1594: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hitchman, Robert, 1599: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hitchman, Robert, 1600: of Paris Garden, named by the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Hitchman, Robert, 1600: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hitchman, Robert, 1601: mentioned in the will of Thomas Iremonger
Hitchman, Robert, 1603: his will
Hithell, Agnes, 1608: named in the will of John Launde
Hoar, John, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hoar, John, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hoar, John, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hoast, Jacob, 1591: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobart, Henry, 1617: Chief Justice of Common Pleas, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hobart, Henry, 1619-20: Chief Justice of Common Pleas, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hobbs, Thomas, 1626-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobbs, Thomas, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobbs, William, 1624: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobbs, William, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobby, John, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobby, Thomas, 1606: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobby, Thomas, 1620-21: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobby, Thomas, 1627-28: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobby, William, 1589-95: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobday, John, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobday, Lewis, 1603: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hobday, Lewis, 1623-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hoblin, Peter, 1628-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobson, ---, 1578: Mr, amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hobson, ---, 1646: minister at St George, Southwark, named in the will of Ann Austen
Hobson, Ann, 1624: widow of John, named in the will of her mother Grace Bromfield
Hobson, Augustine, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hobson, Augustine, 1625: witness to the will of Joan Angel
Hobson, Augustine, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hobson, Augustine, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hobson, Augustine, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hobson, Bartholomew, 1602: named in the will of Marie Hobson
Hobson, Christian, 1602: named in the will of her aunt Marie Hobson
Hobson, Christopher, 1628-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobson, Dennis, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24r
Hobson, Ellen, 1576: maidservant, named in the will of Nicholas Martin
Hobson, John, 1624: gentleman of Hampshire, deceased, mentioned in the will of his mother in law Grace Bromfield
Hobson, John, 1628: porter of London, named in the will of John Norton
Hobson, Joseph, 1640: at the Wheat Sheaf, presented by the churchwardens for not being at church
Hobson, Marie, 1602: spinster, her will
Hobson, Martha, 1602: named in the will of Marie Hobson
Hobson, William, 1593: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hobson, William, 1594: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hobson, William, 1602: named in the will of his sister Marie Hobson
Hobson, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hobson, William, 1628: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hobson, William, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hobson, William, 1635: witness to the will of Samuel Simons
Hobson, William, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hobson, William, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hoby, Edward, 1589: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hoby, Edward, 1607-10: Sir, Certificates of Residence issued
Hockett, Jane, 1628: Clink Liberty, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hockland, Ann, 1563: witness to the will of Arthur Keene
Hockland, Christopher, 1563: schoolmaster, named in the will of Arthur Keene
Hockly, ---, 1624: widow, deceased, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hockly, Ralph, 1611: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hocknell, Margery, 1612: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hocknell, Ralph, 1604: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hocknell, Ralph, 1611-12mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry:
Hodden, Roger, 1605: named in the will of John Emson
Hodge, Henry, 1583: named in the will of Jane Palmer
Hodge, Richard, 1575: mentioned in the will of his landlord William Emerson
Hodgenavy, John, 1572: in Doncaster, named in the will of his niece Magdalen Hodgenavy
Hodgenavy, Magdalen, 1572: maidservant, her will
Hodges, ---, 1593: Goodwife, witness to the will of Peter Slynehead
Hodges, Henry, 1591: named in the will of William Hodges
Hodges, Richard, 1579: in Cornhill, named in the will of John Hills
Hodges, Roger, 1591: named in the will of his father William Hodges
Hodges, William, 1572: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hodges, William, 1591: queen's servant, his will
Hodges, William, 1619: named in the will of William Benfield
Hodgins, John, 1641: servant, named in the will of his mistress Joan Stockton
Hodgkins, John, 1579: waterman, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hodgkins, John, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hodgkins, John, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hodgkins, John, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hodgkinson, John, 1572: named in the will of his fiancée Magdalen Hodgenavy
Hodgkinson, Richard, 1572: butcher, witness to the will of Magdalen Hodgenavy
Hodgkinson, Richard, 1612: witness to the will of Mary Brinton
Hodgson, Edmund, 1587-88: Certificates of Residence issued
Hodgson, Henry, 1621-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hodgson, John, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hodgson, John, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hodgson, John, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hodies, William, 1569: named in the muster for Clink Liberty
Hodson, John, 1578: mentioned in the will of Thomas Atkinson (1)
Hodson, John, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hoeckynges, Basnan, 1582: witness to the will of John Kiteman
Hogg, Bryan, 1583: named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Hoggis, ---, 1579: Mr, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hoke, Thomas, 1594: a Certificate of Residence issued
Holbrook, ---, 1594: Mr, of Kent, an inmate in widow Leonard's house in Churchyard Alley
Holcroft, Juliana, 1588-93: widow, Certificates of Residence issued
Holcroft, Thomas, 1579: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Holden, Francis, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Holden, Nicholas, 1591: a Certificate of Residence issued
Holden, William, 1592-94: Certificates of Residence issued
Holdenby, Nicholas, 1578: named in the will of Thomas Atkinson (1)
Holding, Alice, 1640: named in the will of Roger Swetnam
Holding, Gilbert, 1589: witness to the will of Peter Birchley
Holdsworth, ---, 1635: Mr, named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Holdsworth, John, 1561: witness to the will of John Garland
Holdsworth, Richard, 1635: named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Holdsworth, Seth, 1629: a Certificate of Residence issued
Holdworth, Abigail, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Holdworth, John, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Holdworth, Love, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hole, ---, 1563: Goodwife, named in the will of Arthur Keene
Hole, Thomas, 1575: brownbaker, named in the will of John Payne
Holford, William, 1583: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Holford, William, 1585-87: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Holford, William, 1585: named in the will of Richard Beckett
Holford, William, 1585: witness to the will of Richard Beckett
Hollabee, Nicholas, 1564: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hollam, Bridget, 1618: named in the will of her husband Stephen Hollam
Hollam, Esther, 1618: named in the will of her father Stephen Hollam
Hollam, John, 1618: named in the will of his father Stephen Hollam
Hollam, Robert, 1618: named in the will of his brother Stephen Hollam
Hollam, Stephen, 1618: citizen and shipwright, his will
Hollam, Ward, Dorothy, 1618: named in the will of her brother Stephen Hollam
Hollamby, ---, 1579: named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hollanby, Nicholas, [undated, 1558-1579]: plaintiff in Hollanby v Emerson in Chancery
Holland, ---, 1600: named in the will of Mary Robinson
Holland, Ann, 1609: named in the will of her husband John Holland
Holland, Cornelius, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Holland, Edmund, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Holland, John, 1603: mentioned in the will of Thomas Pope
Holland, John, 1609: named in the will of his father John Holland
Holland, John, 1609: tailor, his will
Holland, Margaret, 1632: named in the will of her nephew Matthew Tart
Holland, Mary, 1609: named in the will of her father John Holland
Holland, Robert, 1609: named in the will of his brother John Holland
Holland, Robert, 1625: named in the will of his sister Bridget Stevens
Holland, Stephen, 1615: witness to the will of John Ellis
Hollandby, Nicholas, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Holliday, Henry, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Holliday, Thomas, 1572: mason, named in the will of Edward Osborn
Hollis, Elizabeth, 1594: widow, has several inmates in her house in Pepper Alley
Hollis, Elizabeth, 1594: widow, has Stephen Granfield as inmate in her house in Frying Pan Alley
Hollish, William, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Holloway, ---, 1593: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Holloway, Edward, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.23v
Holloway, John, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Holloway, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Holloway, John, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Holloway, John, 1594: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Holloway, John, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Holloway, Margaret, 1616: wife of Robert, named in the will of George Donne
Holloway, Martin, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.16r
Holloway, Robert, 1616: named in the will of George Donne
Holloway, Thomas, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hollowell: see Halliwell
Holly, Edmund, 1582: named in the will of his brother in law Thomas Burfam
Holly, Edward, 1562: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Holly, Elizabeth, 1582: named in the will of her brother in law Thomas Burfam
Holly, James, 1582: son of Edmund, named in the will of Thomas Burfam
Holly, Joseph, 1582: son of Edmund, named in the will of Thomas Burfam
Hollyland, ---, 1565: Mrs, wife of minister, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hollyland, James, 1564-65: minister, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hollyland, James, 1565: a minister at St Saviour
Hollyoak, Ann, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Hollyoak, Robert, 1630: named in the will of Ellen Harris
Holman, Richard, 1616: of the Inner Temple, named in the will of John Goffe
Holman, Richard, 1620: gentleman, defendant in Hanmer v Leader in Star Chamber
Holman, Richard, 1625-26: Certificates of Residence issued
Holman, Richard, 1625: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Holmby, John, 1649: servant, named in the will of John Owen
Holmden, Edward, 1591: nominated but not chosen as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
Holmden, George, 1618: gentleman, defendant in Cawarden v Dalton in Star Chamber
Holmden, John, 1628: Certificates of Residence issued
Holmes, Alice, 1605: named in the will of Edward Addison
Holmes, Clement, 1597: named in the will of Gilbert Rocket
Holmes alias Cranfield, Clement, 1602: named in the will of Elizabeth Rocket
Holmes, Ellis, 1636: named in the will of Thomas Wentworth
Holmes, James, 1639: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of Richard Benfield
Holmes, Jerome, 1634: presented by the churchwardens for incontinency
Holmes, John, [undated]: at the Mermaid, presented by the churchwardens
Holmes, John, 1594: named in the will of John Drew
Holmes, John, 1611: paid to take Alice Gilden as apprentice
Holmes, Peter, 1593: scrivener, witness to the will of William Gately
Holmes, Peter, 1594: scrivener, named in the will of Richard Bowmer
Holmes, Peter, 1603: witness to the will of Arthur Horseman
Holt, Francis, 1614: gent of London, plaintiff in Holt v Woodward in Star Chamber
Holt, Katherine, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Holt, Thomas, 1590: a Certificate of Residence issued
Holt, Thomas, 1594: named in the will of John Brown (2)
Holt, Thomas, 1614: knight of Warwickshire, named in Holt v Woodward in Star Chamber
Holt alias Skinner, William, 1580: named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Homan, George, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Homead, John, 1595: of Winchester, mentioned in the will of Rose Bowmer
Homead, Richard, 1595: son of John, named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Homerson, Robert, 1586: a recusant imprisoned in the Clink or Gatehouse
Hone, Garret, 1563: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hone, Garret, 1569: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hone, Garrett, 1569-70: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hone, John, 1607: doctor of laws, mentioned in the will of John Preston
Hone, Lambert, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17r
Honor, William, 1594: he & his family inmates in William Lynch's house in Pepper Alley
Honor, William, 1617: age 88 years, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hood, Edmund, 1575: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hood, Luce, 1601: named in the will of John Bromfield
Hood, Marie, 1601: named in the will of John Bromfield
Hook, ---, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Hook alias Leake, Henry, 1586: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hook, Peter, 1559: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hook, Robert, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19v
Hook, Thomas, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21v
Hooper, John, 1580: scrivener, witness to the will of Edward Sperrin
Hooper, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.17v
Hoopill, William, 1607: gentleman, named in the will of Hugh Browker
Hoots, John, 1621: defendant in Browker v Blackwell in Star Chamber
Hope, Henry, 1630: of Shropshire, named in the will of his uncle John Cook (2)
Hope, John, 1630: of Shropshire, named in the will of his brother in law John Cook (2)
Hope, Margaret, 1630: of Shropshire, named in the will of her brother John Cook (2)
Hopkins, ---, 1571: dyer, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hopkins, ---, 1612-13: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hopkins, Elizabeth, 1607: widow, witness to the will of William Barnaby
Hopkins, Humphrey, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.25r,v
Hopkins, John, 1595: tailor, an inmate in William Evely's house in the New Rents
Hopkins, John, 1628: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hopkins, John, 1637-39: in Chain Gate, presented for bawdry and disorder; see file entries 554, 563
Hopkins, Matthew, 1644: witness to the will of James Cuthbert
Hopkinson, Ephraim, 1608: witness to the will of Edmund Snape
Hord, ---, 1616: of London, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Hord, Roger, 1558: named in the will of Nicholas Lentall
Horn, John, 1603: witness to the will of Joan Benbrick
Horn, John, 1603: writer of the will of John Benbrick
Horn, John, 1605: witness to the will of Ann Bradshaw
Horn, John, 1625: named in the will of John Gloster
Horn, John, 1625: witness to the will of Anthony Alfrey
Horn, John, 1625: witness to the will of William Battey
Horn, John, 1625: witness to the will of John Coleman
Horn, John, 1625: witness to the will of John Heaver
Horn, John, 1629: scrivener, witness to the will of Thomas Thorn
Horn, John, 1629: witness to the will of Jane Martin
Horn, Lewis, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Horn, Robert, 1570: bishop of Winchester, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Horn, Robert, 1570: bishop of Winchester, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Horn, Robert, 1571: bishop of Winchester, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in July
Horn, Robert, 1571: bishop of Winchester, presented twice by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Horn, Robert, 1574: bishop of Winchester, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Horn, Robert, 1574: bishop of Winchester, wrote a letter to the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Horn, Robert, 1578: bishop of Winchester, amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hornblow, Thomas, 1606: goldsmith, represented Margaret Emerson at the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hornblow, William, 1581: witness to the will of George Skevington
Horrabin, William, 1603: his child mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Horsell, Walter, 1579: notary public, named in the will of Thomas Etherege
Horseman, Arthur, 1600: witness to the will of Otwell Wild
Horseman, Arthur, 1603: citizen and joiner, his will
Horseman, Rose, 1603: named in the will of her husband Arthur Horseman
Horsley, John, 1590-91: Certificates of Residence issued
Horton (later Russell), Joan, 1617: defendant in Henslowe v Alleyn in Star Chamber
Horton, ---, 1592: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Horton, ---, 1608: defendant in Browker v Molyneux in Star Chamber
Horton, Thomas, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Horton, Thomas, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Horton, Thomas, 1599: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Horton, Thomas, 1600: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hosier, Charles, 1624: Boroughside, in the Close, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hoskins, Charles, 1591-93: Certificates of Residence issued
Hoskins, Joan, 1595: widow, named in the will of Rose Bowmer
Hoskins, John, 1579: witness to the will of Agnes Addinson
Hoskins, Miloe, 1645: named in the will of Emm Clark
Hoskins, William, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Host (see also De Horste, Hurst, Oast), James, 1585: a Certificate of Residence issued
Host, Abraham, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Host, James, 1593: elder of the Dutch Church, named in the will of Lieven van den Put
Host, William, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Houghton: try also Haughton
Houghton, Martha, 1638: named in the will of her uncle John Sedgwick
Houghton, Mary, 1638: named in the will of her brother John Sedgwick
Houghton, Robert, 1638: named in the will of his brother in law John Sedgwick
House, ---, 1585: Mr, named in the will of George Merrick
House, ---, 1606.html: vestryman, named in a complaint against the vestry
House, Joan, 1597: named in the will of Gilbert Rocket
House, John, 1614: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
House, Richard, 1634: victualler, presented by the churchwardens for drinking
House, Robert, 1587-91: served as Alderman of Bridge Ward Without
House, Thomas, 1557-59: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1561: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
House, Thomas, 1564: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
House, Thomas, 1565-81: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1569-79: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
House, Thomas, 1570-73: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1581-1608: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1583: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
House, Thomas, 1585-87: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1585-95: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
House, Thomas, 1590: named in the will of William Morrey
House, Thomas, 1593-94: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1593: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
House, Thomas, 1594: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
House, Thomas, 1594: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
House, Thomas, 1597-1607: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
House, Thomas, 1597: embroiderer, named in the will of Gilbert Rocket
House, Thomas, 1598: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
House, Thomas, 1599-1600: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1599: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
House, Thomas, 1606: defendant in a lawsuit against the vestry
House, Thomas, 1607: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
House, Thomas, 1609: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hovell, ---, 1619: Mrs, named in the will of Ann Russell
Hovell, Ann, 1615: named in the will of her brother William Hovell
Hovell, Joan, 1615: named in the will of her husband William Hovell
Hovell, Joan, 1620: widow, her will
Hovell, Nicholas, 1615: carpenter of Essex, named in the will of his brother William Hovell
Hovell, William, 1615: gentleman, his will
Howard, Ann, 1623-24: Lady, a Certificate of Residence issued
Howard, Charles, 1624: Lord, a Certificate of Residence issued
Howard, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Howard, Philip, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Howe, ---, 1625: Goodwife, named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Howe, Ann, 1633: witness to the will of Margaret Dancer
Howe, Elizabeth, 1625: named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Howe, Elizabeth, 1625: servant, named in the will of her mistress Joan Angel
Howe, James, 1617: neighbor, named in the will of Richard Rutter
Howe, James, 1620: named in the will of Joan Atkinson
Howe, James, 1621-22: scavenger for Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1622-23: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1622: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1623: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1623: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1624: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1625-26: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1625: named in the will of Richard Snelling
Howe, James, 1625: named in the will of Bridget Stevens
Howe, James, 1626: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1626-27: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1627: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1628: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1628: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20r
Howe, James, 1630: put money in the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1631: constable for Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1631: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1633: named in the will of Margaret Dancer
Howe, James, 1634: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1634: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1634: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1634: audited the accounts of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1634: waterman of St Saviour, named in the will of Thomas Rudge
Howe, James, 1635: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1635: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Howe, James, 1636: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1636: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1637: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1637: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1637-38: churchwarden, overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1638: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1639: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1639: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1640: deposited money for coal to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1640-41: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1641: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1641: Paris Garden, assessed in the lay subsidy
Howe, James, 1642: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1642: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1645: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1646: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1647: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1648: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1649: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1650: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1650: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1650: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1652: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1652: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1655: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1656: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1656: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1656: bought coal for the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1656: has one of the keys to the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1658: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1658: bought coal for the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1658: has one of the keys to the chest of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1660: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1660: sold coal on behalf of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1661: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1662: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1662: sold coal on behalf of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, James, 1671: alderman of Bridge Without ward
Howe, Jeremiah, 1662: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, Joan, 1617: maidservant, named in the will of Richard Rutter
Howe, John, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.20v
Howe, Richard, 1662: bought coal on behalf of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, Richard, 1671: paid money on behalf of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Howe, Robert, 1602: servant, named in the will of his master Avery Butcher
Howe, Thomas, 1605-06: a Certificate of Residence issued
Howe, William, 1600: scrivener, witness to the will of Henry Martin
Howell, ---, 1582: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Howell, ---, 1583: widow, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Howell, ---, 1625: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Howell, Agnes, 1625: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Howell, Agnes, 1633: named in the will of her brother in law Rice Howell
Howell, Anthony, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24r
Howell, James, 1633: named in the will of his brother Rice Howell
Howell, Joan, 1633: the younger, named in the will of Rice Howell
Howell, John, 1575: mentioned in the will of his landlord William Emerson
Howell, John, 1586: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Howell, John, 1633: named in the will of Rice Howell
Howell, Rice, 1633: waterman, his will
Howell, Samuel, 1588: mother and child mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Howell, Sibyl, 1633: named in the will of her husband Rice Howell
Howell, William, 1649: usher of the free school.
Hower, William, 1587: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Howland, Giles, 1602-04: Certificates of Residence issued
Howland, Giles, 1604: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Howlett, Edward, 1587: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Howlett, Nicholas, 1664: named in the will of his godfather Mark Frank
Hownsham, Edward, 1600-02: Certificates of Residence issued
Hubbard, ---, 1608: grocer of London, mentioned in the will of John Payne (3)
Hubbard, John, 1580: servant, named in the will of Thomas Skinner
Hubbard, William, 1638: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of John Cole
Hubbersty, Elizabeth, 1624: widow, named in the will of Grace Bromfield
Hubbersty, James, 1612: named in the will of Mary Brinton
Hubbersty, William, 1646: witness to the will of Joshua Phineas
Huchinson, Christopher, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Huckney, Ralph, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hudd, ---, 1579: Goodwife, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Huddles, ---, 1578: widow, amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Huddles, Edmund, 1571: he & his wife mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hudson, Edward, 1646: named in the will of his godmother Ann Austen
Hudson, Henry, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Hudson, Jane, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Hudson, John, 1563: servant, named in the will of Arthur Keene
Hudson, John, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Hudson, John, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hudson, Margaret, 1646: named in the will of Ann Austen
Hudson, Marmaduke, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21r
Hudson, Nicholas, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hudson, Nicholas, 1584: mentioned in the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Hudson, Peter, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Hudson, Richard, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.18v
Hudson, Robert, 1635: haberdasher of London, named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Hudson, Robert, 1635: named in the will of Paul Micklethwaite
Hudson, Thomas, 1627: witness to the will of John Marshall
Hudson, Thomas, 1650: scrivener's apprentice, witness to the will of Thomas Yates
Hudson, William, 1598: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hudson, William, 1599: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hudson, William, 1600: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Huff, Nicholas, 1551: Boroughside, stranger, assessed in the lay subsidy
Huggins, Sebastian, 1584: listed as an archer in the muster for Southwark
Hugginson, Michael, 1626: witness to the will of Dame Joyce Clark
Hughes, Edward, 1599: priest, a recusant imprisoned in the Clink
Hughes, Henry, 1593: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hughes, Henry, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hughes, Henry, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hughes, James, 1606: did the Southwark probate inventory for Edward Bensted
Hughes, Joan, 1605: wife of Ralph, named in the will of John Emson
Hughes, John, 1567: blacksmith of London, named in the will of Thomas Tedder
Hughes, John, 1567: named in the will of Thomas Tedder
Hughes, Katherine, 1605: maidservant, named in the will of her master John Emson
Hughes, Peter, 1605: brother of Katherine, named in the will of John Emson
Hughes, Ralph, 1605: named in the will of John Emson
Hughes, Richard, 1609: pawned items to the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hughes, Richard, 1609: witness to the will of Nicholas Atkinson
Hughes, Richard, 1640: cobbler in Counter Lane, presented for a common drunkard; see file entries 572, 573
Hughes, Sarah, 1646: servant, named in the will of John Hayman
Hughes, Simon, 1600: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hughes, William, 1639: porter in Coleman Street, named in the will of Richard Dowdswell
Hugman, ---, 1579: Goodman, named in the will of Agnes Addinson
Hulbert, Elizabeth, 1635-37: presented for incest; see file entries 538, 551
Hulks, Thomas, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hulks, William, 1594: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hull, John, 1624-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hull, John, 1625: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hull, John, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Huly, Henry, 1593: witness to the will of Ralph Blythe
Humble, ---, 1589: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1594: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1596-1601: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Humble, ---, 1603: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1605: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1608: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1610: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Humble, ---, 1617: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, Peter, 1616-17: Mr, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Humble, Richard, 1584: listed as a billman in the muster for Southwark
Humble, Richard, 1586-87: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Humble, Richard, 1589: vintner, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Humble, Richard, 1592-93: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Humble, Richard, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1593-94: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Humble, Richard, 1593-1600: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Humble, Richard, 1594: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in a lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1594: witness to the will of John Drew
Humble, Richard, 1597: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, Richard, 1598: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1599: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1599: fined by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Humble, Richard, 1599: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Humble, Richard, 1600: a juror for the Commissioners of Sewers in March
Humble, Richard, 1600: assessed by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Humble, Richard, 1600: Assessor for Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humble, Richard, 1600: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Humble, Richard, 1606: complainant in a lawsuit against the vestry
Humble, Richard, 1612: vintner, mentioned in the will of William Atkinson
Humble, Richard, 1616: Mr, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Humble, Richard, 1635: deceased, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Humphrey, ---, 1625: Mr, mentioned in the will of George Payne
Humphrey, Ann, 1639: named in the will of John Kendall alias Tindall
Humphrey, John, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a lay subsidy
Humphrey, John, 1628: Boroughside, streetside west from the Bridge, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Humphrey, John, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Humphrey, John, 1639: linendraper, named in the will of Richard Dowdswell
Humphrey, John, 1639: named in the will of his nephew John Kendall alias Tindall
Humphrey, John, 1641-42: Certificates of Residence issued
Humphrey, John, 1641: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humphrey, Katherine, 1626: named in the will of Dame Joyce Clark
Humphrey, Richard, 1569: St Saviour, poor, assessed in the lay subsidy
Humphrey, Richard, 1623: witness to the will of Thomas Johnson
Humphreys, Thomas, 1638: tenant, mentioned in the will of John Watts
Hungate, Robert, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hunnings, Peter, 1578: amerced by the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hunnis, William, 1560: committeeman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hunnis, William, 1560: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1574: mentioned in the minutes of the Commissioners of Sewers in January
Hunt, ---, 1580: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1582: Mrs, named in the will of William Bird
Hunt, ---, 1584-85: Serjeant, mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hunt, ---, 1587: Mr Serjeant, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1587: named in the will of his nephew Edward Hunt
Hunt, ---, 1587: Serjeant, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hunt, ---, 1600: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1604: Mrs, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1605: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1609: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1613: Father, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, ---, 1624: Mr, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, Edward, 1577: mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hunt, Edward, 1581-83: mentioned each of these years at meetings of the vestry
Hunt, Edward, 1582-83: churchwarden (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hunt, Edward, 1582-87: vestryman (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hunt, Edward, 1583: gentleman, named in the muster for Brixton
Hunt, Edward, 1583: named in the will of Jane Palmer
Hunt, Edward, 1584: Serjeant at the Mace, presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in October
Hunt, Edward, 1585-87: Certificates of Residence issued
Hunt, Edward, 1585: serjeant at arms, equipment deemed defective in the muster for Southwark
Hunt, Edward, 1586: serjeant at arms, named in the will of William Cox
Hunt, Edward, 1587: esquire, his will
Hunt, Edward, 1587: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hunt, Edward, 1627: overseer of the poor (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hunt, Eleanor, 1619: witness to the will of William Benfield
Hunt, Felix, 1621-26: Certificates of Residence issued
Hunt, Felix, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Felix, 1627: overseer of the poor (see vestry minutes for desired date)
Hunt, Felix, 1628: Boroughside, in the churchyard, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Felix, 1628: Boroughside, west side from the Bell, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Felix, 1635: grocer, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hunt, Francis, 1587: named in the will of his brother Edward Hunt
Hunt, Gabriel, 1603: witness to the will of John Halsey
Hunt, George, 1635: brother of Felix, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hunt, George, 1636: of London, named in the will of John Clark alias Brand
Hunt, George, 1643: named in the will of Francis Grove
Hunt, Henry, 1628: Boroughside, in the Close, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hunt, Henry, 1628: Boroughside, in the Close, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hunt, Joan, 1577: wife of Edward, mentioned at meetings of the vestry this year
Hunt, Joan, 1579: named in the will of John Hills
Hunt, John, 1583: named as insufficient in the muster for Brixton
Hunt, John, 1613: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, John, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.19r
Hunt, Margaret, 1625: named in the will of her sister Joan Angel
Hunt, Mary, 1587: named in the will of her husband Edward Hunt
Hunt, Nicholas, 1576: St Mary Overy parish clerk, named in the will of Nicholas Lawrence
Hunt, Nicholas, 1578: parish clerk at St Saviour, named in the will of Richard Blissett
Hunt, Nicholas, 1584: parish clerk at St Saviour, witness to the will of John Day
Hunt, Nicholas, 1587: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, Nicholas, 1601: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, Nicholas, 1621: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hunt, Nicholas, 1641: Certificates of Residence issued
Hunt, Richard, 1625: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Richard, 1630: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hunt, Richard, 1645: citizen and mercer, named in the will of Mary Brown
Hunt, Salomon, 1593: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Salomon, 1594: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hunt, Solomon, 1589: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, Thomas, 1603: knight, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, Thomas, 1610: knight, defendant in Garnon v Boyer in Star Chamber
Hunt, Thomas, 1642: witness to the will of James Burton
Hunt, Tobias, 1592: named in the will of his brother in law John West
Hunt, William, 1624: witness to the will of George Juby
Hunt, William, 1627: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunt, William, 1628: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hunter, John, 1598: named in the will of Thomas Atkinson (2)
Hunter, Robert, 1593: witness to the will of John Cornell
Huntley, Ellen, 1593-1611: widow, Certificates of Residence issued
Huntley, Roger, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in December
Huntley, William, 1615: son in law of ?Robert Loward, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hurdman, William, 1621-29: Certificates of Residence issued
Hurlbut, Philip, 1625: witness to the will of William Pointer
Hurlbut, Richard, 1625: witness to the will of William Pointer
Hurlbut, Richard, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.22r
Hurley, Jasper, 1602: named in the will of Parnell Fink
Hurlock, Christopher, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Hurlock, John, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hurlock, Margaret, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Hurlock, Marie, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Hurlock, Thomas, 1622: named in the will of Thomas Sivier
Hurst (see also De Horste, Host, Oast), James, 1586-88: Certificates of Residence issued
Hurst, Susan, 1625: named in the will of Anthony Alfrey
Hurt, Charles, 1602: witness to the will of James Austen
Hurt alias Hart, Charles, 1632: named in the will of his brother John Hurt alias Hart
Hurt alias Hart, Hannah, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Hurt, John, 1602: witness to the will of James Austen
Hurt, John, 1627: of Clink Liberty, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hurt alias Hart, John, 1632: yeoman, his will
Hurt, John, 1635: named in the will of his brother in law Samuel Simons
Hurt alias Hart, Martha, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Hurt alias Hart, Rebecca, 1632: named in the will of her husband John Hurt alias Hart
Hurt alias Hart, Sarah, 1632: named in the will of her father John Hurt alias Hart
Husband, Margaret, 1641: witness to the will of John Longman
Hussey, Christopher, 1662: remanded to the constable for refusing to pay highway rates
Hussey, Peter, 1665: esquire, named in the will of Sampson Carell
Hussey, Robert, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.24v
Hussey, Thomas, 1641: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hutchinson, ---, 1606: Goodwife, witness to the will of Sarah Bower
Hutchinson, ---, 1629: waterman, Upper Ground, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.21v
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1598: Boroughside, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1627-28: surveyor of highways for Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1628: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1628: attended a second meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1628: attended a third meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1630-31: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1630: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1630: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1631-32: overseer for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1631: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1632: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1633: presented by the churchwardens for partying
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1634: attended a meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1634: attended another meeting of the overseers for the poor of Paris Garden
Hutchinson, Christopher, 1635: tenant, mentioned (perhaps more than once) in a survey of new-built structures in the parish.
Hutchinson, John, 1633-35: victualler, presented for drinking; see file entries 526, 541
Hutchinson, Robert, 1596: named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Hutchinson, Robert, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hutchinson, Robert, 1606: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in April
Hutchinson, Robert, 1608: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in May
Hutchinson, William, 1629: waterman, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.15r
Hutterell, Gilbert, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.14v
Hutterell, Richard, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see fo.14v
Hutton, ---, 1585: Mr, named in the will of George Merrick
Hutton, Ann, 1642: a Certificate of Residence issued
Hutton, Jane, 1625: widow, named in the will of heer brother Alexander Kipping
Hutton, John, 1589: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in August
Hutton, Mary, 1587: named in the will of her godmother Mary Bird
Hutton, Ralph, 1629: waterman, Pepper Alley, described in the muster of watermen this year; see ff.15r, 43r
Hutton, Richard, 1584-87: Member of Parliament for Southwark
Hutton, Richard, 1588-89: Member of Parliament for Southwark
Hutton, Richard, 1593: Member of Parliament for Southwark
Hutton, Richard, 1594: esquire, St Saviour, Commissioner for Southwark, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hutton, Richard, 1600: esquire, St Saviour, Commissioner for Southwark, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hyatt, Henry, 1625: Boroughside, west side, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hyde, ---, 1587: Mr, named in the will of Mary Bird
Hyde, Bernard, 1628: Boroughside, in the Close, assessed in a lay subsidy
Hyde, Bernard, 1628: Boroughside, in the Close, assessed in a second lay subsidy
Hyde, Constance, 1603: maidservant, named in the will of her master Bartholomew Brickwood
Hyde, Joyce, 1618: mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hyde, Joyce, 1627: widow, mentioned at a meeting of the vestry this year
Hyde, Richard, 1610: Sir, a Certificate of Residence issued
Hyde, Toby, 1581: witness to the will of Nicholas Bull
Hyde, Toby, 1583: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in February
Hyde, Toby, 1588: salter, his will
Hyde, William, 1628-29: a Certificates of Residence issued
Hyde, William, 1641: Clink Liberty, assessed in the lay subsidy
Hyer, George, 1596: fishmonger, named by the Commissioners of Sewers in June
Hyer, George, 1597: presented by the Commissioners of Sewers in July
Hyer, George, 1600: assessed by the Commissioners of Sewers in December